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Sleep No More is AMAZING

Dave13 Profile Photo
#700Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 2/15/16 at 12:47pm

ColorTheHours048 said: "Sadly, Sleep No More is a shell of what it once was. It now runs 7 days a week, meaning no proper amount of time to maintain the magic of the environments. And 5 years on, it shows. The American producers have let the show take a backseat to the bars and restaurants and events and concert venues, focusing more on "How can we make more money?" and not enough on "How do we keep the experience of this alive?"




I last saw it about a year ago and was so turned off by the throngs of superfans and ignorant drunks and clearly overworked performers that I left about an hour and a half in. And having spoken to cast members - past and present - I've found that the folks who run the show just don't take care of the people who make the work happen every night. Sad, really, because I have very strong, fond memories of seeing it in its hayday. That being said, if you haven't seen it before, go. It is still epic and grand and the performers (despite being overworked) are incredibly dedicated and talented.



Thanks for the feedback. I go to NYC about twice a year, and have no idea how I missed this. I was told about it in December, now I want to go. 


It seems it is sold out almost every night, is there any night better than the others? If the actors are overworked, maybe Sunday night  or earlier in the week might be best. 

Not to be confused with Dave19.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#701Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 2/15/16 at 7:31pm

Well, it's 7 days a week, so there's really no "best time to go" but I would say audiences are probably smaller and better behaved on a Monday or Tuesday.

#702Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 2/15/16 at 8:00pm

ColorTheHours048 said: "Well, it's 7 days a week, so there's really no "best time to go" but I would say audiences are probably smaller and better behaved on a Monday or Tuesday."


I'm on left coast, and only saw it once, (prior to the bar, restaurant, etc) and thought it was amazing.

One question, if they are running it 7 days a week, wouldn't the show have to be double cast.  I would think the performers would be working less shows then a traditional 8 show week.

I would have to agree about the superfans.  The two times I stumbled on what was about to be a 1:1 I did feel sorry for the performers.   Personally think they should be taken out.  Get rid of the have and have nots.  For what it's worth, when I saw The Drown Man near the end of it's run, I was following the studio exec around and prior to his 1:1 there was no mass crowding like in SNM.  It was well very done.  Still didn't get picked.  Sleep No More is AMAZING




#703Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 2/15/16 at 8:22pm

I believe they do double cast. I was there twice in relatively close proximity and different actors were in all the roles. (When they had late night Saturday performances I did that one month and a late night Friday the next.). Some actors I recognized were actually still in the show but in a different role. I bought the book and I couldn't tell who was who. (I don't remember whether it lists all the roles or is just vague.). I kind of wished they'd pass out a sheet each night with each actor in each role. 


went last in december and have been three times. I LOVE it. 

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#704Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 3/2/16 at 1:18pm

Update: I've been wanting to return to this for a few months now and see if I still felt exhausted of it (and see if it still felt exhausted). I had a friend at this past Sunday's matinee who said there were still plenty of reservations available, so I bit the bullet and went. I have to eat my hat a little here because the performance I saw was some kind of magical.


The crowd was extremely small, maybe 100+, which made for an easily navigatable space. There's something really powerful about being all alone in that enormous building from time to time. And the cast was on fire! I wandered aimlessly for the full 3 hours, picking up scenes as I stumbled across them and taking my time to really take everything in that I came upon.


Is it as lushly immersive as it once was? No. And probably by necessity. But there is so much in SLEEP NO MORE to admire. The design, the choreography, the in-depth story that I can still dig into after almost 5 years running, the music. It's truly a masterpiece of the immersive theatre genre that will be discussed long after it has closed (whenever that may be).

#705Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 3/2/16 at 1:34pm

I'm really happy to read that.  Each time I've gone, from the second time in Boston to the several times in NYC, I have wondered as I have entered, "Have I already done this enough?" and by the end I have been very glad to have gone again.  It's been a while for me, last time my niece was pulled up to the fifth floor I thought was only an urban legend.

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Dave13 Profile Photo
#706Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 3/2/16 at 3:01pm

Thanks for the update. I will certainly get tickets for this in the summer. 

Not to be confused with Dave19.

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#707Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 3/3/16 at 3:27am

This is late, but I've always enjoyed the late night shows when I've gone. Some obnoxious drunks (but they are literally always there now because the producers encourage it), but smaller crowds. The show is at least double cast, and a lot of the performers play more than one role as well so no one is doing all 9 shows each week. I wish the producers cared more about preserving the integrity of the space and the show, but it's still captivating, especially if you haven't seen it before. I still miss the magic of going in the first time early on in their run, but what can you do?

#708Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 3/3/16 at 1:12pm

Haven't gone through whole thread to see if this has been mentioned, but the producers of "Then She Fell" have a new experience called "The Grand Paradise" which, if you're into the immersive theater experience, a wonderful evening.  Audience is limited to 60 guests with a cast of 20, so there is no pushing and shoving as with the larger experiences.  I highly recommend this.  I've been three times and plan to go again.

Updated On: 3/3/16 at 01:12 PM

Dave13 Profile Photo
#709Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 3/3/16 at 2:44pm

Newamush said: "Haven't gone through whole thread to see if this has been mentioned, but the producers of "Then She Fell" have a new experience called "The Grand Paradise" which, if you're into the immersive theater experience, a wonderful evening.  Audience is limited to 60 guests with a cast of 20, so there is no pushing and shoving as with the larger experiences.  I highly recommend this.  I've been three times and plan to go again.





Interesting. It is open until May right now. Wonder if they will extend. 

Not to be confused with Dave19.

#710Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 5/6/16 at 6:48pm

I attended Then She Fell and Sleep No More last week for the first time and was floored by both. I'm especially interested in hearing about how SNM has deteriorated since its opening. I fully intend to go again and again.

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#711Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 5/6/16 at 6:57pm

The producers are not theater people and care very little about preserving the integrity of the show; their main priority is money, which they were making a lot of without encouraging people to buy drinks in multiple bars before the show. 

I think it's still a really special experience and I don't want to color anyone's feelings about it, but there are some things that happen within the show now that didn't happen earlier on in the run and it's a tough thing to stomach because the design of the space and the show itself really are magical. 

#712Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 5/6/16 at 9:12pm

perfectlymarvelous said: "The producers are not theater people and care very little about preserving the integrity of the show; their main priority is money, which they were making a lot of without encouraging people to buy drinks in multiple bars before the show. 

I think it's still a really special experience and I don't want to color anyone's feelings about it, but there are some things that happen within the show now that didn't happen earlier on in the run and it's a tough thing to stomach because the design of the space and the show itself really are magical. 


Ah, so like, super fans. That totally makes sense. I wish I had caught on to this sooner and could've experienced the collective clueless-ness. 


perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#713Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 5/6/16 at 9:40pm

Not necessarily superfans (although they do exist and are often annoying), but also people who are COMPLETELY clueless and don't really even understand that the show is a theater/dance piece above all and don't know how to conduct themselves in such a space...cell phones and such get pulled out a lot, people move their masks up onto their head even though they are repeatedly told to keep them on, etc. I prefer it when there are fewer people in the space because it means you're more likely to be given the opportunity to really lose yourself in the world.

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#714Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 5/6/16 at 10:01pm

So glad to hear SLEEP NO MORE is still working its magic on newbies this many years into the run. Our last visit (our 3rd) was a year and a half ago-- the show was as extraordinary for me as ever, but three times was definitely a maximum. Knowing where everything was on each floor and what happens in every scene had finally given me all I could get out of the experience. I won't lie-- by the end of the night I was simply stalking the male witch for purely prurient reasons. 

I envy jonlow09 his/her relative virginity.


#715Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 5/6/16 at 10:12pm

Have they done away with discount codes?

Dave13 Profile Photo
#716Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 7/24/16 at 3:00pm

Just wanted to give my input from the show. I saw this Friday night for the first time. For the first hour to an hour and a half, I was walking around saying WTF. Then I figured a few things out and actually had 2-3 one on ones depending how you count them.  Two of them were in front of everyone instead of a private room but still only directed at me. I was intrigued enough to go back on Saturday night and figured things out much more.  Then had 2 more one on ones   


Not sure what the show was like when it opened but I can't imagine it was much better.  I found the show very intriguing. Unless you see this show or another one opens, you will never experience anything like it.  My biggest complaint is you have  keep up with characters to fully understand. Oftentimes you have to run.  Otherwise you lose them.  Sometimes other audience members get in the way and walk slowly. So you are either forced to be polite and lose the character or simply push them out of the way and hope it doesn't start a fight.  It's certainly the type of show you either love it or hate it.  In order to love it, you have to put in the effort to understand what's going on. 

Not to be confused with Dave19.
Updated On: 7/24/16 at 03:00 PM

blaxx Profile Photo
#717Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 7/24/16 at 6:51pm

Dave13 said: "Just wanted to give my input from the show. I saw this Friday night for the first time. For the first hour to an hour an half, I was walking around saying WTF. Then I figured a few things out and actually had 2-3 one on ones depending how you count them.  Two of them were in front of everyone instead of a private room but still only directed at me. I was intrigued enough to go back on Saturday night and figured things out much more.  Then had 2 more one on ones   


Not sure what the show was like when it opened but I can't imagine it was much better.  I found the show very intriguing. Unless you see this show or another one opens, you will never experience anything like it.  My biggest complaint is you have  keep up with characters to fully understand you oftentimes you have to run.  Otherwise you lose them.  Sometimes other audience members get in the way and walk slowly. So you are either forced to be polite and lose the character or simply push them out of the way and hope it doesn't start a fight.  It's certainly the type of show you either love it or hate it.  In order to love it, you have to put in the effort to understand what's going on. 


Oh, it was MUCH better believe me. I was there last week and it was so disappointed. Lazy,  messy, all around disappointing.  The original cast was electric, nothing compared to the cast I saw - they looked like it was the only job they could get. No applause in the end and people wondering if that was it. Too bad, nothing at all what it used to be. 


Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

Dave13 Profile Photo
#718Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 7/24/16 at 7:11pm

blaxx said: " Oh, it was MUCH better believe me. I was there last week and it was so disappointed. Lazy,  messy, all around disappointing.  The original cast was electric, nothing compared to the cast I saw - they looked like it was the only job they could get. No applause in the end and people wondering if that was it. Too bad, nothing at all what it used to be. 




Thats too bad. I saw two different casts on Friday and Saturday night. Both shows I went to started at 11pm.  Both seemed to perform with plenty of energy.  Of course, I never saw the original cast. At the end, it did seem awkward. I don't think most of the audience knew what to do after the ending.  It just ended and everyone exited. 


Not to be confused with Dave19.

blaxx Profile Photo
#719Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 7/24/16 at 7:20pm

Tha attention to detail was different.  Last week I found a McDonald's cup left behind in a room and a Jersey Boys playbill in another one. The choreography was energetic but the investment for the performers was not the same. When it started it was terrifying, sensual and the stakes were so high. I really saw a bunch of people going through the motions this time around. Tourists with masks off who didn't know where to go and a guy in black mask on his cellphone on  Facebook. Maybe someone who has never been wouldn't notice but it really wasn't the same to me at all.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#720Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 7/25/16 at 10:49am

I have been twice: 2012 and 2013. The first time for me was electric. It was unlike anything I've ever experienced. The second time I went back I had 4 one on ones! It was such a personal experience and remains one of if not the best theatrical experience I've ever had. I was considering revisiting the show this December but it sounds like while its exciting for new attendees it just lacks the "it" factor it once had. Sad to hear that, I think I'll just live with the stellar memories instead of a revisit.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

Insomniac Profile Photo
#721Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 7/25/16 at 2:20pm

I don't for a minute believe that Blxx saw a black mask (steward) on his phone while inside the show.  I have occasionally seen audience members classless enough to pull out their phones, but I black mask would be fired without hesitation. 

Yes, there are always going to be people in the audience that are clueless, but the show is big enough that you can always go somewhere else if you have a problem with audience behavior.

There has been a lot of talk about the original cast being incomparable.  I don't disagree.  But that does NOT mean that the people there now (some of whom ARE from the original cast) are not fantastic.

NOTHING compares to the first time or two that you see the show, but it is largely what you make of it.

I would not count SLEEP NO MORE out just yet.

And, as it was also raised on this thread, yes, THE GRAND PARADISE and THEN SHE FELL are also both amazing!


Dave13 Profile Photo
#722Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 7/25/16 at 2:24pm

Theatreboy49 said: "I have been twice: 2012 and 2013. The first time for me was electric. It was unlike anything I've ever experienced. The second time I went back I had 4 one on ones! It was such a personal experience and remains one of if not the best theatrical experience I've ever had. I was considering revisiting the show this December but it sounds like while its exciting for new attendees it just lacks the "it" factor it once had. Sad to hear that, I think I'll just live with the stellar memories instead of a revisit.




If you are inclined to see it again, I would. Maybe you will think it still has the "it" factor", maybe you think it lost it. I believe it is a matter of perception. For example, on my recent trip, I saw Phantom on Thursday and Chicago on Saturday. I just couldn't get into them. They seemed like old news to me. The audience seemed to thoroughly enjoy them. Although I had my reasons as to why the shows weren't up to par, I do believe it was a matter of perception. However, I did see Les Mis on the same trip and loved it. 

Here is a review from a guy that saw the show with its original cast, and then went back recently. He still believes it has the "it" factor.


Not to be confused with Dave19.
