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Pippin Tour?

lovebwy Profile Photo
#25Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 3:20am

I agree. The crowd at the Pantages tonight was amazing. Very into the show, and expressive.

I would agree about the second act. It's slightly long.

#26Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 9:51am

Forget about the best tour, it's flat out the best show I've seen in ages. When your weakest link onstage is Sasha Allen, you're in good shape.

I had low expectations going in. I was going to skip the show completely, but when Martin was announced I knew I had to go. I figured if the rest of the show is just okay, at least I'll have seen what everyone raved about in NY with Martin. Luckily, Martin is a highlight in an amazing production that never stops for a moment.

Allen's voice is spectacular and she's convincing enough - I even found her dancing to be quite good, but she's not menacing or threatening, especially as the show-within-the-show collapses at the finale. But it was so hard to even care that her acting wasn't quite where it should be.

The audience in the Pantages last night was absolutely on fire. Almost everyone in the opening number received entrance applause and the love never stopped. Applause for each acrobatic act as they happened, mid-song applause for whoever was nailing it (see: everyone).

Then Martin took the stage for her number and all hell broke loose. Of course the audience was singing along when cued, and when she took a small break for some dialogue before finishing the very last part of the song, the audience wouldn't let her go on. A standing ovation broke out within a few seconds, and while Martin tried to get us to calm down, the rest of the cast giggled uncontrollably.

I've never seen anything like it. I've heard of mid-show standing ovations, but I'd never actually witnessed one. I'm sure it happens for Martin all the time in this role, but wow. It's one of those things you'll brag about when you're old and crotchety.

Was also blown away by Matthew James Thomas. Gorgeous voice and alternating between hilarious and heartbreaking. He worked like a dog from start to finish - what an exhausting role it must be. So glad we got to see him as well.

The supporting cast is uniformly excellent. Sabrina Harper is perfection as Fastrada. Funny, sexy and dancing up a storm. John Rubinstein was funny enough to pull focus Penny Pingleton style in more than one scene. Kristine Reese was a welcome touch of humanity, and knocked Catherine out of the park.

The ensemble was the epitome of the old "no small parts" cliche. Each one had a distinct personality and got shining moments. The acrobats were spectacular and got tons of love from the appreciative audience. Instant standing ovation at curtain call, of course.

The real clincher is Paulus' direction. Just masterful. The ending was especially haunting, and the raucous audience was absolutely silent. In the wake of high profile suicides like that of Robin Williams, the final scene is gut wrenching.

I'm trying to figure out how I can manage to see it again before it leaves.

DAME Profile Photo
#27Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 12:59pm

Ditto everything everyone has said. The energy at the Pantages last night was beyond amazing. Probably the best touring production to EVER play at the Pantages. So glad we got Andrea Martin. When I saw her do it in NYC she must have had a off night because the number did not land the way it did last night. Also..Matthew James Thomas has grown so much into the role. He has added so many layers. His vocal was indeed tentative during Corner.. but it added to the charm. I loved everything and everyone in this production. It will stay with me. If you live in Los Angeles and you miss this.. then you are a fool.

Updated On: 10/22/14 at 12:59 PM

lovebwy Profile Photo
#28Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 1:44pm

After sleeping on it- YES! What a joyful evening. The performers really fed off the audience energy.

A rare theatrical experience for Los Angeles. I'm still high off it.

I think I have to go again.

HorseTears Profile Photo
#29Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 3:12pm

You guys are getting me so pumped for next week!!

#30Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 3:42pm

I have to agree with most of what is being said on here. I can't remember the last time I saw a show where the audience was so engaged and enthusiastic from the second the show started! Myself included.

I really have to nothing bad to say about the actual production other than Sasha Allen was woefully miscast in this. Even though she sounds great, she does not IMO have the acting chops to pull off his role and like everyone else is saying, simply does not bring any mystery, intrigue or darkness to the role. Her energy also just seems way low compared to the rest of what I would say is a pretty flawless cast! I came home and was watching youtube performances of Patina Miller and her energy seemed through the roof. Luckily the show is great enough to withstand this one major flaw.

Act One was one amazing number followed by another, and flowed so seamlessly leading up to the incredible Act One closer Morning Glow. It was so good I felt like it was the finale of the show. Act 2 I thought was a little slower and takes kind of a bizarre dark turn but I know that's the actual book and not a problem with the actual production.

Matthew James Thomas as Pipppin was so likable and working so hard the entire show. He basically never leaves the stage and truly gave it his all. I have to say what most surprised me about him was his acting! I really loved his interpretation of Pippin.

Sabrina Harper as Fastrada is the true definition of a triple threat, and she really got the chance to shine with Spread a Little Sunshine! It was a treat to watch her.

What's there to say about Andrea Martin that hasn't been said? Her number was absolutely wonderful and I have never seen anyone get a standing ovation before the song was even over! She and the rest of the cast seemed surprised and humbled.

The rest of the cast was great including all of the ensemble who were just really giving it their all! In Extraordinary, two Players who are dressed as chickens quite literally stole the entire scene and had me laughing the entire time. All in all this was an extrememly enjoyable night at the theater!

HorseTears Profile Photo
#31Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 3:54pm

I just read Sasha Allen's bio. Had no idea who she was before. ANOTHER Voice contestant? Do the Weisslers have some contract with NBC?

ChairinMain Profile Photo
#32Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 4:06pm

Does anyone know why/when MJT went blonde?

#33Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 4:31pm

Sasha Allen was Dionne in the Broadway revival of Hair. Not just a Voice contestant.

JoseLee_ Profile Photo
#34Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 4:34pm

@ChairinMain Matthew James Thomas' natural hair color is blonde he died it for the original broadway run. He just stopped dying it I guess.

I'm seeing Pippin tonight. Pantages said that tonight the 22nd is the official opening night. I AM BEYOND EXCITED! Just getting to see Matthew James Thomas & Andrea Martin LIVE makes me cry of happiness. Can't wait to read the reviews!

lovebwy Profile Photo
#35Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 4:41pm

JoseLee_ you really are in for a treat.

I didn't know Sasha Allen from The Voice but I sure did know her from Camp.

I guess since I'd never seen the show before, whatever deficiencies she may have in the acting department really were not glaring to me. Though I can see that part being played in a much more mysterious or menacing way.
How Shall I See You Though My Tears

WestCoastActor/Director Profile Photo
#36Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 5:18pm

There is an interview somewhere (I think it is on BWW) with Matthew James Thomas where he addressed the hair question. He was required to dye it dark for Spiderman for two years. He went right into Pippin without a chance to get his blonde hair back. While he had permission from Diane Paulus and whoever else was required, he didn't tell the cast so the first time they saw it was the first performance he did as a blonde. He was blonde by the time I saw Pippin on Broadway and I think it suits the character a lot more. I loved MJT in the show. My hotel room faced the Music Box and I could witness that Matthew did stage door until all of those who wanted an autograph and photo got one.

I am excited to see the show this coming Friday night from the 2nd row and then am going back in a couple weeks for a front row center mezzanine seat. I saw it from the Balcony in New York and will love to take in both perspectives.

lovebwy Profile Photo
#37Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 5:51pm

I have a question. When Andrea Martin left the stage last night after No Time at All, when Matthew James Thomas finally collected himself, he exclaimed directly to the audience "THAT'S MY GRANDMA!".

It seemed like an ad lib. Is that line in the New York production?

DAME Profile Photo
#38Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 5:55pm

Yes it is.


lovebwy Profile Photo
#39Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 6:08pm

HA! Well it worked perfectly last night.

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#40Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 8:23pm

I really wish they'd have the cast list of the tour on their website. Most other Broadway & touring shows have both casts available on their websites.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

#41Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/22/14 at 8:57pm

not the official site but if you did want to see a cast list it's listed here along with understudy tracks:

DAME Profile Photo
#42Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/23/14 at 12:57pm

I forgot to mention that Martin Short sat across the aisle from us on Tuesday and was chatty and friendly with everyone during intermission. He was also there last night for the official opening. Just something to mention. I imagine last nights opening was what we like to refer to as love boat night at the Pantages. With the usual group of Joanne Worley, Barbra Eden, Cloris Leachman, and the lady from facts of life.

Updated On: 10/23/14 at 12:57 PM

#43Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/23/14 at 1:21pm

Do they come out to the stage door ?

lovebwy Profile Photo
#44Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/23/14 at 1:34pm

"Cloris Leachman, the lady from Facts of Life"

She also won an Oscar, had her own TV show and starred in many great Mel Brooks movies.


Just re-read your post, DAME. My mistake!

Carry on.

Updated On: 10/23/14 at 01:34 PM

DAME Profile Photo
#45Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/23/14 at 1:36pm

Cloris Leachman AND the lady from facts of life. HELLO?


DAME Profile Photo
#46Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/23/14 at 1:37pm

No worries. Just read your edit.


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#47Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/23/14 at 1:37pm

Charlotte Rae?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

DAME Profile Photo
#48Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/23/14 at 1:39pm

Yes. She does not miss a Pantages opening. Neither does Greg Lougainis, Shirley Jones and her husband Marty.


lovebwy Profile Photo
#49Pippin Tour?
Posted: 10/23/14 at 1:41pm

Some other regulars on that scene are Joan Van Ark and Angie Dickinson. At least they were a few years ago.

It's funny how there are a subset of celebrities in LA that would, as they say, "come to the opening of an envelope".
