Sometimes they are dripping wet.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
And deserving of a few more bloodys than even Andrew Jackson got to describe them.
Namo, I think I kinda love you...
Talking about bloody, who's that lady in the "fake / run down" bar eating a bloody steak and scared for someone who might approach?
The one in the red dress?
She ate that meat while staring at me the entire time. Freaked me out. I was a bit pissed when she gave the ring to someone else.
Was it? I thought it was black, but you might be right.
The steak looked so disgusting. I missed who she was scared of approaching her - she just went on too long eating that bloody thing.
Nobody ever came. She pulled the chair out and some weird fat man tried to sit down in it but she snapped her fingers and said "nuh-uh!" to get him to back up. I put my face right in that meat, though. I wanted to know what it was!
some weird fat man
The one with the white mask on?! I saw him too! *drumroll*
Hmm, maybe we're talking about two different things. :/
No, you're right, it was red.
That was one of my favorite rooms, I really looked around thinking it was the real bar for a long while and wondering how they could turn it around so fast. Trippy.
That satanic birthing thing they did in there was one of the strangest things I ever hope to see in my life.
Reading these too was very interesting:
I think it's Hectate.
WANT TO GO AGAIN SO BADLY. It's looking likely, though.
Even if it was geographically do-able. I would choose not to go again.The bloom is off the rose as t'wer or more noir,-I know too much. All the weird sensations- excitement, curiosity, admiration, all the sensual overwheming. Kinda like loosing yr virginity ( well at least if it's some one who knows what to do/give you!) I had a flash of the making of the Narnia movie when Georgie Henly as Lucy was to see the strange new world of Narnia- for the first time. She was blindfolded and carried to the set, placed on her mark, the blind fold was removed& she kept her eyes closed till they called action. The look on that child's face! Magic. And that is the way I felt in Sleep No More.
I was in a Magic Land and i don't want to loose the Magic- cos then it's just a trick. That's my experience. Judge away.
I can see why someone wouldn't want to go back, not to spoil the magic of it. I've gone back a lot because i try to see as many of the scenes and things to explore as possible.
Btw, yes, that is Hecate. The first time i watched her eat the meat she stared at me too, the entire time. She also gave the ring to someone else, and I was like WTF?! WHY?! haha. After that she had other interactions with me throughout the show, so I wasn't as bummed. I think she likes people who hang around and wait for her.
I've definitely considered that going again might take away from the experience; you'd lose some of the element of surprise because you're already familiar with the space, etc. But my desire to return and definitely outweighs that concern. And I think in terms of the dreamlike quality, going back would definitely retain that in a really spooky way, because recurring dreams are like that. Vaguely familiar but still totally not.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
One of the major differences in the New York run compared to the Boston one is that they've released more images to the media, and threads like this one have popped up where people reveal a TON of details.
When it was in Boston, the only discussion board I know of was on the ART's website, where people were gently reminded not to post spoilers and posts that contained them were removed. I did my best in the months before this thread existed to not post very much specific but to give people enough information to entice them to go. I did reveal some specific details to very apprehensive people in Private Messages just to alleviate their fears.
Even after I saw it in NYC in March I didn't reveal much here about my reactions and I have done my best to avoid reading any of the spoilers here, because I am seeing it one more (last?) time at the end of May, and it would be nice if there were something left for me to discover.
I will say I seem to be having difficulty convincing New York friends to go the same night as me at the end of this month, and I have no idea if it's because of the high admission price or the fact that they feel they already know everything about it thanks to the level of detail that has been spilled here.
So I understand where sabrelady is coming from.
I too had Hecate stare at me the whole time she was eating and then give the ring to someone else- oh well. I'm heading back this Saturday and bringing a friend who has yet to experience it. I'm a bit worried about a second going, but I know there are entire floors I have yet to fully explore, so I'm looking forward to that. The first time I spent most of the night following the storyline by following one of the central characters around (although, I still seemed to miss Banquo's death every time- any insight as to where/when that happens??) and this time I'm planning on hooking my friend up with a main character to follow and then heading off to explore areas I missed last time.
@JeaniusIsMe If you see a card game going on in the speakeasy between Banquo, Macduff, and Malcolm, you might want to stick around when Macbeth comes storming in. You could also follow either Banquo or Macbeth. Not sure where those three come from before the card game, but Macbeth comes to the speakeasy straight after the witches prophecy rave.
It's an obvious choice but I would stick your friend with Macbeth first. He is the central character and explores most of the building and interacts with most of the characters. Just make sure your friend can keep up.
My friend and I went last night and really enjoyed it! We wound up splitting up almost immediately, although we occasionally bumped into each other throughout the night. I actually have a bunch of questions about what the hell happened, but the biggest wtf was that the second time I wound up in the pscyh ward, one of the beds was filled with potatoes.
I was the unlucky first guy off the elevator the night I saw the show, and ended up right in the psych ward. So please tell me-- is there a floor ABOVE the psych ward that I missed? Never found it. Also never found the bar with the witches' rave-- give us a clue which floor that was on or which rooms it was near. If I ever get a chance to see the show a second time I'll be way more attentive to the actors instead of the headspinning set. (Comes from my days as a set designer...)
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Apparently that means you had the exact RIGHT perfect show! Now you know exactly how the great set designers from Peter Brook to Jon Basour felt when they were creating detailed environments.
I was the unlucky first guy off the elevator the night I saw the show, and ended up right in the psych ward. So please tell me-- is there a floor ABOVE the psych ward that I missed? Never found it.
You mean the one with the hospital beds? That would be the 4th floor? if I'm not wrong there is one more above it (the layout is so similar that you sometimes get the impression of going in circles - I almost had to map it in my head. I also think that some people were performing something somewhere, who knows.)
I only went once but I did my absolute best to try and see every single room and I'd like to think I didn't miss a single one.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Blaxx, we did that in Boston the first time. Went room to room to room and saw scenes if they happened to erupt where we were. Second time we went we followed characters. Happened to chase the bald witch through several rooms, many of which we never saw the first time.