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Sleep No More is AMAZING

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#475Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/7/11 at 4:35pm

You really have to be fast in following, or just lucky or know when and where to go. I've taken people who've had similar experiences, and it's because they've been flatfoots through it. I think you get the most if you walk out sweating and exhausted. You just need to be fast!

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

jakebloke Profile Photo
#476Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/7/11 at 4:39pm

you're probably right. I also think next time, I'll go alone....or with someone who doesn't care if you get split up.

#477Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/7/11 at 8:04pm

Going to Sleep No More with someone who wants to spend the evening experiencing it with you is a SURE fire way to ruin it for yourself. Things happen FAR too fast and if you're trying to coordinate or stay up with your companion, you're basically screwed. The show is SO worth spending another 100 bucks on - but this time, do yourself a favor and be free to any other people so you can go where you want to go and get there fast...

#478Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/8/11 at 2:20pm

Ok, I went back a second time last week (first time was last summer....maybe June?). They seem to have let more people in. It really didn't hurt that much, but just noting.

Also...have they changed the show much? I expected to see many of the same scenes, or pieces of them, but what I saw was 90% new, and I don't think it was only a metter of catching different things. Furthermore, there seemed ot be much MORE action. Whereas before I would wander around and maybe see something after 20 minutes, this time there were actors everywhere, it seemed!

I even found a new room that I don't remember, I think it's a speak-easy bar, and there was always something going on in there. I even got to drink a shot of the "poisoned" whiskey, and then the bartender took my pulse, heh. There were some wickedly athletic scenes from some of the guys all in that room...

I did get to finally see the infamous ram's-head orgy/bloody-baby thing.

#479Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/8/11 at 3:02pm

Nothing you described sounds new to me. It's just that there's that much going on simultaneously, probably while you were stuck upstairs wandering around the infirmary or the tree maze waiting for something to happen.

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Katurian2 Profile Photo
#480Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/8/11 at 3:08pm

If the speakeasy you're talking about is the one with the pool table where the card game took place between Malcom/Banquo/Macduff, that's been there, as it's where a pretty key Banquo scene takes place.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Chad Eberle
#481Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/9/11 at 8:51am

Any chance this will hang around until April 2012? I didn't think it was expected to be running this long, so I'm hopeful. Missed it when I was in town over Labor Day, so if it's still running this Spring I'm so there! I've been dying to see this!

#482Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/11/11 at 3:19am

Finally saw the show last week and I can't get it out of my head.

Does anyone know what was going on with the man with a suitcase full of dirt? He was going through it in the speakeasy, and then out in the street, and panicking - I think he expected it to contain something more than dirt, although a photo fell out of it too, which Malcolm grabbed and ran off with.

I spent most of my time following the court characters, and I'm glad I did, but I kept running into bits and pieces of these peripheral storylines and it's all those bits that I don't have any context for that are really sticking with me.

#483Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/18/11 at 4:10pm

Given all that has been said about this show, I went ahead and bought a ticket for January 13th (Friday the 13th!) at 11:30PM. I am going alone as I don't think my travel companion will enjoy it, and I heard you should split up from your friends anyway. Without giving too much away, are there one or two things I should make sure to do while I am there...things to look out for, or listen for?

#484Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/18/11 at 4:13pm

The best advice is this: If a cast member offers his or her hand to you, TAKE IT.

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charlesjguiteau Profile Photo
#485Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/18/11 at 7:05pm

The second best advice is to NOT read this entire thread, however much you may be tempted to! We've been twice: the first time we knew next to nothing going in and only discovered this thread a few days later. Even though we missed a LOT of scenes that first evening, the excitement of being surprised at every turn was worth it all. Then I became a little obsessed with the night's experience. I scoured the threads, I tried to reconstruct all 5 groundplans to see how the rooms fit together, I poured over descriptions of scenes we had missed.

We returned to the McKittrick Hotel for a second viewing 3 months later with a virgin friend. Now I could find my way around with ease, plotting how to enter and exit rooms to stay on the heels of this character or that. I checked off all those missing scenes like a tourist following his Fodor's at the Louvre. But knowing too much ended up being my undoing: Sleep No More is a marvel only as long as it maintains its mystery.

Go by yourself; go with your eyes open to anything that comes along; whenever a cast member starts to yelp or cry out, stay close-- some key scene is about to start; and don't worry about catching everything the first time. If the sights gnaw at your subconscious like they did for me, you can always return for another visit.

#486Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/20/11 at 4:18pm

Sorry if this has already been asked - where is the Narnia wardrobe?

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#487Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/20/11 at 4:22pm

Sorry if this has already been asked - where is the Narnia wardrobe?

There's a room with a table and a bookcase (I think) on the main street floor. After the rave/orgy, there's a scene between Hecate and one of the non-Macbeth characters (she has a suitcase). That girl then walks from the scene to the room with the table and unlocks a door that leads into her bedroom. The wardrobe is in there, but you have to watch the whole scene in the bedroom to gain access to it.

Updated On: 12/20/11 at 04:22 PM

charlesjguiteau Profile Photo
#488Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/23/11 at 6:51pm

Re Narnia Wardrobe: (and anything at all disclosed about the Sleep No More set could be considered a SPOILER)--

On the 4th floor is the commercial street with storefronts on either side. On the left is a door to a middle-class parlour. Inside the parlour is a wood wardrobe with clothes hanging inside. OCCASIONALLY during the night, the back of the closet is unlocked to allow guests to pass through it to a back hallway that pops you out in the rear room of the Funeral Parlour two doors down. Not really missing much if you don't find the passage open.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#489Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/23/11 at 10:40pm

But knowing too much ended up being my undoing: Sleep No More is a marvel only as long as it maintains its mystery.

That is precisely my feeling- and I said eons back in this thread.
Once you know what's coming( or how & what the tricks are done)
it's not magic anymore. I will keep my memory of the magic of my only experience and savour it all the more because.

#490Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 1/5/12 at 1:45pm

wanted to post in this thread since it seems like the only snm discussion board that's still live (let me know if there are others). saw it back in previews with a friend's recommendation and only expecting "environmental macbeth," and was completely floored, exploring most of the spaces and seeing the majority of the court scenes. 8 months later i was headed back to manhattan, got a ticket, and decided to check out some online chatter (since i'd heard but missed the "rave" the first time, and only became aware of one-on-ones when i saw someone enter the matron's hut alone and get closed inside)

thanks to the discussion here i was able to cover a lot of ground on my second visit, made it to the top floor, caught the rave with a very small group of spectators, was taken into the narnia wardrobe twice, first by a candy-bearing lil' witch and then by suitcase sally with the french accent and amulet (whose tears i later drank), and watched the finale from the balcony cuddled by mrs danvers

things had definitely changed, audience-wise, as some have noted. during previews everyone seemed to be caught up in the performance, swaying to music, behaving like spectres, spurred on by the soundtrack. this time, it was more of an "attraction," with people lined up, crowded around, expecting something (presumably one-on-ones?). but i feel it's still possible to have a great visit, as long as you truly follow your impulses- each time i got too much in my head/plan it felt wrong, so i'd drift off and that's usually when i happened upon the most memorable scenes: banquo's breakdance, hecate's demonic tony bennett lipsync, the macduff's shelf pas-de-deux

one thing i learned about here and knew i couldn't miss this time was the interrogation room, so when malcolm bolted from the speakeasy i sprinted after him down the street and into the tiny room for a private duet. ironically, during the last cycle i was casually strolling away from the rep bar when malcolm entered the room. a few audience members followed. i could have easily stepped inside and viewed the light-fight again, un-winded. instead, i noticed one person gazing in curiously, and gave them a push inside toward the chair. macduff then brushed by and slammed the door behind them. this show does strange things

once a month Profile Photo
once a month
#491Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 1/5/12 at 3:42pm

The MOST amazing theatrical experience of my lifetime, spanning 42 years and 344 productions. I'm dieing to see it again since I can't get it out of my head.

desperateAndee Profile Photo
#492Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 1/5/12 at 6:48pm

@Chad Eberie

I can almost guarantee that it will be around in April and spanning into the summer. All of January is sold out and February is filling up. The show is one of the hottest things in town and it'll continue to expand as long as there's an audience for it and luckily there is!

Updated On: 1/5/12 at 06:48 PM

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#493Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 1/5/12 at 8:24pm

Doing this tomorrow night and I'm very excited. Question: where/when do I go to be sure I don't miss the rave?

I know you. I know you. I know you.

#494Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 1/5/12 at 8:35pm

It's towards the beginning of each cycle. Follow Macbeth or the witches and you'll get there. It will be clear who Macbeth is and as for the witches. One of them is bald and they are the only characters who CONSTANTLY interact with the audience. All three of them are involved in the ballroom dance scene, as is Macbeth (though he's watching from the balcony). Also, if this helps, the rave happens on the 4th floor (street shop). Go down the narrow alleyway on the left in the back. Hope this helps!

OhTossums2 Profile Photo
#495Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 1/5/12 at 9:03pm

My father got my boyfriend and I tickets to this for Christmas and we are seeing it next Saturday.

My boyfriend is incredibly nervous, for he has intense stage fright. He is convinced that he is going to have a massive panic attack because one of the cast members is going to be out of his element. He is also in no way a theater person at all.

Could someone put us at ease here? I'd really like to go off on my own that night without worrying about him!

Jealous? I ain't jealous. I can take on these fellas whateva.

blaxx Profile Photo
#496Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 1/5/12 at 9:07pm

You go at your own pace, so he shouldn't worry - he can be as involved as he wants. Plus, the bar is open during the show- if he finds the experience overwhelming, he can go have a drink and listen to the live band.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

#497Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 1/5/12 at 10:57pm

Also, the show really is not theater. It's an experience. Comparing Sleep No More to a show is almost impossible. There is no talking and the audience has complete freedom. The first time I went, I didn't even run into an actor for 45 minutes. But, that was towards the very beginning of the run.

OhTossums2 Profile Photo
#498Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 1/6/12 at 10:25am

thank you both for your input-I feel a little better now!

Jealous? I ain't jealous. I can take on these fellas whateva.

#499Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 1/16/12 at 4:47pm

has anyone purchased the program? people have said there's a list of scenes, does anyone have that to share?
