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Saved 5/15/08 Review

jordangirl Profile Photo
#75SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/19/08 at 9:59am

She did on Saturday afternoon.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#76SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 8:46am

i dont know much about this show, so this is prob. a stupid question. Is this the same Saved that Jonathan Larson worked on. I am writing a research paper on him and i was just curious. thanks!

jordangirl Profile Photo
#77SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 8:51am

I doubt it since it's based on the movie that came out in 2004. So unless he was working on that, I don't think it's the same.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#78SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 8:52am

oh ok, i saw on some sites that he wrote a show called saved! so i was not sure if it was the same. thanks

#79SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 8:52am

This SAVED is based on the Mandy Moore film. Larson was long dead by the time it was released.

#80SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 9:11am

the sites said that it had something to do with christianity and i thought that is what the current show deals with so i thought it was the same. thanks for clearing that up.

folkyboy Profile Photo
#81SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 10:45am

i'm seeing this show on Saturday evening! whoo whoo!

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#82SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 2:39pm

I saw this Saturday night. I thought it was gads of fun and very well done. I don't really think it is suited for B'way but deserves a LONG run off b'way.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Broadway212 Profile Photo
#83SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 5:58pm

I was just wondering if anyone knows if there will be an off broadway cast recording

sweeneynut Profile Photo
#84SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 9:06pm

Broadway212, I posted it previously in this thread, but I guess you might have missed it. I asked Celia about a recording at the stage door(lobby...), and she said that there's nothing as of now. With some good reviews and more popularity, there probably will be, but there's no plans right now.

"My muffin top is all that/whole grain and low-fat/I know you want a piece of that/But I just wanna dance!"

Broadway212 Profile Photo
#85SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 9:11pm

Sweeneynut I must have missed the post thanks for answering again. I really hope there is a cast recording the music was really good.

alliez92092 Profile Photo
#86SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 9:42pm

I'll actually be at the Saturday matinee instead of the evening. We went to buy tickets a little too late. Woops! Oh well, I'm still excited to see it.

bertandrew2 Profile Photo
#87SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/24/08 at 7:48pm

Saw it last night. Very unimpressed. The top notch cast does the best they can do with the book music and lyrics that just sit there. No point of view. No 'take' on the material. I was looking forward to seeing how the film would translate to the stage. And it really doesn't. Ill conceived and realized. Again, such talented performers!
Very sad.

#88SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/24/08 at 8:06pm

I saw it this afternoon...I thought it was fun!

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#89SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/25/08 at 1:20pm

I saw this yesterday afternoon. I love the film and was very excited when the casting was announced. The book was all over the place in terms of quality- some good, some bad. The lyrics had the same problem and musically, it was repetitive. I was expecting more of an edge. I think they should have also cast some roles younger.

I think it has a long way to go, but could have promise if they work with it a lot.

A standout for me was Morgan Weed as Cassandra both in terms of acting and vocals. She has a future. That was clear in Next to Normal and even clearer here. I also liked Mary Faber as Hilary Faye in the stage production's conception of the role. Although I didn't agree with their conception of the character having known many Hilary Fayes in my life, she did well with what she was given, but I'd like to see what they could do with more realistic casting age-wise. Julia Murney did well with a small thankless role (there were apparently a lot of Wicked fans in the audience as she received deafening cheers at the end- more so than any other cast member).

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)
Updated On: 5/25/08 at 01:20 PM
