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Seeing shows alone?

#100re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 3:42am

I love being alone at Bwy shows. I get so absorbed, I don't care how long it takes me to read the Playbill over and over again. I just love the experience!
I have been to many Broadway shows alone, and it is Ok. I reccomend everyone try it.

Sheri Profile Photo
#101re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 6:02am

I love seeing shows with friends, but I've seen many shows alone and really don't have a problem with it. When I travel to LA, it's mainly to see shows so I try to see as many as I possibly can in the time that I'm out there. If my hubby isn't traveling with me (which he hasn't been this year because he's had trouble getting time off), I try to meet up with friends and go with them as much as possible. The only thing is, most of my friends are not as into theatre as I am and often times they wouldn't want to spend every night seeing a different show - so I usually end up seeing quite a few of them by myself.

At first I was self-concious about it, but now I rather enjoy it. As others have said, often times I feel bad if the people I'm with are not really enjoying the show and I tend to feel responsible for suggesting it.

#102re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 9:27am

I'm 15 and I've seen a few shows alone when my parents didnt want to go. It's no big deal. I saw Gypsy and Phantom. There are lots of things to do during intermission. If reading your playbill get boring, buy the souvenir program, get a drink for in the lobby, go pee...ta-da!!! the entr'acte will start before you know it!
Updated On: 6/19/05 at 09:27 AM

#103re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 9:49am

I have no problem seeing shows when I'm alone. In fact I did that just last night. I had a free evening, my friends were busy and I wanted to see MARK TWAIN TONIGHT! I brought a good book to read on the train ride, bought my ticket at the TKTS Booth, had supper at a luncheonette, and enjoyed the show.

Next Sunday I'll join a friend for the last performance of LA CAGE AUX FOLLES.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#104re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 11:18am

I was forced to see Wicked alone because my aunt couldnt get a ticket... but I had a ball, I felt like I was on top of the world, maybe its because I was finally seeing Wicked or maybe it was because it was my 16th birthday. I had tons of fun alone...

But thats just me.

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
#105re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 4:20pm

I saw Brooklyn alone few times because all of my friends
saw it twice already (all with me) :p
And I saw it 23 times.. hehe

#106re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 4:27pm

I mostly watch shows alone because my friends just aren't that intested in going. It's not a big deal for me- the most annoying part is wandering around for hours if I buy a ticket when the box office opens and have to wait until an 8pm curtain.

#107re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 4:58pm

I go alone all the time. Student rush rules.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#108re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 5:11pm

i go alone all the time.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#109re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 5:40pm

I go alone a lot too. Especially when I want to see a show again. I've grown to really like going by myself, because (and I think someone said this earlier)that way I don't have to worry about whether the person I brought is liking it or anything; I can just enjoy it. Maybe that's selfish...
I think a lot of it depends on your personality; I know I just like to be alone sometimes in general, so I really don't mind being alone at a show.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#110re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 5:51pm

I travel alone alot so am used to being on my onsome. Usually friends scheds or $ don't co- ord too well either. I guess while it IS fun to share a theatre visit- I usually am so caught up in the experience that being alone isn't a big thing to me. On occ I've even chatted to people beside me- They don't always chat back but w t hell u never know!!

#111re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 5:51pm

As a side note- I watched The Pillowman with a friend, the first time all season I didn't go to a show alone. There's something to be said for being horrified with someone you know next to you. :)

#112re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 5:57pm

If being alone during intermission bothers you, leave the theater and go to a nearby deli for a Coke at an affordable price. You can easily be back in 15 minutes.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Lorelai Profile Photo
#113re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 6:34pm

I don't mind going to shows alone at all. Sometimes I get impulsive and just hop on the ferry (less than a 2 min walk from my apartment) and go. 9 times out of 10, though, it's a show I've already seen with someone.

(formerly bronte604) "You really just love money and power and capitalism? You know they're never going to love you back." "Things happen for the best...I don't even believe that myself."

#114re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 8:48pm

I prefer going with someone so I can squeal about it with them, but if I really want to see something and no one's free or interested, I'll go alone. I'm not going to miss something just because I'm going to be horribly bored at interval re: Seeing shows alone?

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#115re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 8:56pm

I have no problem going alone.
The only sad thing is when I think " would LOVE this and I wish that particular person was there."

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#116re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/19/05 at 9:05pm

ive yet to go to a show alone. probably because im 14 and i cant go to the city by myself, although i can go with my cousins who are 17 so thats cool. but i guess given the chance to attend a show by myself i wouldnt mind.

SamIAm Profile Photo
#117re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/20/05 at 3:07pm

I know several people who go to shows alone and enjoy them. Before the show, I've found that (even if I am with someone else to see the show) I often start a conversation with people sitting next to me and if you are the kind of person who LOVES to share their feelings about a show during can easily find people who are willing to talk about the show with you.

It's not as lonely an experience as you might think and sometimes when you really want to stuff a sock in your friend's mouth to shut them up during a critical scene or musical number, you might even WISH to be alone in the crowd :)

"Life is a lesson in humility"

Justice Profile Photo
#118re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/20/05 at 3:39pm

I hate seeing shows alone. Unlike movies, the opportunity of others having seen the same show are rare. The two shows I saw alone were 1. Having Our Say (and what an amazing show it was, with no other peer or anyone close to me having seen it to discuss the amazing DeLaney sisters) and 2. One Mo' Time, which was a really fun show.

"Do you know what pledge time is, Andrew"? said the PBS Executive. "Yes", Lloyd Webber replied. "My 50th birthday special must be one program that gets done a lot." "No", mused the man from PBS heedlessy. "Not so much. Our Stephen Sondheim Carnegie Hall concert. That's a big one." Spoons, forks and knives seemed suddenly to suspend their motion in horror, all around the table.

WickedToronto Profile Photo
#119re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/21/05 at 5:54pm

I am 21 and I enjoy watching shows alone . I am not a lonely person I just feel I can focus more on the show whenever I am seeing it alone because I kinda hate people talking and my friends and family talk so much during performances!!.
Ive seen Mamma Mia, Hairspray (twice), Urinetown (twice), Batboy, Les Miserables , West Side Story , Little Shop and Lion King =)

#120re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/21/05 at 6:01pm

ive been to many many shows alone. if i wanna chat with someone, the people next to me are often friendly- if not an usher is usually happy to chat about the show and what its like after the 500th viewing...
