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Rent Rating

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#0Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:24am

I don't know how many of you know/care, but according to the official site, the movie will be rated PG-13.

Hmm, I hope they don't have to cut a lot just to save it from an R rating. What are your thoughts on this?

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#1re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:26am

It's not on the official site, it's in an email created by the people that maintain the Rent blog. The site still says it's unrated.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#2re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:26am

Where do you see PG-13 on the official site? All I see is "this film is not yet rated."

ETA: Orangeskittles, what email?
Updated On: 9/9/05 at 12:26 AM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#3re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:28am

If you've registered to get emailed updates, then you received an email about the Larson family's post and the Renthead contest. At the bottom of the graphic, there was a label saying it was rated PG-13. I'll try and find it.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#4re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:34am

I hope they don't do that... especially after stating time and again that it would be R. I'll be so supremely disappointed if they hacked this thing to pieces in the editing room trying for that damn PG-13.

Sure it will get them a bigger box office.... but the finished product will not be nearly as good.

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#5re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:35am

re: Rent RatingImage Hosted by" />

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#6re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:39am

Well ****.... that's the official ratings box from the MPAA... even has their symbol.


RENT WILL BE RATED PG-13... re: Rent Rating

Suddenly I'm nervous about this movie all over again.

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

Updated On: 9/9/05 at 12:39 AM

#7re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:39am

Thanks for posting the graphic.

I'd say it's not definite until it's on the official site. A PG-13 rating is NOT good news though; that probably means a lot of the dialogue, etc was toned down and I don't get why. What would have been so bad about it just being rated R?

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#8re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:43am

forgetregret: Two words... BOX OFFICE.

They will make more money with a PG-13 movie, because it is now more accessible to a wider audience.

I hate this trend of cutting movies to get the stupid PG-13. Whatever happened to ART!?!
... it's all about box office receipts.


"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

neocomposer Profile Photo
#9re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:45am

One word: Money

-more teenys can go with that kind of rating.

I don't think you have anything to worry about, I mean- the Larson family is happy with it, and they say that Jonathan's vision is all through the movie. In my opinion thats what's important. Not that a few 4 letter words are maintained.

Edit: sorry, similar wasnt there when I posted.

"That Sondheim kid has a big future."-Nathan Lane
Updated On: 9/9/05 at 12:45 AM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#10re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:46am

I still don't understand how even the show of Rent could be rated PG-13, let alone the movie, which is supposed to expand on the show. I mean, drug abuse being depicted in a movie is automatically an R rating. I can't believe the Larson's and the OBC and everyone would let them edit out an entire subplot of the movie just for the sake better box office numbers.

I'm just hoping it was a mistake on the part of the people making the email and not for real *knocks wood, throws salt over shoulder, etc.*

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 9/9/05 at 12:46 AM

#11re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:47am

The 'teenys' will still find a way to see it. Trust me. Especially the Idina-crazed ones. They won't miss out on this movie.

I agree with neocomposer that since the Larson family says Jonathan's vision is still intact, we have little to worry about; however I think that a PG-13 rating will cause the loss of more than just 4 letter words. What about all of the AIDS issues? Rent isn't really Rent without that (with Angel and all especially) and I don't know how much of that they can address with PG-13.

karlean7 Profile Photo
#12re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:50am

If it turns out to be rated PG-13, I am going to find EVERY SINGLE interview and article that has been written wherein they mentioned that it was gonna be rated R, that it was gonna be Chris Columbus' first R movie, that they were gonna stay true and depict the gritty sh*t, then mail it to him and say "Wow, way to stick to your guns. A**wipe."

Unless it got rated PG-13 with all that stuff IN. But I can't remember the last time someone has predicted that a movie would be rated R, and it got a LOWER rating.

[EDIT] I am hoping this all a big mistake. Updated On: 9/9/05 at 12:50 AM

neocomposer Profile Photo
#13re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:52am

That's definitley true...but I guess by nature I rarely really worry about anything. But I can see it going either way. I don't know that the actual disease would cause a higher rating. I know Angels in America was MA on television. Im really not sure about how much of that was the disease since its been a while since I saw it.

it also says on that rating "drug abuse"

"That Sondheim kid has a big future."-Nathan Lane
Updated On: 9/9/05 at 12:52 AM

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#14re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:52am

I'm pretty sure that isn't a mistake... it's the MPAA box... with all the ratings descriptors.

... I'm too scared to even imagine what this will look like as PG-13...

...art2 is going to have a field day...

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#15re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:57am

"Angels in America" would definetly have gotten an R rating if it were theatrically released... there was graphic language, strong sexual content (straight and gay), male and female full frontal nudity, drug content.... and that's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

I doubt the AIDS virus would have figured too much into that rating...

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

whiskedaway Profile Photo
#16re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:58am

i started out fealing optimistic about the movie. but with those soundclips, the new trailer, and now this. im really doubting this movie is gonna be any good. i do hope i am wrong though.
Updated On: 9/9/05 at 12:58 AM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#17re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:59am

The graphic doesn't say "drug abuse" it says "thematic material involving drugs". I've never seen that before in ratings, they must have made it up specifically for this movie "Involving drugs" sounds like some stupid American Pie movie referencing weed, not something as serious as Mimi being addicted to drugs.

Although, it is a musical, so they might be able to get away with everything being discussed in songs. There have been horrible songs on soundtracks to movies that don't influence the movie rating, so they could use that as a loophole.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 9/9/05 at 12:59 AM

#18re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 1:02am

If this is true, it'll be the first time I've worried too much about if it would be good or not since I read the screenplay. With all of the access we've been given, this does surprise me.

And while I did/do think that Rent getting a PG-13 wouldn't be a very good position, I still want to beleive what Anthony, Columbus, and company have told us for about six months is true. If that's the case, and Larson's vision is intact without it being watered down, and it STILL got a PG-13, then that might be the best possible case. I didn't think it could work, but if it did, and it's very good AND it gets the B.O. (the good kind, not the kind you get after working out), then that's wonderful. If it's good and it starts to catch on with the general public, I've been saying it could be even bigger than Chicago was, which would have been difficult - not impossible of course, difficult - had it been rated R.

"Who is Stephen Sondheim?" -roninjoey
"The man who wishes he had written Phantom of the Opera!" - SueleenGay


luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#19re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 1:03am

This is weird.

At this point, I don't see the use in re-hashing fear/disappointment/anger, because personally - it is what it is, and it's going to be what it will be. I'm confused, but... meh. I don't know.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

neocomposer Profile Photo
#20re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 1:03am

I can just imagine non drug lyrics for "will you light my candle"

"...I think I dropped my gum..."
"...I had it when I walked in the door, it was really chewey..."
"...Uh huh I used to be a gum -chewer..."

*just having some fun...its late*

"That Sondheim kid has a big future."-Nathan Lane

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#21re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 1:05am

I've seen something similar to that in movies before... it is likely because we will hear references to Mimi and Roger being junkies or see Mimi buying drugs from the Man... but likely we won't see anyone actually using drugs.... or else the rating would have said "Drug Use" of course.

... it would seem the drug aspect will be toned down alot.

The "thematic material involving sexuality" refers to any of the gay and lesbian PDA we will see... as well as Mimi being an S&M dancer.

"Some strong language"... well... we will definetly still have a few F-bombs.

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

Updated On: 9/9/05 at 01:05 AM

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#22re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 1:11am

I'm not too worried. To me it just says that the messages of the movie reached the MPAA.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#23re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 1:13am

There's nothing on the MPAA website... so I don't know what to believe. I'm still going to assume that this is true.

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#24re: Rent Rating
Posted: 9/9/05 at 1:25am

I'm in slight disbelief just because I don't understand how even the stage show could be rated PG-13. The Larsons said they're happy with it and so is the cast, so unless they've sold their souls to the devil (or Hollywood) and let the show be butchered, I don't see how the content is only PG-13.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
