Anyone know the dates of the season preview - presumably either the 8th or 15th edition. I’ve Googled around and can’t find anything. I used to be like a kid on Christmas morning when this got delivered. Before the days of social media and boards like this, this was THE source for the scoop on all the fall shows.
Usually is the week after Labor Day if I recall correctly?
Haven't seen it on print in a while, what is the ad spread even like without Rudin and with the waning power of print newspapers? Nobody’s doing a double truck these days, right?
Last year, articles destined for the print A&L Fall Preview started appearing online more than two weeks in advance. I don't see anything yet online this season.
Play Esq. said: "The rest of the Fall Preview is up on-line. Though like most of you, I’m waiting to buy a preview edition of the Sunday Times tomorrow."
The print version will run September 15.
Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.