If you really want to be careful, put your headphones in (the phone, not your ears). That way even if your alarm does go off, it's only through the headphones. And maybe the vibration.
When your phone is on Do Not Disturb, text messages and phone calls still come through, which can disrupt the sound system (allegedly). Also if you have any contacts on your VIP list, their calls can come through anyway, depending on your settings. I put my phone on Airplane mode during a show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/9/15
Headphones and airplane mode are both great ideas! Now I can be quadruple backed. (Silent, do not disturb, airplane mode, headphones.)
How about the setting---Leave me at Home---that always works.
But---How many times have you left the house and been miles away---and gone BACK for the fvckin' thing !!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
"How about the setting---Leave me at Home---that always works."
How about the setting --- Go back 30 years when we didn't have these things? Or the setting, go back 50 years when we had polite audiences and musicals with good music? Where can we find these settings ---other than in the windmills of our minds?
I never turn my phone off all the way, I almost always have it on mute and check that that's the really the case, and I don't use vibration because it eats battery. But I don't typically get calls anyway. I'll sometimes put it on airplane mode as well, some theaters have really bad reception and eats my battery alive (I'll easily lose 20% just by having it sit in my purse for 2h trying to find reception.
The should make it so you can't get reception at all inside, but then have a free wifi that's only available before, after and during intermission and turned off otherwise. (Not sure how that would possibly work technically but it would solve the problem for everything but alarm tones)
_IrisTInkerbell said: "The should make it so you can't get reception at all inside, but then have a free wifi that's only available before, after and during intermission and turned off otherwise. (Not sure how that would possibly work technically but it would solve the problem for everything but alarm tones)"
Intentionally blocking a receptor signal is a violation of federal law, so that's not going to happen.
Stand-by Joined: 11/18/15
_IrisTInkerbell said: "I never turn my phone off all the way, I almost always have it on mute and check that that's the really the case, and I don't use vibration because it eats battery. But I don't typically get calls anyway. I'll sometimes put it on airplane mode as well, some theaters have really bad reception and eats my battery alive (I'll easily lose 20% just by having it sit in my purse for 2h trying to find reception.
The should make it so you can't get reception at all inside, but then have a free wifi that's only available before, after and during intermission and turned off otherwise. (Not sure how that would possibly work technically but it would solve the problem for everything but alarm tones)
It's pretty easy to turn off wi-fi. Someone else already mentioned that technically blocking cell phone signals is illegal, but I love your idea about only making wi-fi available when the show isn't going on (especially since so many theatres have poor reception anyway)