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O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early- Page 3

O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early

Elphie4ever Profile Photo
#50re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/27/07 at 10:12pm

The only reason why I watch the View when I have no school is because of Roise. what a bummer. i mean she's not afraid to state her own opinion. and she contributed the idea of broadway to so many viewers...
i think the view is going to go downhill..

amoni Profile Photo
#51re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/27/07 at 10:50pm

Wow. She's loud! She's fat! Yeah, well she has done more good for people in this year alone than anyone here on this board has done in a lifetime. Seems some people have anger issues, are we supposed to take your argument seriously if you can't figure out how to use SpellCheck? Oh, and just for anyone who cares about the truth, Rosie backs up her politics with facts, see her website, she provides links. Elizabeth backs hers up through an ear piece she wears directly connected to the Republican producer feeding her talking points, that's a fact. You don't think she got invited to The White House on her sparkling personality do you?

#52re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/27/07 at 10:57pm

Haha you just don't get it some people never will

i_heart_roger_bart Profile Photo
#53re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 12:57am

I'm not saying I agree with what Elizabeth says either. Like I said, I think The View is nothing but a few twits sitting around a table talking about what they think they know and get paid to do it. I could sit at a table with a bunch of stupid women and bitch and moan about our country's faults but I sure as hell wouldn't get paid for it. There's nothing intelligent about it. Especially with Rosie's uninformed, loud mouth on the show.

"And you are really one to be talking about defending your favorite actors. If anyone says a bad thing about Hunter Foster or John Treacy Egan you're on them like flies on horse ****."

First of all, they both actually have TALENT, unlike O'Donnell whose SPEAKING voice makes me want to cry. Secondly, I don't give a good god damn if anyone likes them. I like what I like and I'm not going to defend it until my ears bleed if someone else doesn't. I really don't care that much about other people's (especially ones I don't know) opinion of what I enjoy. End of story.

We were fated to be mated. We're Bialystock & Bloom!

#55re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 2:35am

If O'Donnell has no talent then why is she so famous? And people like Hunter Foster and JTE are NOT.

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

i_heart_roger_bart Profile Photo
#56re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 2:45am

Let's take a few steps backward. There's a difference between FAME and ART. O'Donnell is famous, yes. Famous for being a loud, rude, abraisive, obnoxious talk show host. And frankly, that's all she'll ever be; a C-list celebrity with a big mouth.

Foster and Egan, among many other, not world-renown theatrical actors, are artists. They have talent and are not in it to be famous. They do what they do because they love it and because they're good at it. I respect that more than a press-whore looking to shock the world with her every statement.

We were fated to be mated. We're Bialystock & Bloom!

#57re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 2:58am

She is not C-list. Very far from it. Everyone knows who she is just by saying her last name. I don't think that would be C-list.

Rosie was an actress LONG before she was a "loud, rude, abraisive, obnoxious" talk show host. She was on Star Search and was discovered as a stand up comedian and went on to being an actress.

I love Hunter and I am familiar with Egan's work, but I wouldn't call what they do ART. They are good, but they aren't brilliant. Now, I'm not saying Rosie's acting or what she does is ART either. Someone has to be REALLY good for it to be art IMO. And all three are good but not that good.

Rosie speaks her mind. It's what she is thinking. She doesn't sit at home and think to herself "I wonder what I can say on the show tommorow to get attention...." She does what she wants to do and likes it. She's not in it for the press, she doesn't even like when the press is all over her. Why do you think she friggin left the show and her original show back in 2002???

Rosie has talent. She wouldn't have made it this far if she didn't have talent. True, she can't sing. But that shouldn't stop anyone if they have the ability and talent to be on stage.

I could go on all night but I'm just stopping right here...unless you have anything you would like to add...

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

i_heart_roger_bart Profile Photo
#58re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 3:17am

Actually, I was going to say Rosie was a D-List celebrity, but I was being generous. Just because people know who you are, doesn't mean you have talent. See: Paris Hilton. See: Keanu Reeves. See: ROSIE O'DONNELL. Being a star and being and actor are different things.

Yes, I'm aware O'Donnell is also an actress. And I'm sure her work will be looked upon with great admiration for years to come. Lest we not forget the wonder of The Flintstones. Oh, and Exit to Eden. Another classic. And then there was her poignant presence in Harriet, the Spy. Wow. What a rare thing to capture on film. I wish she'd share her secret with the rest of us.

Yes, Rosie speaks her mind. And who are you to say she doesn't do it for the press? Do you follow her home every night and watch what she does with her evening? I was onboard with her when she went off on the NRA. I was onboard with her with the Gay Rights. After that, she became a stunt speaker. She speaks to get spoken of. I could be loud and obnoxious and scream about politics and current issues, but that doesn't make me an activist, and it doesn't mean I've brought so much to the world. I've seen no changes in the world thanks to Ms. Rosie O'Donnell, and until I do, I really don't care what she has to say.

And as far as talent, she has none. Point blank. The end. Goodnight.

We were fated to be mated. We're Bialystock & Bloom!

#59re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 3:55am

Rosie has talent despite what you might say.

I don't want to continue this argument because it's going no where. You have your opinion and I have mine...trouble is yours is wrong.

good night.

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

i_heart_roger_bart Profile Photo
#60re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 4:49am

Well, there's no accounting for taste.

We were fated to be mated. We're Bialystock & Bloom!

Luscious Profile Photo
#61re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 9:40am

"Well, there's no accounting for taste."

You said a mouthful.

Television has lost the voice of someone who has the courage of their convictions and isn't afraid to speak their mind regardless of how popular or unpopular their opinion may be. Was she loud? Was she abrasive? Was she relentless in defending her views? Yes, yes and yes. And some issues are important enough to be loud, abrasive and relentless about. Rock on, Rosie!

Updated On: 5/28/07 at 09:40 AM

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#62re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 11:51am

"I've seen no changes in the world thanks to Ms. Rosie O'Donnell, and until I do, I really don't care what she has to say"

Hahah! She made such a difference, I don't know where to start, from her charities, Broadwaykids, a lot of work for women, children, gays, gay marriage, politics, Broadway, her appearance on The View woke up a country.

What have YOU done to change the world for better?

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-
Updated On: 5/28/07 at 11:51 AM

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#63re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 11:57am

Just finished watching the ENTIRE first 9 minutes of last week's THE VIEW which led into Rosie and Elizabeth's now infamous exchange.

Having never seen the entire opening segment just those snippets shown in all the media, it's discusting how those few minutes were edited and manufactored by the press. Rosie's first comment was shown in the media as her final retort, etc. Simply discusting how they manipulated that entire exchange by their editing.

For anyone who actually SAW the entire opening of THE VIEW, Joy Behar is who began what turned into the argument between Rosie and Elizabeth. Rosie was completely silent and observant while Elizabeth started butting-heads with Joy after Joy went off on a tirade against Bush and praising Al Gore, etc. The largest part of the entire debacle was between Joy and Elizabeth. Rosie didn't chime in until Elizabeth made a dumb comment, which led Rosie to ask Elizabeth if she believed a comment she (Rosie) made days earlier (and which was again twisted by the media), and Elizabeth kept skirting around her response. A simply request for a simple response turned into what Elizabeth went hogwild with. The entire debacle was with Elizabeth the entire time.

Rosie chose wise to end her run in the show early instead of submitting herself to that whole never-ending scenario for another few weeks. I would have done the same. Those women are just a bunch of pent-up idiots. Period.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#64re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 12:02pm

I'm curious as to why some of you feel the need to jump down others throats when they say they do not like Rosie.

I enjoyed her, and agreed with her a lot, but she could get very rude and obnoxious sometimes.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

Spacedog78 Profile Photo
#65re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 12:21pm

I am SO glad that Rosie is gone. She is abbrassive, loud and uneducated in the matters she chooses to argue. If you are going to argue your point, you better know that othersides of the story too! I watched the previous weeks view to see what led to the big fall out, and Rosie, did indeed imply that our trrops are terrorists.

Rosie is a very angry person who doesnt allow room for anyone else's opinions. Once you disagree with her you are considered wrong and have no time to finish your explanations.

Elisabeth may not be the strongest voice, but she was right in this argument. Rosie needs to stand up for herself and take responsibility for the things she says.

And for those of you who say that the show will go downhill because she is gone...YEAH RIGHT with the possibility of Kathy Griffin taking her spot, the show will be a HIT and hilarious.


theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#66re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 12:26pm

^ you stole some of trump's lines.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#67re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 1:59pm

Rosie Speaks Out

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Spacedog78 Profile Photo
#68re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 3:11pm


did i?

i honestly had no idea

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#69re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 3:17pm

well not exactly...but they are close enough.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#70re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 3:49pm

We Love Rosie and that's all !

Good Luck to Rosie and I enjoyed "THE VIEW" so much when she was there-J*

Spacedog78 Profile Photo
#71re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 4:20pm

Speak for yourself.

i have no love for her! well, not anymore.

just because someone supports theatre arts, doesnt make them a great person.

parker russel
#72re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 4:45pm

I will greatly greatly greatly miss Rosie. Becuase this is a theater board I will start by saying that her support for Broadway has done incredibly wonderful things. This season alone Spring Awaking and Grey Gardens saw ticket boosts because of her support (and I work in the industry and can promise you that her words and recomendations equal ticket sales). She also has helped shows like Fiddler and Suessical when their box offices weren't what they could have been. She also puts her money where her mouth is and produced a show that many people thoroughly enjoyed.

As far as her talent, she was an incredible stand-up comedian back in the day. She got to where she was because she is incredibly talented. She also has star quality, the IT factor, in excessive amounts.

As far as her political views...more power to her. She speaks from her heart, which is rare in this Politically Correct world. She also is/was a voice for a portion of our country that isn't heard from on conservative Disney owned TV. I can't stand Elisabeth's views...but she's entitled to have them and that point of view has every constitutional right to be on television. So does Rosie. Sure, she's loud, and brash, but she stands by her believes and speaks from her heart.

Rosie also started a lot of debate in our country. She brought up issues on television and my (fairly) conservative mother in the midwest would call me saying "did you hear what rosie said" and we'd have an honest to goodness discussion about something important in the world. I talked about what happend on the View with people at the grocery store, or at a restaraunt. She sparked serious and important dialogue in our culture. It didn't happen before Rosie. Say she's not a worth-while celebrity or untalented...but when was the last time Paris and Britney sparked debate over war criminals, or gay rights, or presidential mishaps? (PS I think the fact that every single person in our country knows who she is...pretty much seals the deal. Like it or not, she's A-LIST).

Finally, watch the View episodes on 9/11 first responders, autism, and adoption and tell me Rosie doesn't deserve to be on TV.

She is a wonderful woman who expressed her views. Views that are shared by many many many Americans and it was great to have OUR voice on TV. She was loud, fat, obnoxious...whatever. But this is America, where every one's VIEW counts and is important.

HughE2030 Profile Photo
#73re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 5:32pm

I love Rosie, I am on her side about the war, I hate George Bush, but good-bye and good riddence to her. If she really wanted to have a debate about politics with an adult, she should have had it with Ann Coulter, not the young immature Elizabeth as Rosie always refered to her as.

amoni Profile Photo
#74re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 6:12pm

"Foster and Egan, among many other, not world-renown theatrical actors, are artists. They have talent and are not in it to be famous. They do what they do because they love it and because they're good at it. I respect that more than a press-whore looking to shock the world with her every statement."

They do what they do because they love it and because they're good at it? Mary, Please, they do it to pay the rent, it's a job, they're actors. It's amazing how Rosie bashers say she's uninformed yet they NEVER supply one point that she's wrong in. She's loud because she has to be. The other side is afraid of her. Imagine every word you say ends up on FOX News or the tabloids every night edited. Defending Elizabeth? A mouthpiece for The Republican Party? On a theater board? Holy Crap. The party that has continually cut funds to the ARTS without blinking, and wants to legally make gays second class citizens? Yeah, theater hasn't been effected by that. Wow.

Oh and yeah, I heart Roger Bart, Rosie was in The Flinstones a $100 million dollar hit along with a bunch more huge hits. Were you devastated when your beloved Roger didn't win the The Oscar for his epic turns in "The Stepford Wives" or "The Producers"? Now there's classics for ya. Next up, the heartwarming and sentimental "Hostel Part II", how artistic of him.
