Swing Joined: 4/22/07
High School Musical. Ensemble.
I'm in it right now. I can't stand it. It's so cheesy. and the cast is full of cliques. I can't wait for it to be over (2 more weeks!)
Fiddler on the Roof. I was Yente.
I thought the show was pretty boring. and the director was a jerk.
Inherit the Wind. I was Hornbeck, so that wasn't too bad. But hoooly crap that show can just make you want to hurt yourself.
Footloose...TWICE. I was in it during high school and then three years later when my community theatre did it. You think I would have learned the first time.
On The Town. Classic show, classic score, but not a soul in the cast (including me) was enough of a dancer to stand up to the choreography, and the direction just... plodded.
OK....Shame on ME for auditioning and being cast as Freddy in a Regional production of My Fair Lady.
Not so bad, you say? Well...I only did it because I knew it was a "classic", but mainly because I liked the song "On the Street Where You Live". The bad news?....I had NEVER seen the show before. Like I said...MY BAD!
That has got to be the most boring show EVER! I was kicking myself right in the ASS-COT GAVOTTE during the entire run. To this day, I cannot sit through that show.
It was defintiely a learning experience for me! Since then, I've been plenty prepared for ALL auditions!
Ya live, ya learn! :)
The Sound of Music - I like the musical - but as a young male, unless you are cast as Rolf or are around 10-14 ... you really have nothing to do in the musical. As I was 16 when I was cast, and was not Rolf, I was cast as a Nazi soldier ... with a total of about 6 minutes of stage time ... standing on stage watching the concert. It was not a whole bunch of fun.
P.S. singtopher - aww, I loved being in Hello Dolly.
Swing Joined: 1/1/07
The Music Man when I was in college...I was Maude Dunlop(one of the pickalittle ladies) The director was an idiot. Marion was cast only because she was a pretty soprano who could not act her way out of a paper bag. The Mayor's wife played the part straight and serious...did not find the humor in it. Winthrope was the spawn of Satan who would go around and just hit and kick people cause he felt like it. The choreography was horrbile, we lterally would stand there and do hand movements that went with the lyrics, like join us at the picnic we waved people over and pointed at people who had a picnic basket.During Rock Island the people where moving like they were humping the chairs they were in. Me and my friend lterally felt our souls were being sold to the devil and we had 2 shots of vodka before we went to practice(just to get through it) and we had 4 when we got back from practice. It was awful
Swing Joined: 12/31/69
Being in high school theater still- it was pretty much theatrical suicide when we put on "how to succeed in business without really trying" ..it is just too long for a high school. considering also that the older generation kenw it much better-it woudlve been smarter to make that more of a community theater thing. we all hated it.
Footloose was the worst.
Oooh I remember doing "How to Succeed.." For me though, that was one of my better theatrical experiences in high school. It was my first show freshman year and it was the first time I was in an ensemble and it was a FUN ensemble show. But long, you are right about that. The only issue with doing that show in high school is that the jokes fall flat cause no one really understands them.
Plus Rosemary is an annoying pile of crap. Seriously, that's not much of a character (even though her songs are fun). But I think Hedy LaRue is the best part EVER.
Swing Joined: 4/22/07
I agree with How to Succeed. Maybe if you're a male it's a blast cause they do so much more, but the girls literally sit backstage for 2/3 of Act Two. Plus playing Rosemary is awful, because to this day no one really has any idea what to do with her. Is she dippy? Is she sarcastic? Everyone just pushes it on you to figure out and it's just an almost impossible role to crack.
I like the show itself, just not the experience I had with it.
In high school, our teacher took several groups of students to a local Shakespeare festival. My group was to perform The Taming of the Shrew. We took a lot of liberties with the play - we added a silent subplot to the background about a group of frivolous gossipy women, and another woman repeatedly trying to join in and be snubbed. I played the part of the poor stubborn outcast.
So, Petruchio, Bianca, Katharina, etc. go on stage. The group of frivolous gossipy women then went on, and I ran after them. They would stop and form a circle, I would squeeze myself into it, and they would push me out. Repeat a gazillion times.
Then suddenly, a bitch from another group scowled and hissed to me from backstage, "Get back here, you're not even in the show. You're being disruptive."
I ignored her and continued with my part until the poor woman gives up and walks away dejectedly, which was about a minute after the bitch spoke up. As I arrived backstage, she has a smug look on her face, thinking she has embarrassed me in front of a thousand people. I wanted to punch her in the face but resisted any urge to do so because I didn't want to bring myself down to her level.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
i agreeee. hedy deffinately added some spiceeee. hahaha but yeah- i think it wouldve been better if we comprehended the parts that were suppsoed ot be comical alittle better..but thems the breaks
And it's not one of those shows where some featured actress can really steal it. Like, in Les Mis, if the guys aren't that good Fantine or Eponine can really steal the show even though they're not as obvious as the men. But in How to Succeed, if you don't have good boys, you can kiss the dreams of having a good show goodbye.
I'll also chime in with High School Musical. I was a cheerleader. Never I have dreaded rehearsals for a show so much. The audiences loved it though.
I stage managed "Romance Language" it was the weirdest play ever. (and not in a good way)
>> Plus playing Rosemary is awful, because to this day no one really has any idea what to do with her. Is she dippy? Is she sarcastic? Everyone just pushes it on you to figure out and it's just an almost impossible role to crack.
Huh?? I mean, I'm not an actor, but I can look at that role and see how paper-thin it is. None of the characters in H2S have an iota of depth; why assume Rosemary does when all she is is a woman in love with a guy and willing to wait for him to figure out he's in love with her? It aint that difficult.
Ok, I just need to get this off my chest.
The Boyfriend. Just a horrible show. But we made it really big and cartoony and you can kind of have fun with it. But we had a new director that year who was terrible at managing time so we didn't have a curtain call until after the first weekend. yeah. And he decided we didn't need a live band just a synthesizer and one girl on the drums. So he hires this random dude to pay the synthesizer or whatever but (we didn't find this out till later) the guy is a total drug addict, so he multiple times played the reprise of oe of the songs when he should have played the regular version, and the reprise is half as long so it would be off and then over and we'd have to finish the umber a capella. And multiple times his machine would just die and we'd have to donumbers a capella with the drummer giving a simple beat. It was BEYOND ridiculous.
Not a musical but I was stage manager of our school's production of The Cherry Orchard... I'm sorry but I was bored to DEATH by that play!
This is not my own experience but my friend was in the ensemble of the Hong Kong production of 'Disco Inferno'... it was like a musical with different classic oldies and a wannabe Saturday Night Fever (i know... why wannabe SNF?!). The material wasn't so bad, but his costumes was blue GLITTER! The choreography was ... well disco-y and the set was.. dizzy! Anyway... he said it was just something he'll now look back on and try to skip thru ~
Stand-by Joined: 1/18/07
High School Musical....I hated it, I hated my director, I hated a lot of my cast members.....I was the oldest person in the cast.....And I hated my part; I was Martha Cox......does anyone even know who that is? Probably not.......the one who loves hip hop! I was going to drop out so quickly, but I had to stick to it...bad times, bad times
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Oh, Jellylorum, don't worry about it. She was just a stupid bitch.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/17/05
Joseph--I still can't stand to hear any of that score. I was a clown in Barnum and hated that show by the end of the run. I've also been in a few original shows that I just knew were dreadful. I was in one where at a certain point in the second act we could always feel the audience turning on us.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/29/06
I really hated being in Oliver!. Of course mostly on account I was playing a workhouse boy and I was a 12 year old girl, and then two years later I had to play a boy again in Peter Pan as a lost boy. I just hate any plays where I've had to play boys.
In Pippin rehearsal today, a girl freaked out at me for not being at a rehearsal last week when it was because I was SIIIIIICK and everyone would have been sick if I had shown up. And she so she and her little diva friends freaked out at me, causing the director to tell me that he would take my part away if I didn't get over being sick.
HA! HA! HA! HA! Like he's gonna teach someone Leading Player songs, lines, and dances in two weeks. Ok.