I think you should find yourself happy with being in the mezz...hopefully not too far to the side though. I think the design of Rocky can be spectacular, but it is also limiting. So much of the theater feels like it would be in some sort of partial view. They should have taken better care when fitting this design scheme into the Winter Garden.
I am going to Les Miserables tomorrow night. :)
Just got back from ROCKY's preview this evening.
My biggest complain is that there are TOO MANY BALLADS!! I also was not a fan of the song "Patrotic" as it seemed out of place for me, although I was thrilled for an up-tempo number. Aside from the boxing match spectacle at the end, the only other standout moment for me was Adrian's "I'm Done". The score, to me, brings this show down. I doubt any new material will be added at this point before the opening performance. The story was slow-moving at points (which could be due to lack of musical interest for me) and I really just wanted a sassy upbeat number from the 3 Pet Store girls commenting on how they feel about Adrian!
The only other thing I really hated was how the show just ended. No resolution, sort of.
And like, there was conflict the entire show, but it wasn't as upfront and driving as I would have liked.
However, I do think that it will be a hit due to the final sequence and select thrilling moments throughout the show.
This show would've been perfect in the Marquis. I find it so odd that they chose such a specific theater to put a show that has such specific sight requirements into. I was about 10 seats off the central aisle in rear house left and I still felt like I had partial view. God knows how the people in front of me/further next to me felt.
"I think you should find yourself happy with being in the mezz...hopefully not too far to the side though."
I have center right mezzanine row G seat 136! Very last row, but I thought that would be better than towards the front on the side.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/9/11
I was thinking the same thing!
2 1/2 hours listening to a boxer talk about wanting to go 15 rounds and not be a joke and then the writers had the audacity to end the show with a 15 round fight! The nerve!
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
On why the Winter Garden... When the Winter Garden originally opened, there was a runway that ran down the middle of the house. The mezzanine was situation so that you could see most of this runway. Basically, the theater is designed with sight lines that allow upstairs audiences to see deep within the house (first rows of the orchestra). This is what allowed for the boxing ring to play over the first rows. There are very few theaters that have similar sight lines.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/5/04
Joop will pour money into it to save face just like he did with the awful Cyrano that he produced on Broadway years ago. I know people who have worked with him.....they don't have too many nice things to say about him.
And like, there was conflict the entire show, but it wasn't as upfront and driving as I would have liked.
However, I do think that it will be a hit due to the final sequence and select thrilling moments throughout the show.
Agreed with both of these points. If Act 1 had been as interesting and well-paced as Act 2, I'd have had a better time, but I enjoyed it for the most part.
The TV graphics are REALLY NOT 1976, though. If they're going for some ambiguous time in the past, okay, but they keep saying it's 1976 and the Bicentennial, so why do I feel like I'm watching MLB Network with all that crazypants CGI?
"Joop will pour money into it to save face just like he did with the awful Cyrano that he produced on Broadway years ago. I know people who have worked with him.....they don't have too many nice things to say about him."
Well, he didn't do that for Big Fish, though.
Are you talking about NWS people?
p.s. I think putting money into a show to keep it running and therefore saving peoples' jobs is pretty generous. Suzanne Brinkley did it with Hedwig. Angel.
I feel like most of the bigger theaters allow you to see a couple rows of the orchestra, no? I don't find that to be that specific of a thing.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/13/09
For those who sat in the Golden Circle, do you have any recommendations of where to stand on stage for the best view? Thanks.
I don't recall anyone standing in the Golden Circle seats. It was bleacher style seating. The only people standing were those in the first few rows in the side orchestra sections (when the fight takes place).
You don't have a choice as to where you sit on the bleachers. If you're in the front row, you'll wind up in the top. Ushers file people in and make sure no one plops down in the front aisle, obstructing the flow of everyone trying to get seated.
For those who've sat in the Mezz, what does the skating rink look like? Is Margot wearing some sort of roller skate? Just wondering what that set looked like: I couldn't see their feet from the front row.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/13/09
Thanks LuminousBeing & DottieD'Luscia. I have a front row seat and was curious how it worked once on stage. I'll be seeing it again from outside the Golden Circle in April.
Is Margot wearing some sort of roller skate? Just wondering what that set looked like: I couldn't see their feet from the front row.
Yes, roller skates. She has the brains, he has the body. If anyone told me that on a first date, I would knock him out!
I'm certain he wasn't the one talking about her body.
Rocky: My mother told me, 'you weren't born with much of a brain so you'd better develp your body.'
Adriane: (laughs) My mother told me the opposite thing. She said, 'you weren't born with much of a body, so you'd better develop your brain.'
^paraphrased from the film, but I remember that that scene's dialogue was very similar. (And that of the rest of the show, to be frank.)
Thanks so much for answering my question about the roller skates! Much appreciated.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
I know that Times Square area had a major electrical malfunction a few weeks ago and that generators were brought in. Was walking past the theater last night and saw they still had a generator. Is the power still not fixed? Or is it that tech heavy they had to bring in their own power.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/1/05
Saw Rocky for the third time last night and I really enjoyed it!! It has gotten better each time. They have really tightened it up. It has been shortened too. It clocks in now at 2:30 min. Had great seats too. Row k center aisle. It was a perfect view and especially for the fight.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/8/12
ROCKY opens a week from tonight. Have they frozen the show yet? I am seeing it next Wednesday (the night before the opening).
You'll see a frozen show. The three performances before opening are critics' nights.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08
I saw yesterday's matinee of Rocky. Lost the lottery but ended up getting amazing "lotto loser" seats. Was seated BB 1 and 3, front row of the left orchestra, center aisle. We didn't miss a thing! I thought the show was cute (I've never seen the movie) and the only recognizable error was that during the scene where Rocky goes to meet the guy who wants him to fight with Apollo, his office set did not close. They had two stagehands on each piece of the seat working to get them to turn and close together. When they closed it let out a big "boom" noise but everything else seemed to run smoothly. I loved the set and visual effects. The final fight was fun because we got to stand up alongside the ring! Hard to see but still a real fun experience. As others have said, I think the best place to sit is the mezzanine. Andy Karl was fantastic. I also want to mention, before the show, the assistant director came on stage and announced/explained previews to the audience and to be patient with them. He explained their electrical issue a few days ago and mentioned they now have a generator in case something goes wrong. I thought that was nice since not many people understand what previews are. (That night at Les Mis I overheard people talking about what they think previews are....one statement was "are we seeing a preview of what the show is?"...lol)
Updated On: 3/6/14 at 10:57 AM
That electrical issue has been going on for ages. They need to get that fixed. (I'd have thought ConEd would have taken care of it by now-that's a busy area.)
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/12
Not a huge discount here, but Rocky is also on Goldstar: http://www.goldstar.com/events/new-york-ny/rocky
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08