Chorus Member Joined: 12/29/18
I am a huge fan of the Lincoln Center production of Our Town and have tickets to see the revival. Now I am rethinking things. What are your thoughts with seeing Stereophonic instead?
Absolutely “Stereophonic” over this particular production of “Our Town”.
Stereophonic is a remarkable play and given the challenge of mounting it with actor-musicians, you might not have a chance to see it done as well regionally.
You can see a good production of Our Town anytime.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/29/18
Thanks, I saw your comment re Our Town and appreciate the input!
Swing Joined: 10/9/10
Chorus Member Joined: 2/13/23
Stereophonic is a fine play and has excellent performances but I believe there are replacements about to join the company and so much is dependent on that ensemble.
Our Town is such a great play and this is a beautifully realized production. Jim Parsons is giving a wonderful performance as the Stage Manager and Katie Holmes, Richard Thomas, Ephraim Sykes and Zoe Deutch are also in top-notch firm. Having never seen it on Broadway, I was truly mesemerized and deeply moved. I would suggest trying to see both productions.
Stereophonic by the way is 3 hours and Our Town is 100 fast-moving case you have a time crunch situation.
Stereophonic! Saw it twice, one of the best plays I have seen this year!
While it’s true that a good production of Our Town is likely to come to broadway more often than a revival of Stereophonic, I wonder how many of those folks here recommending Stereophonic with its current cast. I have and it isn’t great. Maybe better to see a strong cast in Our Town over a Stereophonic cast with three replacements in key roles, replacements that are still working to find their rhythm with the rest of the cast.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/26/19
I'll be that person and would recommend Our Town over Stereophonic. I saw the latter with the original cast and even then left with the feeling that it didn't earn 3 hours of my time. Stereophonic is a very well written play but the impact of the devastating 3rd act alone makes Our Town a worthier visit. Zoey Deutch is phenomenal in this. I would have chosen Stereophonic with the absolutely perfect original cast, but not sure how the replacements are doing. My vote is for Our Town.
Updated On: 10/18/24 at 08:32 AMBroadway Star Joined: 7/12/22
I would vote for "Stereophonic", absolutely loved it when I saw it several months ago. Like others have said, I don't think that will be a show that tours but what the heck do I know.
I haven't even seen Our Town yet and I'll vote for Stereophonic. Truly a unique and special production that isn't likely to be duplicated nearly as well anywhere else.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/29/14
"Stereophonic,....but not this new cast."
So... Our Town? Or are you recommending Back to the Future?