Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
Wouldn't put it on my fav list, but saw Movin' Out and it was very good.
Anyway, why are we still in the Rocky Preview thread. We've progressed to opened...
Broadway Star Joined: 11/15/07
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"It makes the source material look like Citizen Kane."
Typical newintown bashing whatever's popular unless it somehow conforms to his usual pretentious standards.
Saw this today-not sue how it will fare. Seems overblown in a very "Ghost" like way (with a set for every scene in the film) it's stunning but it's a lot. The love story is great, Karl and Seibert are electric. Karl deserves a Tony. The songs aren't great. Margo gets the best of the lot.
It's over stimulating and at times I checked out. The finale is cool-but the curtain call is kinda strange and anti-climatic.
Lots of gavonnes in the audience checking cell phones during songs, fist pumping, talking to the stage. The theatre was half empty too.
Like I said, not sure where this headed but everyone is doing a great job. I was also confused by Adrian blowing up at her bro. Kinda came out of nowhere.
"Typical newintown bashing whatever's popular unless it somehow conforms to his usual pretentious standards."
^ That was hardly bashing. He penned an honest response, as he always does, and what you call his "pretentious standards," I think of as his general good taste, which I acknowledge fully aware that he and I agree as often as we disagree.
Thanks for the list Luscious, I just wanted to understand your taste in shows to put your Rocky comments in perspective. The only thing it proves is that it proves nothing. Taste has no consistency, I loved a lot of the shows you listed and was not thrilled with quite a few of them so Rocky must be one of those divided events.
Agreed. My list proves nothing. That's why I said "I don't know why I'm doing this...". Although, if it was, as you said, to get a sense of the types of shows that I fancy, and not to pick apart my list (which you didn't do), then I'm glad I took the time to compile it. It was a pleasant walk down memory lane. The bottom line is (as my beloved grandma used to say), sauseech his own. So many elements play into one's enjoyment of a show... the time in your life you're seeing it, what's going on in your life at that moment in time, life experiences, the mood you're in that day, the person or people you see it with, and, of course, the show itself. I doubt that I would ever consider Rocky to be a good show, regardless of time, place or circumstance, but who knows? All I know for sure is that on the night that I saw it, I came away thinking... "This is one big, steaming turd of a show."
As for Movin' Out. LOVED it! Saw it 3 times. Took friends and they loved it. Twyla Tharp's choreography was amazing! And I guess it doesn't hurt to like Billy Joel's music, which I did, and still do. Although, lately, Mr Joel has been wearing on my every last gay nerve. In any event, the show is one of my favorites. But then again, sauseech his own.
Okay... this will be my last post in this thread. Don't want to keep bumping a preview thread. May it rest in peace. The thread and the show.