OMG, Banquo was my first ever "one-on-one" and it was literally within the first 15 minutes of my arriving at the show...for the first time...during previews. So I seriously had NO IDEA what to expect from the show and didn't even know there *would* be one-on-ones! I was SO nervous!!!
The fact he looks like Justin Timberlake made it all the more heart pounding!
You got pulled into it right away?? How crazy! I had to sprint to catch him through the ballroom and upstairs to the room before I had it happen. hah- Justin Timberlake- that IS a good comparison! I think that the mere presence of that sword makes it one of the more badass of the one on ones as well. I felt like charging Mordor with that thing!
Oh, I did follow him across the "forest" and up some stairs before he turned and latched on to my wrist, but I was following him to see where he was going, not because I thought he would touch me!! But I am 100% serious that it was within my first 15 minutes there, and the first actor I saw... ::swoon::
My second time at the show I would just walk right up to *everyone* during their scenes, trying to get more one-on-ones...a plan that totally works, btw.
heheh- That does seem to be the best strategy. My boyfriend is always naggy about me being too physically pushy on the street, but when we met up at the end the 1st time, the 'pushy' one had gotten 2 one on ones and he'd spent half the time wandering in the forest area.
I'm being lazy at the moment to look back, and rusty on my Macbeth so I just have to ask:
Banquo, Duncan, Malcolm (who are they?)
Are they any of the following:
1. After this man does the dance and reveals the clocks, he gets suffocated with a pillow by Macbeth
2. This man tries to make sure Lady MacDuff doesnt drink the milky liquid, while the other woman encourages her to drink (and who was this woman, anyway?)
3. This man battles Macbeth in the poolhall room, with the walls made of cardboard - I believe it's the same man that appears at the banquet scene with a bloodied forehead
As far as one-on-ones, I only saw one person get pulled into one. It was probably 5 minutes after the end of the opening dance/party scene, Lady Macduff pulled someone into a room after resting on the couch for a moment. I waited until they finished so I could continue following her :P
Updated On: 8/22/11 at 06:58 PM
1. That's Duncan, the king (older man, with beard- same both casts). He's Malcom's father.
2. The woman encouraging was Mrs. Danvers of Rebecca. I'm not sure who the man is there-- but it doesn't sound familiar, so probably no Banquo, Duncan or Malccolm...
3. That's Banquo in the poolhall. Malcolm (and maybe Macduff too- I'm fuzzy there) is in there just before that scene and leaves for Banquo to get killed. Banquo is also bloody at the feast- it's in reference to the scene in the play where Macbeth is haunted with a 'vision' (maybe) of the ghost of his dead friend after sending assassins to kill him. Banquo is the one the witches prophesies say will have kings, but won't be one.
Duncan is the reigning king until he's killed by Macbeth, and Malcolm is his son, who is framed for the murder by Macbeth and flees to the continent to escape and plan. He laters works with Macduff to kill Macbeth for his father's sake.
Thanks for the info!
I believe Man in #2 was also the one I saw huddled on the floor by the row of phone booths in the hotel lobby as Mrs. Danvers gazed upon him (not sure if that helps you ID him), the scene where he and Mrs. Danvers are fighting over the glass for Lady MacDuff occurred in the hotel lobby in the seating area to the right of the check-in desk. It was very well choreographed.
Katurian2, have you seen the show a few times? I may have more questions for you once I think some up if you dont mind :)
EDIT: And if characters get killed, especially Duncan since it's so early-on, do they just get up (I mean, I'm sure they do) and continue to perform a piece of the story? I followed Macbeth when he killed Lady MacDuff but I believe that was closer to the end of the track. When I followed Lady MacDuff it was for the last rotation, so because she gets killed after the banquet scene, and the banquet IS the finale in the third rotation - I didnt get to finish her track, is her death the last scene of her track? or does she get up as well and have more to do before it resets?
Updated On: 8/22/11 at 07:41 PM
ooohohohoh- I DID see that scene, actually. Only for the life of me I honestly can't place who that man was. I don't recall him being one of the main characters, or else I would think I'd have remembered him. It may possibly have been the Porter, but again, not remembering him right now...
Yup- through various pleadings and favors, I've been on a reasonable number of repeat visits.
I know Duncan is carried off after his death by Banquo and (I think) Macduff. Banquo in the pool hall sort of disappears under the counter into what I presume is a passage to the banquet, as that's where he next appears. I've never quite understood the timeline of Lady Macduff's cycle-I followed it the 1st round my night. I saw her first at the graveyard watching the burial & followed from there. But that doesn't seem to repeat, as after the 1st banquet, she started the cycle by packing in the hotel lobby and getting raped/stabbed by Macbeth, which I thought was a bit odd for how early on it took place, and since she duets with Macduff later in the cycle as well... Since she doesn't have a plot grounded in the original text, I've always found her plot a bit harder to pick though, but still it's one of my favorites for all that's added. But I do think the only time she directly interacts with Macbeth is in the hotel lobby rape scene. If you understood differently, I'd love to hear how- I haven't talked to many people who've followed her through, so I'm still trying to piece it out myself!
That reminds me, I meant to ask this earlier... First time I saw it (March during previews) the pregnant Lady MacDuff was stabbed/bloodied during her death, and I'm pretty sure it was in MacBeth's bedroom (to answer that other question, she lay there dead for a bit then got up and scurried away...I followed her to a room where she replaced the bloody dress with a new one and then had her couch/bookcase dance scene with who I can only assume was her husband). But when I saw it again in June, I saw MacBeth attacking her in one of the shop streets (I think, or was it the hotel lobby?) where he just kept smashing her pregnant form against the wall. So yeah, did they change the death??
That's the bit I can't quite figure out. And I think you've just solved it by saying it was replaced. About a month ago when I went, it was the hotel lobby version with him smacking her against the wall and raping her. I've never seen her killed in the bedroom, and when it's done in the hotel lobby, there's no blood on her- but Macbeth is already covered from before. I got a bit muddled on whether that actually WAS her death because of that, but I think it did replace what was before and it is her death. I was also confused on it, as it seemed to occur really early on in the cycle. Not sure why it was replaced- I do like the way it's done though. But same aftermath- she lies there for a few minutes, gets up, doesn't change her dress right away since there's no blood, and goes back to the bedroom suite for other scenes solo and w/Macduff.
gosh, when I followed her I didn't see her in the graveyard or interacting with MacDuff. I recall following her immediately after the third ballroom party scene, took us up a few flights before collapsing onto a sofa, took someone into a room for a 1-on-1, then came out and went into another room where she packed a suitcase and examined a stuffed animal. She then went into a room and perched herself on some kind of ledge or shelf, and fell into someone's arms who was wearing a white mask. I then recall her in the hotel lobby with Mrs. Danvers and the gentleman from the phone booths, as Mrs. Danvers encouraged her to drink while the gentleman kept taking the glass away. She ultimately drank. I, then recall her going to the bureau where she uncovered the mirror slowly, used a sheet and bundled it up and cradled it like it were a baby, then proceeded to throw every piece of linen on the floor before packing it all up again/placing it back in the drawers. She, then proceeded to the restaurant where Mrs. Danvers once again was tempting her with the drink, finally pouring it into a plate where Lady MacDuff lapped it up like a dog. Then, the very next thing I remember is her leading us back to the ballroom for the finale.
However, I did see her death when I followed Macbeth for the first cycle. I jumped into Macbeth's track when he was suffocating Duncan, prior to that I was in the ballroom watching the bald witch do a solo dance as Duncan gazed upon her from a private box, thinking he was Macbeth I followed him to where he did the dance of revealing the clocks, then his death which is where I picked up with Macbeth. I don't know if Macbeth killed Lady MacDuff just prior to this when I was following Duncan briefly, and actually saw her death in the 2nd rotation.
I'm trying to piece together the sequence of events, because I feel like after the first banquet/last supper scene I followed Macbeth and he killed Lady MacDuff. After he killed her, he went to another floor and met up with Banquo and they both changed their shirts, and took a restful drink of water (which cued me to thinking Macbeth's track had come to an end). Macbeth leaves first, and Banquo stays behind to do a dance in this changing area - I believe then Macbeth went back to his bedroom, assisted Lady M in getting dressed, and the ballroom party scene occurred for the 2nd time, and immediately after I proceeded to follow Lady Macbeth for her track.
So is the ballroom party scene the first scene of the show, or are there a few scenes that occur just prior (like Lady MacDuff's death/her interaction with MacDuff) that perhaps you cannot see until the 2nd rotation when they occur between the banquet scene and the ballroom party scene (which if true, would mean you don't see Lady MacDuff's death in either the first or last rotation)
I had an Ace card for the 11pm entry time, and was let out right on the floor with the ballroom, and saw the tail end of the party scene as it then transitioned into the bald witch's dance; so I cant imagine Lady MacDuff's death occurring just prior as I had just entered, there doesn't seem to have been enough time.
Sorry for rambling and not adding much :)
Updated On: 8/23/11 at 11:20 PM
The ballroom scene isn't the first 'scene' of the cycle, as you can see continuity from other scenes that happen before it, such as Lady Macbeth getting dressed for it and Lady Macduff interacting with Mrs. Danvers/the drink and becoming familiar with it in a way that wouldn't indicate the dance is a reset.
The 3rd cycle seems to be an 'abbreviated' cycle of sorts, with some scenes missing or replaced, because what you describe as Lady Macduff's cycle is basically the 1st half of what I saw when I followed her track on the 2nd time around. I noticed this when I followed Malcolm for the last cycle that a scene I had watched him in earlier with Macduff wasn't repeated (as far as I saw) and he went to the banquet early.
I DO know Lady Macduff's death occurs at least 2 times- possibly just 2 times over the night, as I've seen it happen twice in a night while following Lady Macduff and then Macbeth and seeing that one scene of overlap the 2nd time round.
I think that the show DOES start with the main characters in the ballroom, although the one time I went in with the ace on the 1st elevator, I was pushed out onto the 6th floor, so I missed the very top of the cycle due to being 'detained' upstairs. But I have heard that most characters start the show in the ballroom, but the 1st I've gotten to see of them they were packing and heading there before it actually took place.
Just to fill in where Banquo goes after the death behind the bar- he reappears about two minutes after from the entrance near the bar in the bar room, and stumbles his way down the stairs and into the banquet scene.
I was so curious where he disappeared to that I was the only one left waiting to see if he would reappear, so I was treated to following him on his trek back to the banquet.
I thought I had read an article on the web a couple of days ago, now I can't find it. It seemed to indicate that October 8th was the end of their deal with the building and there would be no more extensions as there are new projects going in there, anyone with inside info. know if there is truth behind this?
This article says the lease is until 2014.
Updated On: 9/1/11 at 06:49 PM
Apparently you need to "subscribe" to read the WSJ article...can you repost the basics here? Thanks!
That's weird, I don't subscribe but sometimes I can read the article and sometimes I can't.
The lease in Chelsea runs through 2014, said the pair, "but that doesn't mean we can run the show that long." Quite often, they explained, "people are just coming to hang out for a late-night bar scene" and Emursive is figuring out how to capitalize on that.
The team is "slowly incorporating other portions of the building into the show," said Mr. Karpati. "It's always evolving and we're building new places to go, adding more mystery for the people who come back."
By Sept. 1 there will be a "hidden special place," said Mr. Weiner, and eventually they hope to start using the roofdeck.
The article is from 7/20/11
Swing Joined: 9/3/11
Would it be safe to say that the "hidden special place" is the elusive 6th floor?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Wouldn't it be fun if nobody, anywhere, revealed any of the details of new spaces?
Has anyone been recently and seen the merchandise? I'm not heading back anytime soon, and I'd be willing to pay any BWWers going again soon to pick me up a copy of the book and ship it (via Paypal, plus a bit extra!). DM me and let me know, please please please!
Also, heard in rumors that they might be doing special theme nights on the week of Halloween, thus tickets aren't quite on sale yet while they prep that all.
Swing Joined: 5/9/11
I have only seen the souvenir programs. I am going again this Saturday night if you would like one. I am there often, actually. :)
Well, if you go again soon they do have they book (I believe this is a pic of it: I would most totally compensate for any purchase/shipping/grateful service charge on Paypal. Just DM me if you spot it and I will fulfill. The book looks so pretty! And obviously I'm dying to see what's inside it!
Does anyone have any idea when they're extended to at this point, either officially or unofficially?
Like was said above, the lease is said to be until 2014. They just posted a casting notice on backstage for new dancers/actors. They are doing physical expansions on the space... I think they are in it for some time into the future.... but officially right now until Nov. 5.
Groovy. Thank you, darling