Trying to fill in a spot for an upcoming trip. Anything on Bway I haven't seen (or already have plans for) really isn't interesting me.
Looking for a play or musical off bway to fill that emptiness. I have no interest in spoofs and don't like the humor of The Play that Goes Wrong, but that's about it for what I don't like (I've seen LSOH several times, so no thank you.) Could be a drama, a musical.....just something interesting!
Thanks in advance for your help.
When? I could give you a dozen recommendations that'll be absolutely useless if this trip isn't until April.
Ah, yes, I meant to mention that! Mid-Feb.
Understudy Joined: 2/5/23
Since you didn't say when you're coming I've put down options I've found interesting for a variety of spring dates.
My Mother's Funeral: The Show @ Soho Playhouse now-Jan. 25
The Antiquities @ Vineyard now-Feb. 11
Pecking Order @ 59E59 Jan. 29-Feb. 15
Dakar 2000 (Rajiv Joseph's new play) at MTC/NYCC Feb. 4-Mar. 23
All-Nighter @ MCC TheatreSpace Feb. 24-May 11
Amerikin @ 59E59 Mar. 1-April 13
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/26/19
Urinetown, Ghosts, Grangeville, Liberation. I would like to see all four.
Updated On: 1/15/25 at 10:35 AM
Thank you for these thought - some have piqued my interest, for sure. (I was already seeing Urinetown!)
Any other thoughts?
Stand-by Joined: 7/17/19
I'm most excited to see Ghosts at LC. It's not only the first time I've seen a professional production of this Ibsen classic, but that cast is a big plus for me. Previews start on Feb 13, just in time for your visit to the City.
I'm also interested in seeing Kowalski at the Duke on 42nd, but it just started previews and I'm trying to get early feedback. It runs through Feb 16.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/29/14
Stand-by Joined: 7/17/19
For mid February I am most excited for Roundabout’s Liberation. The cast looks incredible and I loved Whitney White’s direction of Jaja’s. This play by Bess Wohl is described as provocative and irreverent. It is a phone free /yonder pouch production.
I am leaning towards this one!
Swing Joined: 1/16/25
I’m not a pro, but I’m kind of excited for Conversations With Mother. Ironically I am going with my mum 🤣
I love Matt Doyle (duh) and we both love Caroline from Mrs Maisel. Seems like a fun time!
Antiquities; The Great Privation: Grangeville; Sumo, and the Caryll Churchill plays at The Public. I missed "Give Me Carmelita Tropicana" but hopefully that will be revived somewhere.