Have you ever been in a show that you just didn't like at all? Like there's always the fun and thrill of doing a show, but you just didn't like the material?
Right now, despite having a fun part, I'm doing Pippin and it's really just not a show I will ever like.
I was also in Grease once, and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
Anyone else? Just out of curiosity.
(p.s. I searched to make sure nothing else was around like this, and I didn't find anything...for those of you who know of another thread. My b.)
PIPPIN also. I had a terrible time in that show. Never again.
You know at first I thought it was just because I don't get along with my director and he's bad. But it's not even his fault anymore.
I played Larry in what I thought was the worst production of Company on the planet, that is, until I saw one that was even worse. The director had no sense of style and had no business directing that show. The choreography for What Would We Do Without You and Side By Side By Side was very involving, but it was done on a thrust stage, and when we did it in the performance space, it didn't fit, so he decided that Joanne and I should be offstage singing. He didn't even have us sitting in our apartment setting.
I hated it so much, I barely learned my lines and I loathed the Joanne, who spilled her drink in me every performance doing The Ladies Who Lunch.
I'll never see or even try to be in that show again.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
I'm originating a role right now at a local theatre...the show sucks, and that's not a word I use often.
I'm really trying to play my character convincingly, but all he ever does is say these random sentences that are meant to be punch lines (punch lines that are terribly unfunny, that is).
I've played the weakest roles in shows before, but they were always consistent with their words...thus they were workable. However, with this role, he is not only thin, but one moment he supports a character, the next moment he chastises him, and for no reason.
Pretty much the whole show is that bad. I can't stand it as a whole. I wish the powers that be would have reworked it. I am anxiously awaiting its conclusion next week.
With Pippin, the director is not only horrible and still complains everyday that he gave me a part, but he yells at this one ensemble girl every single time she does the smallest thing wrong and he makes her cry everytime which of course prolongs our rehearsal process. I've never worked with most of the other kids too, and they turned out to be the cattiest group of high schoolers ever. I mean EVER. And I'm wearing close to nothing for my costume. And why? Not because they felt it was good for my character, but because they ran out of money because they bought Fastrada some sequined SUPER expenisve dress and now they're just pulling things together for the rest of us.
And the guy who plays Pippin like to storm out of the room and refuse to say his lines. It's really just a load of good times
Phantom, which show is this?
Hello Dolly
Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/07
The worst: When I was in high school, a locally written thing called Caroliniantics, based on local Black folklore of the South Carolina coast (Brer Rabbit type stuff). Except the cast ended up being all yuppie white kids, and none of it made much sense. The lead little boy got kicked out of role a week before opening and replaced by me (not so little).
As an adult, I pick and choose VERY carefully.
Babes in Arms. The score is great, but I hated that show. Everyone was directed to overact, and the ensemble (which I was apart of) was stuck on in almost every scene, and we should not have been there. Ugh.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
Anna, check your PMs.
I have only been in 3 shows I hated, 2 for the material and 1 for the director.
Material wise I too hated Grease and the second was a horrible, ill-conceived musical version of Star Wars. It was DREADFUL and not in a so-bad-it's-good way. Just embarrassing and I tried not to let anyone I know see it, but of course I always invite a ton of people to opening night and my friends got suspicious when I didn't so they came en masse and still sing, "May the force be with you" whenever they are drunk and want to mock me.
I was also in a production of Miracle Worker that I hated because of the director. It is a great play, but he was manipulative and cruel and did stupid things like set the play in the '80s. Our Helen wore pink leggings and had HUGE hair. No joke.
Updated On: 4/21/07 at 03:52 PM
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (The only show I was ever embarrassed to be in. The director was a bitch and thought she knew EVERYTHING about theatre.)
The Sound of Music (The show itself is boring and the cast was super clique-y.)
I just got a call from my friend who's at a rehearsal right now for Pippin that weirdly enough I don't have to be at because they're running Pippin-Catharine stuff, and apparantly, our Pippin just threw a shoe at one of the directors.
But I'm not surprised. How pathetic is that??
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/05
Jekyll and Hyde. I can't hear even one measure of that score and not feel the urge to become violent towards someone.
Guys and Dolls. I played General Cartwright and was bored to tears.
Aw Guys and Dolls was one of my favorite ones!
You know which one was boring though? Sweet Charity. I had lines because I was Ursula, so I had it better off than a lot of the people there, but it was...dreary and BLAH. Plus it's like a one-woman show.
P.s. I also didn't have a good time with Babes in Arms. I just don't like the story.
The director for PIPPIN was wonderful, but our choreographer made Snow White's stepmother look like the mother of the year. He was the most evil queen who ever lived.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
You know, usually when I finish a show...I end up hating it. If I had a bad time making it and had troubles back stage with other cast members *coughsweetcharitycough* then I usually end up hating the show because of the memories.
I can tell you which ones I LOVED doing..The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas and A Funny Thing Happend on the Way to the Forum.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/8/07
The first I was ever in was Gypsy as a newsboy and I love the show, but the director was a 40some year old woman who casted herself as Louise and she couldn't even sing that well. She would forget to call people about practices (I actually wasn't told that rehearsals started and was forced to spend a saturday over her house while she taught me choreography for 20 minutes and then made me play in the backyard with her son). She had no control over the show and ended up asking parents of the newsboy to be in the show. In the strip scene on the last night, the same son I was told to play with, walked across stage with a cookie in his hand, watched his mother strip for a little bit, waved to the audience, and walked off again! I love Gypsy, but that was one of the most unprofessional experiences ever. The only thing I got out of it was never to do that particular community theatre and memorization for all the lyrics for every female role (i was a powerful boy soprano) in the show!
"He was the most evil queen who ever lived." HA!! Sounds like my director.
Backstage for Sweet Charity was realy awful for me too NathanLaneStalker. Not to mention the fact that everything about that show was disorganized and the guy who played Oscar spent the first part of the show before he had to go on doing some verrrrrrrrrry sexual things in the bathroom, then went right out and kissed Charity later. HE was an evil queen as well. And the girl who played Helene kicked me.
Everything about high school musical theatre is very professional. Really.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
Sounds like you had OUR Oscar. lol. Also, this was community theatre, so of course everyone who sucked thought they were excellent and their next stop is Broadway. I hate that. and the ones who were good thought they sucked. I don't hate that AS MUCH because then they don't get a big head. So that was a disaster...and I can't sit through those notes at the begining of "Big Spender" that goes "DA DA DA DA...DA DA" If that makes sense. lol. Every time I hear that now, I shudder. And used to LOVE this show...go fig.
NOT to mention our Charity refered to the show was "her show" so we "better not do ANYTHING to mess up HER show". And her voice was about as beautiful as a dog whistle.
I mean really. Sometimes it's just horrible. And Sweet Charity isn't a show I like but could have been fun.
three words:
and i only did because MTI came to watch our show because we were the smalled school ever to do it and i like free publicity
Yeah I think you win with that one.