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O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early- Page 5

O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early

#100re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 6:24am

^That's pretty much it right there.

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

RentHead2 Profile Photo
#101re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 7:04am

Let me post something on here and MAKE SURE MY SPELLING IS CORRECT even though what I have stated PREVIOUSLY is absolutly 100% true. The fact is even Democrats are ashamed of her and she should be viewed as anti-american in my book. I don't care what attention she has brought to the theatre community, it is sinful that Imus was dismissed and Rosie was allowed on the air waves with her comments. She should have been taken off the airwaves months and months ago. And for the record, why is everyone picking on ELISABETH - I thought in America we all had a right to an opinion. That was the last time I checked. Rosie should defend her own senseless comments - and its a fact she did compare our troops to terrorists. She sounds like a 4th grader answering comments to her blogs. The best hope for Rosie is to just remain quiet for once.

I made a list of all your faults, it was quite detailed and lengthy too and when I read it through I missed you. Your like a classic Eagles song, you just cant help but sing along even though it sometimes gets annoying too. I just know I want to be wherever I can wake and see you there next to me. **High Fidelity** Love is what I do **The Wedding Singer** Xanadu - Best NEW Musical of the Season!

#102re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 7:05am

I don't get it. I totally understand those who do not like Rosie's personality and dislike watching her on tv. I absolutely understand where the Rosie is all emotional-based argument stems from.

However, you do not need to prop up Elisabeth just to make Rosie look bad. Seriously, what are these "facts" that you speak of? Elisabeth is the type of droid you see get laughed at in Poli-Sci classes (from all sides) who would claim liberal bias when her paper gets a mediocre-to-bad grade on it.

"I've got to get me out of here This place is full of dirty old men And the navigators and their mappy maps And moldy heads and pissing on sugar cubes While you stare at your books."

#103re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 7:23am

Renthead2, are you by any chance, a Republican?

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

RentHead2 Profile Photo
#104re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 7:38am

I am proudly a republican. However, don't you find it awkward that Rosie O' quit the show abruptly and trashed her dressing room after the fight. I didn't hear quite the same come from Elisabeth. Not saying that I believe in this war, however I have friends that are over there right now and I DO NOT appreciate anyone in the public referring to them as terrorists. Especially, when they are fighting for her right for freedom. Who is she to judge? We should be supporting the troops, not mocking them.

I made a list of all your faults, it was quite detailed and lengthy too and when I read it through I missed you. Your like a classic Eagles song, you just cant help but sing along even though it sometimes gets annoying too. I just know I want to be wherever I can wake and see you there next to me. **High Fidelity** Love is what I do **The Wedding Singer** Xanadu - Best NEW Musical of the Season!

#105re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 7:41am

Especially, when they are fighting for her right for freedom.

Sorry, but that war in Iraq has nothing to do for fighting for our freedom. It was a war of choice that we should never have started in the first place!

"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions" ------- "Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu" from "Can't Stop The Music" ----- "When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth" ------------ --------- "Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.

#106re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 7:43am

She DID NOT call them terrorists! Get your facts straight. Do you also watch Fox News???

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#107re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 8:22am

She did not call them terrorists or trash her dressing room. Looks like you have the same "facts" Elisabeth does.

RentHead2 Profile Photo
#108re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 8:48am

actually it was reported on cnn/ weekly that she DID IN FACT trash her dressing room. Could all of these LIBERAL/CONSERVATIVE news outlets be wrong. I sincerly doubt it. And, with my friends over there fighting the war in IRAQ - it's sad that people like Rosie do not support the troops. I find it anti-american. Its amusing that celebrities like Rosie push their views (aka opinions) on the general public.

I made a list of all your faults, it was quite detailed and lengthy too and when I read it through I missed you. Your like a classic Eagles song, you just cant help but sing along even though it sometimes gets annoying too. I just know I want to be wherever I can wake and see you there next to me. **High Fidelity** Love is what I do **The Wedding Singer** Xanadu - Best NEW Musical of the Season!

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#109re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 9:07am

It's been widely reported that reports of Rosie trashing her dressing room were false. She did admit that her writer drew a moustache on one picture of Elisabeth.
And Rosie has made it VERY CLEAR that she does in fact support the troops and she never called them terroists. Could you do me a favor and find the quote where she said that?
I don't care if you love Rosie or hate her, but at least get your facts straight.

#110re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 9:30am

I can't believe that so many of you truly believe that what Rosie said meant that she was calling the troops terrorists. Logical, coherent, and critical thinking seems to be absent in too many of you.

Renthead2, you might want to spend a little less time on BWW and a little more time reading and listening to a variety of news sources. You're incredibly uninformed, and naive, if you think that what is going on in Iraq is 'fighting for our right for freedom', whatever the heck that means.

i_heart_roger_bart Profile Photo
#111re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 2:44pm

"You're incredibly uninformed, and naive, if you think that what is going on in Iraq is 'fighting for our right for freedom', whatever the heck that means."

Yeah, this war is hardly fighting for our freedom, but I know what he means about supporting the troops. I've got friends over there right now. And while I don't support the war AT ALL and wouldn't if you paid me, I do support the troops. They're braver than any one of us. And THAT'S a fact.

And, no, Rosie didn't outright say "Hey, by the way, our troops are terrorists". But it seemed to be implied. She just needs to watch the way she talks. Maybe if she would word her points better and speak like a calm, rational person, she could be better understood and liked.

We were fated to be mated. We're Bialystock & Bloom!

#112re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 2:53pm

And, no, Rosie didn't outright say "Hey, by the way, our troops are terrorists". But it seemed to be implied. She just needs to watch the way she talks. Maybe if she would word her points better and speak like a calm, rational person, she could be better understood and liked.

I understood her perfectly, and I never once thought her comment "implied" she was referring to our troops.

amoni Profile Photo
#113re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 2:55pm

"Renthead2, are you by any chance, a Republican?"

Better yet...Renthead2, are you by any chance, a 12 year old Republican? You're quoting Fox News? That's your facts? It's not called The Faux News Network for nothing. TMZ, a gossip column? Not one thing you have said is true. Elizabeth is entitled to her opinion, but she is not going to repeat false White House talking points without being called out on it. I see how you work. Elizabeth is entitled to her opinion but Rosie should have been off the air months ago for hers. So it's your way or the highway? That's not what America is about, at least for now. You say you have friends over there, I applaud them and wish them home safely. Rosie wants this war to end and your friends home safe too, how is that not supporting them? Please answer that, I really don't understand your point. I see no answer to Elizabeth's ignoring the troops on Memorial Day either. I thought she supported them. Maybe you should take a trip over to Rosie's site and see the lovely tribute she has.

i_heart_roger_bart Profile Photo
#114re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 3:02pm

"I understood her perfectly, and I never once thought her comment "implied" she was referring to our troops."

To me, it seemed like an implication. Whether I'm right or wrong, that's how it came off. I know she didn't mean it that way, but I'm just saying that I could understand where people could get that from her statements. Maybe if she could yell a little less..? A lot less...? Shut up...? Anything?

We were fated to be mated. We're Bialystock & Bloom!

#115re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 3:15pm

I know she didn't mean it that way

Exactly, and I think the press knew she didn't mean it that way either. But that wouldn't be a news story, now would it?

#116re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 4:05pm

"Yeah, this war is hardly fighting for our freedom, but I know what he means about supporting the troops. I've got friends over there right now. And while I don't support the war AT ALL and wouldn't if you paid me, I do support the troops. They're braver than any one of us. And THAT'S a fact."

There's one thing we can agree on. re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#117re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 5:17pm

I won't miss her.

raphael06 Profile Photo
#118re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 5:19pm

I will.

"I chose and my world was shaken. So what? The choice may have been mistaken. The choosing was not."-Sunday in the Park with George
