Did anyone see the show tonight? Any big changes from what has been stated so briefly and vaguely in this thread?
I was there tonite...really liked it, but there were problems! Some quite fixable imo. More tomorrow, but adored Ranson. She's the best reason to go.
I was there tonite...really liked it, but there were problems! Some quite fixable imo. More tomorrow, but adored Ranson. She's the best reason to go.
I was there tonite...really liked it, but there were problems! Some quite fixable imo. More tomorrow, but adored Ranson. She's the best reason to go.
Wow "Eve was weak" has quite a different tone here than it has in the past (including the 2009 reading). I found it a little strange at first but really like it now . It's oddly hypnotic and rhythmic with the drums/guitar, the fast tempo and Mazzie's screeching (which I expected she'd include after doing N2N). If they slowed it down Mazzie would have to sing more because there would be too much space in terms of time for her to screech certain lines I think, and this would seem a bit pedestrian in the lower key in comparison to Buckley's performance as it was in the 2009 reading (although the key has been raised a semi-tone from the 2009 reading, which is another welcomed change but it's still a tone below Buckley's).
I actually think they should get some more electric guitar in there because the acoustic-sounding guitar strums are so tame.
Mazzie's last note in this song is very powerful, I'm glad that she waits till the end of the song to use her voice completely.
ZiggyCringe made a comment earlier in the thread that Mazzie's "Eve was weak" was odd. It sounds odd to me because it feels so different to the original (although I'm used to it/like it now). But I don't agree that it is "low key" (except for the key signature :P).. Marin is trying her hardest to give an intense performance of Eve Was Weak here, I think.
I was there tonight as well. I have to say that after reading this thread I was a bit skeptical but I tried to go in with an open mind. I am not super familiar with the original. I have the sound board recording and listened to it like 5 years ago and have not listened to it since.
The cast, IMHO, was phenomenal with the stand outs being Ranson and Mazzie they have been pretty much universally praised on this board. I also thought that Christy Altomare (Sue) and Derek Klena (Tommy) were both also quite great.
As for the score I really enjoyed it. The only song I could have done with out is "The World According to Chris" I really hope that they do a cast recording I would love to have this on my iPhone!
There has been a lot of negative comments about Mazzie being to "reserved" and not truly portraying "the crazy" side of Margret. I would assume that they have made some changes there because her performance was not anything that I was expecting after reading earlier posts on this thread. I think that she played the mix of crazy religious zealot and loving mother well.
I loved the staging and set for this show. I feel like with the size of the theatre the cast size was perfect. I know there have been some complaints about the small size of the cast as far as the staging of the prom scene was concerned. I didn't see a problem with it. I do wish that the destruction was a bit longer with some more action but overall it was not too bad.
No blood. When I first read that I was horrified that I would not see the iconic blood drop. How they do it really works though. I feel like when Carrie comes back on stage covered in blood it's just as shocking as the drop (at least for me)
There was a post show talk bak tonight (which I'm suprised more people didn't stay for) with Lawrence Cohen. It was very interesting to hear him talk about the creation of this show. He did say that they are making changes nightly and what we saw tonight would most definatley not be the final product. One last interesting thing, at least for me, The original script that Larry wrote for the movie was told from the point of Sue after the fact just like the musical is now.
I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff but those are just my thoughts on the show. Sorry if my rumblings don't make sense lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/15/05
I'm a few pages behind. But all this talk of only having six kids in the prom being a problem kind of makes me laugh.
I went to high school in New England. Not far from the region where CARRIE is supposed to take place.
There are towns and districts there so small that... GASP!... there ARE schools with classes that small! And dances with that few kids! Life in rural New ENgland.
So while in this case it's small because of budgetary reasons, do not presume it's also laughably impossible. It's not only possible, it happens!
Just sayin.
Baiseur82, Christy Altomare plays Sue. Carmen Cusack plays Miss Gardner.
Hmm...well, after listening to the audio, I have arrived at the following conclusion:
I think a lot of the new lyric changes are overall great. The music on the whole sounds great - especially the new Destruction, which I always have felt was problematic in just about every incarnation I've ever seen of Carrie: The Musical.
In regards to Marin - I can't disagree with all that's been said here about her being too tame, which unfortunately I really didn't want to believe being I love Marin Mazzie, but it's true. She's just not crazy enough. But it's mostly in the bookwriting that this is so - you can definitely hear a lot of passion in the way she delivers "Eve Was Weak" (albeit the key change) and "When There's No One".
I also surprisingly don't hate "The World According To Chris" as much as everyone else seems to. Is it a great song? No. But I don't think it's a terrible song either. The weakest song in the score as it stands currently I think is "Why Not Me". I never liked this song, and I probably never will. It's bland and unmemorable in my opinion.
As everyone else has said, Tommy and Sue sound great. I have my doubts though about Ms. Gardner - I don't know if I'm just hearing things, but she seems to have a strange sort of accent that blends between Southern and Midwestern sometimes that throws me off. Anyone hear this?
In conclusion, I think there's a great show in here. It needs a little fixing, but if there becomes a licensed version and this is it, I wouldn't complain. As someone else said on here, some ambitious directors in future productions could bring out Margaret's craziness if Stafford never does (remember, there's still hope!)
I thought "Miss Gardner" sounded a bit southern. Anyway, my daughter watched a really bad- REALLY BAD- made for tv "Carrie" on netflix yesterday. The kids looked older than college and everything else looked so amateur. I found out you can get the original movie on i-tunes for $2.99- my daughter definitely NEEDS to see that version (netflix didn't have the original)!
Excellent idea, mom! After seeing the show, I want to see the film again-for me it was flawless.
The original film is fantastic, i would not say flawless
somethingwicked thanks for pointing that out! I changed it!
Because the film has a slight undercurrent of tongue-in-cheek parody and comedy (to go with the horror and the great acting and the "seriousness" of the situation), the flaws actually play into it nicely. They're forgiven because of the established (multilayered) tone.
There are a lot of times where viewers could easily say, "Did he or she really mean that, or say that, or do that?" It might be a clunky line or an odd reaction or a missed opportunity or an over-the-top gesture. It all seems to work so well because it's a horror-drama-comedy-parody. Multifaceted and risky. Even the "goofs" work.
I recently re-watched it, and I have to say the performances in it are all terrific. Definitive. Especially Spacek and Laurie, but right down the line, the whole cast is unforgettable.
EDIT: I will also suggest that if you rent or buy the Special Edition DVD, you owe it to yourselves to watch all the extras. There are well over an hour's worth of interviews with DePalma, the actors, etc. They explain fully their approach and how/why they chose to do things the way they did.
Those interviews from the dvd extras are actually on youtube and are definitely fun to watch.
re: the original film being flawless.
Perhaps flawless is the wrong word according the the criteria used by some critics. However, I'm less of a scrutinizer and more of a reactionary when it comes to art.
If I'm transported into a film (or a painting, play, piece of music, dance, book) and out of the actual moment, then I'm happy. If I feel something other than boredom, I'm happy. And probably most important- am I visually thrilled? I'm ecstatic!
Okay...my 4our cents:
Again, I do think there was alot right about this production, and some of what is wrong is quite fixable.
One problem they cannot fix is everyone's familiarity with the original film.
It is classic and has indelible performances and direction. Besty is right to mention the humor in the film, which was attempted onstage here, but fell flat. Comic relief to break tension is a very effective way to heighten suspense, drama and horror. Here it was poorly written, and poorly acted by the students. I am amazed how bad some of them were. None of the "teenage shenanigans" worked and felt terribly forced. Ooh...they're smoking pot! The Spring Awakening choreography didnt work here as it (I think) did quite well in SA. Are there no younger actors out there that can handle this AND look 17? None of their voices were THAT great, so that's not the reason they were hired. Only two actors were completely natural, imo, and that was the kid who played Tommy and Ranson. They actually made me forget the orignal actors...which was a real feat for Ranson.
She was a revelation, and played Carrie very differently than Spacek, who I adore. Her transformation after finding her "power" was something to see and cheer. Her scenes with both Tommy and Margaret were committed to Carrie's journey. At the end of act 1 when Carrie sits back down to eat her cake was my favorite moments of the show. Ranson was phenominal.
I did have some problems with Mazzie as Margaret. Perhaps I'm disappointed that she wasnt Laurie or Buckley...I'm still digesting that. She made some good choices and sang the ballads beautifully. I did feel "Eve was Weak" was weak. She was not freaked out enough that her child was cursed...the worst thing in her world was happening. It barely registered above a catechism class to me. It should be fire and brimstone. Musically, I dont understand if they lowered the key why she couldnt belt out "Amen" better, unless she was just tired. I do assume she was directed this way or she just cant vocally do it that powerfully. Again, perhaps I'm comparing her to Buckley and Laurie too much...but when she calls Carrie "woman", it isnt a compliment...it's a damnation in her eyes. As everyone has said, she must have some crazy zealot in her to kill her kid, who I believed she did love in an effed up way.
Cusak DID have a weird southern accent that was unnecessary and affected. Margaret saying "you're not from around here" is not a reason for her to take on such a weird twang. Other than that I liked her choices as an actress especially when dealing with those "teenagers".
There were definite tempo issues and timing issues with the lighting effects, though I didnt mind the destruction as it was done...it really needs to be cleaned up tho.
PLEASE drop the prom before the prom scene with Tommy and Sue. Totally unnessesary and dragged the show down.
I didnt mind the narration of Sue as a device to tell the story...but not sure it was delivered as well as it couldve been.
Swing Joined: 2/8/12
I was there last night and for the talkback, too (which I thought was quite well attended, given the size of crowds at talkbacks in general, but that's another topic). I also was quite taken with the show and quite surprised by the early negative commmentary, which now seems to me a little ungenerous given that the show is slated for 4 weeks of previews, which clearly means they had every intention of using the time to work on the show (which is, of course, the point of previews). SPOILER: I was also surprised by all the carping about the bucket of blood and people saying the production couldn't afford it or couldn't figure out how to do it. Of course they could figure it out if that's what they wanted to do. It is so obvioulsy a choice the way they do it now - without the blood dropping on Carrie. I was surrpsied to find it TOTALLY effective and then enhanced when Carrie comes home drenched and that's the first time we see her covered in blood. I thought it hieightened emotion and the absolute humiilation she suffered. It seems to me that if we saw the blood drop there may have been the initial payoff of the effect of blood, but it would have been about the effect. What they do now really gives an emotional payoff when we see Carrie covered in blood on the stark stage in the bright white light, in front of her mother. I thought it highlighted everything her mother was concerend with/obsessed about. It was one of my favorite moments of the show, quite thrilling and, I truly believe, artistically motivated. In the context of the show, I totally bought it! I love how we were asked to use our imagination. And the sense I got from the audience around me was that I was not alone. (A woman behind me gasped when Carrie walked onto the stage in blood!) Cohen seemed pretty clear that they know that they won't please everyone, and that their work in previews is to fully realize thier vision, and it's clear that thier vision may not correlate exactly to what some people expect. It's not perfect and maybe it will never be, but I was thrilled by the ride I took last night and will be interested to see where it ends up. And as most have said, even in some of the negative comments, the cast is pretty great. I'm assuming that Marin Mazzie is finding new stuff the more she plays it. It's a pretty tricky part. I thought she was brave to do it -- and quite effective.
We sat in front of Bernie Telsey and some of his staff, and Michael Grief was there with Kevin McCollum and Lynette Perry. Not sure what that means...probably nothing.
doodle, thanks so much for giving your views in such detail. It makes me raise a lot of questions after your reactions.
First of all, the humor in the film, with very few exceptions, is unintentional. What I mean by that is the characters are not trying to be funny (creatively, the choice by many of them was to get a laugh or at least crack a smile). For example, Billy and Chris together weren't trying to crack each other up. No "intent" to be humorous, in other words. They were definitely playing and toying with each other in a mean-spirited way, while they were both attempting to manipulate emotions to get what they wanted. What's funny (from an audience POV) is how completely stupid and clumsy they are about it. They are definitely both mouth-breathing "low end of the spectrum" high school seniors. That's the humor, not cracking one-liners or trying to get a laugh from either each other or the audience.
From your recap, it sounds like there was an "attempt" at making them funny, which is a wrong approach. They're not Totie Fields and Shecky Green. They're stupid punks, completely committed to getting what they want.
As far as "Eve Was Weak" being weak, I keep picturing this in my mind, and most everyone here keeps thinking that Marin isn't going far enough with her "freakiness."
I keep thinking of Piper Laurie's interviews on the DVD. Her "freakiest" moments in the film are when she (the actress) played completely against what was actually happening to the character. She didn't always do that, but in her most powerful moments (killing Carrie, dying), that was her approach.
I'm wondering if she shouldn't play against "Eve Was Weak" and make those moments in the song where she is locking up Carrie the most wonderful thing she thinks could ever happen. Play it as an evangelist who is seeing God in the face right then. Rather than a "Christian soldier" going more serious with it, how about huge smiles, brightly lit eyes, the "glory of salvation" in her expressions, gestures, and emotions. Piper didn't play this scene that way, but she also wasn't trying to "sing" her feelings just then.
I'm thinking this could yield the level of unsettling "freakiness" that Marin might not be able to reach by going further in the other (more expected) way.
That's exactly what I meant about "Eve Was Weak" besty. Margaret at that point Margaret is fighting the devil in her way of thinking...she's over the top fighting for her daughter's soul...she's scared but ready to battle...it's nuts and needs to be played that way for us to buy it. The song itself, musically, is a frenzy with a climax, which is why us queens love it!
As to the humor, there was an attempt to define the kids, and illustrate that it was present day. Perhaps they were trying to create those opportunities so it SEEMED like the fun watching Nancy Allen and Travolta, or Edie McClurg and P.J. Soles...it didnt work, and it didnt in 1988. Drop half of that crap and the high school scenes would be more palatable.
Ranson was the only one to truly mine humor out of the book with her delivery...another thing she managed perfectly. I truly hope this young lady is remembered for the Obies, Drama League and Drama Desks.
With all the remarks and opinions---good, bad, and indifferent---that's the one thing most everybody seems to agree upon: Ranson. I hope she's recognized for this performance as well.
Thanks again, doodle!
My 2 fave funny lines in this new production etc
Billy, you have been in high school for what, like 7 years? - Spoke by Chris
No S**t - Carrie repeating what one of the kids said at the prom, funny and cute
doodle- my daughter is 17 and she kept saying she could have been in the show because she's the right age! She has also done musical theatre. Most of the kids in the show have already graduated from college. It didn't say in the program where Molly has studied- does anyone know? She is so beautiful, nice, and genuine at the stage door. We also ran into several of the cast members at the subway after the show. For us Florida girls, that's so surreal. We also thought Derek did a good job- very nice voice and very nice looking- but my daughter thought the high school boys looked way too old and thought they tried a little too hard. Like I said, she had never seen the movie and didn't have any pre-conceived notions so she really enjoyed the show. We did notice that when the "bucket" poured down on Carrie, Molly really wasn't directly under it. Still- SHE is the reason to see the show! I also can't believe my daughter sat through that horrible remake! I can't wait for her to see the original!
They are just trying too hard to make these kids "cool" and the MOST POPULAR!
They push this WAY too hard and it's so unnecessary. John Travolta's Billy was barely in the film, and had NO interaction with Carrie. None of the boys did. The girls did a terrible thing (that scene was fine actually) and Chris uses her sex appeal to get Billy to go along. He doesnt even know who Carrie is.
Funny thing, they show the kids using their phones in class, etc. Norma took her phone out of her shirt after they got scolded in gym class.
why wouldnt they start furiosly texting when Carrie began the destruction? It would've been on youtube! There'd be no need to interrogate Sue!
It would've been awesome if just as the blood dropped, all of their cell phones flew out the window before it slammed shut!