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O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early- Page 4

O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early

#75re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 6:52pm

"Oh and yeah, I heart Roger Bart, Rosie was in The Flinstones a $100 million dollar hit along with a bunch more huge hits. Were you devastated when your beloved Roger didn't win the The Oscar for his epic turns in "The Stepford Wives" or "The Producers"? Now there's classics for ya. Next up, the heartwarming and sentimental "Hostel Part II", how artistic of him."

OWNED! re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early

Thank you, amoni. That's exactly what I was trying to say. re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

jaystarr Profile Photo
#76re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 7:56pm

I have to sign off with this discussion board bec. no matter what Rosie does. People who dislike her will always find fault on her (like she's loudmouth, she's fat, she's a lesbian, etc..) and this will never end. I will end my statement by saying whatever Parker Russell have said is the best posting I have seen here in this thread

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#77re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 8:23pm

I still think Rosie should have stayed on.

But Taffy here makes a good case for her leaving. His story about watching her show in High School left me very teary.
Taffy says goodbye Rosie

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

Spacedog78 Profile Photo
#78re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/28/07 at 8:29pm


Hate is such a horrible word.

You should focus more energy towards making a difference instead of feeling hate towards anyone.

If Rosie was an adult, she would have her FACTS accurate, most of the statements she made were NOT factual but based off od other opinions and specualtions.

Elisabeth was the one dishing the facts.

A little research would help your case.

#79re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 1:02am

I like Rosie. Yeah she's loud. Yeah she says what she thinks. Yeah she's fat. I think we'd get along pretty well. :P

She obviously can't co-host very well. If she wants to come back to television, I can only hope it's with her own show. Bye Rosie!

I think the View is going to not do so well now. Anyone agree?

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#80re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 1:12am

The show always did ok, but obviously they would kill to have the 20% increase in ratings, the buzz, the sponsors, the giveaways, the audience reactions that they enjoyed this year. Now it'll just go back to being one of the daytime shows we hear about now and then, along with the rest of them.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

i_heart_roger_bart Profile Photo
#81re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 4:44am

"I'm curious as to why some of you feel the need to jump down others throats when they say they do not like Rosie."

Exactly. If this topic was "O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early-- We, the Fans Support Her" or some such nonesense, I wouldn't have bothered putting in my two cents. But frankly, this is an open discussion. People are allowed to have different opinions, whether you like them or not. I'm not trying to make anyone not like Rosie, I was discussing why I don't.

And whomever made the comment about Roger Bart (I don't care enough to go back and find out who it was, no disrespect to the poster intended), I never claimed my taste in actors was perfect. But at least Roger is still working, and he doesn't have to scream in other people's faces to do so.

I'm getting a little bored with this thread, so I'm just going to lay it out as I see it. I don't care much for Rosie O'Donnell. I think she's loud and too brash. Sometimes that can be a good thing, but in her case, she can't have a conversation with someone without getting completely overbearing and obnoxious. She makes some fine points every once in a while, but it's her execution of those fine points that makes her hard to like, IMO. If you're going to debate, that requires letting someone else speak once in a while without screaming over them. My dislike for her has nothing to do with her being overweight and it certainly has nothing to do with her being homosexual. I don't ever want it to come down to that. I don't discriminate because of size or sexual orientation. I just can't stand her personality. Plain and simple.

Okay, I'm bored of this. I'll check back tomorrow to watch the Rosie fans jump all over this one. Oy.

We were fated to be mated. We're Bialystock & Bloom!

Spacedog78 Profile Photo
#82re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 10:55am


I'm with you



No, I do not think the show will go downhill, ESPECIALLY if Kathy Griffin takes her place!

RentHead2 Profile Photo
#83re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 11:54am

I am absolutly floored that at one time Rosie was called "The Queen Of Nice" - now she is the Queen of Nasty. She has demonstrated that she knows absolutly nothing about politics except for calling our troops terrorists. Congrats Rosie, your a psyco.

I made a list of all your faults, it was quite detailed and lengthy too and when I read it through I missed you. Your like a classic Eagles song, you just cant help but sing along even though it sometimes gets annoying too. I just know I want to be wherever I can wake and see you there next to me. **High Fidelity** Love is what I do **The Wedding Singer** Xanadu - Best NEW Musical of the Season!

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#84re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 11:59am

"I am absolutly floored that at one time Rosie was called "The Queen Of Nice" - now she is the Queen of Nasty. She has demonstrated that she knows absolutly nothing about politics except for calling our troops terrorists. Congrats Rosie, your a psyco"

She might be a psycho, but you can't spell "psycho"!
She didn't say that our troops are terrorist, don't post stuff like that if you don't know what she really said.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

InfiniteGirl Profile Photo
#85re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 12:01pm

Also can't spell "you're"

#86re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 12:26pm

Elisabeth was the one dishing the facts.

See, I never thought Elisabeth sounded very intelligent in those debates or sounded like she was armed with any kind of facts to back herself up.

Elisabeth reminded me of a loyal puppy - where no matter how many times she was smacked on the nose by this administration - she lovingly stands by her 'master'.

Rosie can be abrasive, loud, assertive, and overbearing. But all of that came from a good place, and her passion was over something she felt strongly about - and she was one of the few people on TV talking about this war in a way it should have been.

I watched The View today and I was bored to tears. Never watched it before Rosie, and I think I'm done now.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#87re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 12:28pm

Im with Becky.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

Spacedog78 Profile Photo
#88re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 1:02pm

muscle23ftl & InfiniteGirl

grow up. calling out the fact that he didn't spell something correct does not take away the fact of what he was saying.

oh and, Rosie may not have "said" our troops are terrorists but it was clearly implied on May 18th.


Does that fact that someone does not exactly "sound" intelligent take away from the fact that they are and have accurate fcts to back up what they are saying. Rosie is not the only person on TV talking about the war, she's just the one talking about HER SIDE of what she thinks is going on with the war. If she and joy were truly intelligent then they both would know that our President has a lot less control than what people think.

raphael06 Profile Photo
#89re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 1:19pm

Spacedog can you refresh my memory? What are these "facts"...

"I chose and my world was shaken. So what? The choice may have been mistaken. The choosing was not."-Sunday in the Park with George

#90re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 1:22pm

Does that fact that someone does not exactly "sound" intelligent take away from the fact that they are and have accurate fcts to back up what they are saying.

I'm saying that from what I've heard from Elisabeth this past year - I don't feel that she backs up her support of this administration very well. (In Elisabeth's defence, some things are indefensible and she had to skirt around the issue - because there was no defense.) In heated political discussions, she didn't sound like she was very informed. She very well may be - as you state - but she sure didn't let it show.

Rosie is not the only person on TV talking about the war, she's just the one talking about HER SIDE of what she thinks is going on with the war.

"HER SIDE" is the side of a lot of people who aren't being heard and the side that isn't being discussed. That was my point.

HughE2030 Profile Photo
#91re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 6:23pm

Spacedog what an interesting personality you have, on one hand your a big broadway fan, and on the otherhand maybe a log cabin republican. Rosie did not say the troops were terrorists, her entire statement infers that George Bush and our policies are the terrorist. Now go to Youtube and watch it again, maybe several times until you get it.

#92re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 9:50pm

Here's a comment rosie made about 9/11 this is from an article in popular mechanics.
"While saying she didn’t know what to believe about the U.S. government’s involvement in the attacks of Sept. 11, she said, “I do believe that it’s the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel. I do believe that it defies physics that World Trade Center tower 7—building 7, which collapsed in on itself—it is impossible for a building to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved. World Trade Center 7. World Trade [Center] 1 and 2 got hit by planes—7, miraculously, the first time in history, steel was melted by fire. It is physically impossible.”
I'm shocked that rosie is now a physics expert. Here's the full article but it is competely reckless for someone like her to make comments like this imho. Rosie has sadly become a political ideologue just like ann coluter and michael moore.
Full article link

Updated On: 5/29/07 at 09:50 PM

Luscious Profile Photo
#93re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/29/07 at 10:13pm

The View was never better or more relevant than with Rosie, and it will never be as good again. End of story.

PS. On today's show, Elisabeth stated that she was in constant contact with Rosie throughout the weekend and that the healing process had begun.


Question to Rosie:
what di you think of EH saying you were in ‘constant’ contact this past weekned??


Question to Rosie:
I am sorry this happened. EH says she has been in communication with you A LOT over the weekend, is this true?
Lot of Love,

she spoke to kelli
we had one e mail exchange

#94re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 12:24am

Elisabeth is briefed on political topics before the show.
She is the only woman on the panel who receives prompting before taping.

amoni Profile Photo
#95re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 1:28am

Exactly gcal, AND she wore an ear piece, something Rosie refused to do.

stockmanjr, Popular Mechanics defense has been debunked. Second, it's not Rosie's theory. She didn't come up with it. She has not accused the government of anything. She and A LOT of people have the same question. How did WT7, NOT the Twin Towers, but WT7, a building not hit by planes, collapse at free fall speed into it's own footsteps. It's never happened before. No one seems to know the answer. And please don't say fire, buildings burn for days and don't collapse, we wouldn't have cities still standing and why doesn't your oven or gas barbecue melt? Goggle WT7, you'll see how interesting it is.

Oh for you Elizabeth fans, yesterday was Memorial Day. Elizabeth who is so gung ho for this war, did not thank or even acknowledge the soldiers for their sacrifices today. But she claims she supports them. I mean isn't that what Memorial Day is for?

#96re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 1:29am

"PS. On today's show, Elisabeth stated that she was in constant contact with Rosie throughout the weekend and that the healing process had begun.


Question to Rosie:
what di you think of EH saying you were in ‘constant’ contact this past weekned??


Question to Rosie:
I am sorry this happened. EH says she has been in communication with you A LOT over the weekend, is this true?
Lot of Love,

she spoke to kelli
we had one e mail exchange"

I noticed that the second she said that they had been in "constant" communication all weekend. Elisabeth JUST proved how big of a liar she is.

"She has demonstrated that she knows absolutly nothing about politics except for calling our troops terrorists."

Oh, shut the **** up, RentHead2! Rosie NEVER said that and it just seemed like she implied it. She did not mean it in that way and she has repeated over and over how she didn't call our troops terrorists. That's how the whole fight between EH and Rosie started! God....

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

i_heart_roger_bart Profile Photo
#97re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 2:36am


Let's put this damn thread to rest. No one will ever agree. We'd even be lucky to agree to disagree. It's only going to drag on for days to come. Nothing will be accomplished. Or we could keep bickering about it. That's fun too. =)

We were fated to be mated. We're Bialystock & Bloom!

#98re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 3:00am

I hear Rosie hates white males.

"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions" ------- "Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu" from "Can't Stop The Music" ----- "When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth" ------------ --------- "Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.

RevolutionaryCostume Profile Photo
#99re: O'Donnell Announces She Will Depart 'The View' Early
Posted: 5/30/07 at 3:03am

The facts:

Rosie called our government "terrorists"
Republicans said she called out troops "terrorists"

Rosies tried to remind the nation that she didn't say that.
Elizabeth acted like she did.
The producers split-screened their argument.

Rosie left THE VIEW because she felt like they were manipulating her words for ratings, which they were.

Elizabeth is a stupid C_nt. (See You Next Tuesday)
Updated On: 5/30/07 at 03:03 AM
