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Performers who are underrepresented on the web- Page 2

Performers who are underrepresented on the web

#25re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/16/04 at 2:03pm

Adam Fleming, Maureen Moore, and Julia Murney

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#26re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/16/04 at 2:12pm

"Randal Keith's site seems fine to me."

The design is completely inconsistent. The graphic for the photos intro page takes forever to load on dialup. The "latest news" page includes stuff from 2002. The stage door photos have no chronological or alphabetical organization. The "dates" page is taken (along with the HTML coding) directly from The intro page requires scrolling. His biography ends without any punctuation and has been that way for a while.

REALLY unprofessional.

Although, as you said, there are Tom Hewitt's site! re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web

#27re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/16/04 at 2:39pm

carolee carmello

i mean, there's a really really great one out there now - but wouldn't the world be better if there was more carolee??
her site

Do not put your faith in a cape and a hood. They will not protect you the way that they should. ~Into the Woods "There is no plague! You are trying to raise cows on the side of a MOUNTAIN!!!" ~Meredith Parker, Bat Boy

ckeaton Profile Photo
#28re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/16/04 at 2:46pm

Yeah, I'd do sites for any of the above too.

Hamlet's father.

#29re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/16/04 at 4:56pm

Coleen Sexton (the girl who played Lucy on the DVD of JEKYLL AND HYDE) she needs to come back to broadway to
Hunter Foster also needs one

"I've always secretly longed for an actress to get to the top of the cherry picker and projectile vomit all over the guards below."- Wonderwaiter in the "Defy Gravity?" thread. ~~~~~~~~My dream? Sutton Foster as Cassie in A Chorus Line

CapnHook Profile Photo
#30re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/16/04 at 10:38pm

""Randal Keith's site seems fine to me."

The design is completely inconsistent. The graphic for the photos intro page takes forever to load on dialup. The "latest news" page includes stuff from 2002. The stage door photos have no chronological or alphabetical organization. The "dates" page is taken (along with the HTML coding) directly from The intro page requires scrolling. His biography ends without any punctuation and has been that way for a while.

REALLY unprofessional.

Although, as you said, there are Tom Hewitt's site!"

Yup, it was designed with a FrontPage template. Designer wasn't going for originality, I guess. Just a simple, basic design. Shame.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#31re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/16/04 at 10:42pm

Hunter Foster has one. But he needs an OFFICIAL site.

I like Susan Egan's and Sutton Foster's website (the Sutton one, though, is unofficial) - they are organized and there is a lot of, multimedia, bios, history of shows they've been in and more.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#32re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/16/04 at 10:44pm

Lisa Brescia now has an unofficial site!!!!

#33re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/16/04 at 10:51pm

Yup, it was designed with a FrontPage template. Designer wasn't going for originality, I guess. Just a simple, basic design. Shame.

I suspect the site was made by a fan for the performer.

Sometimes, simple, basic is not a bad thing.

I'm sick and tired of Flash websites. Good *only* if you have broadband. Otherwise, twiddle your thumbs for 5 minutes while the site downloads.

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#34re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/16/04 at 10:52pm

Even though she has a site in the works, Karmine Alers. Her newsletter said it'll be up soon, but then again she's also had 'Currently finishing her solo album' in her bio for the last couple of years lol. I think it's finally ready to come out now, though. Right, getting a bit off topic...

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#35re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/16/04 at 11:00pm

ew.... Musicalsfan... what's your problem. Yes, i am a fan of the performer and i am completely computer illiterate, so i did the best i could and made a site on frontpage. I did the best that i could and i think it came out pretty dam good....

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#36re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 12:52am

FYI, your title bar should be a complete sentence, or at least a phrase that makes sense. If someone bookmarks your site, they're not going to know just from the title who the site's for. It'll just say "Welcome to."

The blue against red is really, really hard to read and is extremely dissonant to the eyes.

And ditch the McDonald's color scheme.

#37re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 9:10am

ew.... Musicalsfan... what's your problem. Yes, i am a fan of the performer and i am completely computer illiterate, so i did the best i could and made a site on frontpage. I did the best that i could and i think it came out pretty dam good....

hey, I am NOT the one knocking the website - that would be CapnHook and Musetta1957.

Like you said, a fan making a website isn't expected to know all the bells and whistles for a website unlike someone does websites for a living.

#38re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 9:20am

Someone please do Romain Fruge.
(don't look at me).

Also Jarrod's seems to be inactive or underactive - unless someone has started a new one for him.

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#39re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 10:35am

CaptnHook and Mussetta... i don't like you

kyle. Profile Photo
#40re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 12:27pm

audra mcdonald for sure. she goes on tour all the time but there is never a place to get the correct concert dates, besides and they seem to leave out almost all of her smaller venue concert engagements around the US.

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#41re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 1:16pm

"CaptnHook and Mussetta... i don't like you"


Learn how to accept criticism.

Don't just say you don't like someone. I mean, what do I have to lose if some stranger/bad designer doesn't like me just because I don't bring smiles and flowers like those who have praised you?

#42re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 2:26pm

Just my two cents: I checked out the site, and it looks fine to me. Simple yes, but as others have opined, sometimes all the bells and whistles can be extremely annoying. (I almost always "skip intro" if I have that option...) And the news in the news section only goes back to 2003, not 2002. Just FYI. re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#43re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 2:30pm

Thank you EricaAmato... can you PM me with the news thing you were talking about... thanks

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#44re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 10:00pm

"Like you said, a fan making a website isn't expected to know all the bells and whistles for a website unlike someone does websites for a living"

There is no need to know all the bells and whistles. However, it's nice to see a demonstrated understanding of color and space.

nobizlikeshobiz Profile Photo
#45re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 10:06pm

Norbert Leo Butz-website hasn't been updated for two years unless theres another one i dont know about!
And then Christopher Fitzgerald!!! He doesn't get any props but he totally should! He's really talented and has some other good qualities too. :)

CF doesnt have an official website or even a fan website! Some stuff about him comes up though if you do a search. About like his wedding though. sooo yah. But whoever was wondering where he studied, I know I read it once but I can't remember where. I looked for it again and I *think* maybe it was Williams College.

Ways to annoy people: Arrive at a meeting late, say you're sorry, but you didn't have time for lunch, and you're going to be nibbling during the meeting. Then eat raw potatoes. Ask people what gender they are,or Disagree strongly with everything anybody says:)
Updated On: 9/17/04 at 10:06 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#46re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 10:12pm

Please, some of the people you are listing, have tons of sites.

Norbert Butz
and Jennifer Laura Thompson, have barely anything on the web. Norbert has two unnoffical fan sites, that haven't been updated years. And its hard to find anything for Jennifer.

#47re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 10:25pm

Jla, she deserves something! She is pretty much known as the girl who took over for Kristin Chenoweth. (I cheered her on at Bway on Bway.) ( off topic, how cute was that hug after their song?)
Eden ( before BRKLYN) so now she doesnt count


CapnHook Profile Photo
#48re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 10:30pm

I wish I had jumped into this earlier...

"Sometimes, simple, basic is not a bad thing."

I completely agree. However, in this instance, the design isn't too professional. It's moderate. Not BAD - just not professional. I'm no SUPER EXPERT, but I do know professionalism.

Though, is that Site not the performer's official one? If it is unofficial, professionalism doesn't really matter. However, if it is Official and the actor has paid money for this Site to promote him, then yes, professionalism does matter, and the Site needs to be improved. If unofficial, they did a nice job. If amateur, then a GOOD first website.

This topic is entitled "Performers who are underrepresented on the web." To me, this does not include all of the fansites a performer has. This refers to the ONE Official website for a performer, sponsored by the performer, and usually paid for and owned by the performer.

As for flash: No, I don't really like flash and I have but one flash banner on one of my Sites. Unless your target audience is mainly high-speed connections, then I wouldn't use flash. Personally, no matter what the target audience is, I go for professionalism. I space sections appropriately, I use proper grammar, I spell everything correctly, I use colors that aren't hard on the eyes, and yet still draw attention, and I only use graphics when nesseccary. THEN, after this is done, I would go back and add "cool" features where it makes sense, and if webspace allows.

As for whoever the user(s) are/were that said "they don't like me" - well, that is up to you, and frankly, I do not care. Yes, I care if people like me, but certain people. For instance, if someone doesn't like me because I gave my opinion about a website, and they disagreed with it, then the value of that person liking me is worthless.

Why does everyone always think negatively? The glass is always half empty. I'm not perfect, but I do try to always "think lovely thoughts."

--The Cap'n

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

Born2cthelightsofbway Profile Photo
#49re: Performers who are underrepresented on the web
Posted: 9/17/04 at 10:32pm

Kelli O'Hara- Agree. She is so talented.

"You alone can make my song take flight, it's over now, the Music of the Night!!!!!"
