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Spelling Bee LA reviews

jochang621 Profile Photo
#50re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/4/07 at 11:03am

any info on how crazy rush has been? are there people who are waiting in line for hours? thanks~

Huey's Pop Profile Photo
Huey's Pop
#51re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/4/07 at 11:42am

I saw the June 2 matinee. I had seen the original cast in NYC but enjoyed this performance more. Maybe our seats were better, maybe it was the LA weather, who knows.

The show is sooooooo good and so clever!

jochang621 Profile Photo
#52re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/8/07 at 11:52am


has anyone been to this show recently? I'm wondering how well it's doing with the so-so reviews, esp of the one in the LA Times... is it selling a lot of seats? It's odd I'm not hearing anything about it, are people going to see this?

singingbackup Profile Photo
#53re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/8/07 at 12:00pm

I saw it Wed night the 6th. Awesome cast and still a darling show. HOWEVER..the venue is such a cave, you lose the intimacy that enhances the experience for this type of show. Plus at times I could barely hear the 'orchestra.' House looked pretty full and everyone was having a ball. Such a privilege to see the originals back and in fine form. GO SEE IT

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#54re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/8/07 at 12:09pm

I'll be there tonight AND tomorrow for the matinee!

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Creative Lunatic
#55re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/8/07 at 12:10pm

Only the LA Times gave it a less than totally stellar review.
Variety, Hollywood Reporter, Back Stage, Ventura County Star. LA weekly, etc all have raved and embraced the show and the cast.. Last I heard houses were really good and audiences were very responsive and seemed thrilled to have the OBC there.
I also am anxious to hear some recent experiences. The message board has been quiet about this.

#56re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/8/07 at 12:41pm

I went twice last week, once with a friend last Sunday matinee and once by myself on Thursday. On Sunday we saw that guy from 'My So Called Life' in the lobby. I think he was on Broadway as Angel in Rent for a long time. Anyway, both times the show was awesome. I had seen it on Broadway as well and it was so fun to see the original cast still going strong. The best part was when Sarah Saltzberg would have her little rant. She's so great at making those comments current and she was hilarious every night.

jochang621 Profile Photo
#57re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/8/07 at 1:38pm

thanks for the info, everyone! yeah, i haven't heard anything about this so i was wondeirng if it was getting the recognition they deserve.

I'm personally looking forward to seeing Jay Reiss, I didn't see him perform on Broadway when I went.

Would anyone recommend buying tickets ahead of time, or trying for the rush tickets? It sounds like it's selling well, so was just wondering what others' experiences were.

Creative Lunatic
#58re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/8/07 at 1:47pm

The houses looked full to me. I would suggest tickets in advance. If price is an issue, I think some begin at 28 dollars, but imagine those are back of balcony.
Jay Reiss is brilliant,as are the rest of this amazingly gifted cast.
Have a great time. Let us know.

The_Jackal2 Profile Photo
#59re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/8/07 at 2:01pm

I bought tickets in advanced and went last night and had really good seats (Row N on the aisle) and I did rush once ($28 cash, on sale at the box office an hour before the show) and I was two rows back from there and a bit farther over to the side. Not as good, but still not bad seats at all.
By the way, we bought the full priced seats as soon as they went on sale, so you might (key word there being might as there is no guarentee) get better seats with rush at this point...But it all depends on what you can find at full price and how much money is an issue...Hope that helped...

jochang621 Profile Photo
#60re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/8/07 at 2:07pm

thanks jackal!! that helps a lot.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#61re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/9/07 at 8:19pm

Saw the show and loved it! It was better than expected and the audience enjoyed it as well.

The cast sounds and looks great and it's FANTASTIC to see my friend, Jodi Moore, on stage with them, playing the piano and conducting!

It's very exciting to have ALL of the original cast in LA. That's a treat we don't really ever have.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

jochang621 Profile Photo
#62re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/11/07 at 9:55pm

ok, I saw the show on Sat night (thanks for your help, Popular!)

ok HILARIOUS - i had seen the original broadway cast on broadway, minus Jay Reiss and Dan Fogler, so it was great to see them.

Two really funny things happened:

1. An audience participant actually misspelled "cow". No, not a six year old... a college aged guy. I talked briefly to his mother before and after the show, and it was apparently his birthday, and the story is he got nervous and so thrilled to be on stage that he didn't realize he spelled it "C-A-W". But it was really funny to hear the first chords of "Pandemonium" start as soon as he was given the word and he was spelling it. But then they had to stop the song to start a goodbye song. lol! And then I saw the pianist give a big nod to Jose Llana to resume "Pandemonium" after the speller left the stage.

I wonder if anyone else has misspelled cow before? I'm sure it's happened.

2. The last speller misspelled his last word, "catterjunes" and the entire cast followed him as he walked back to his seat, which is normal. The only thing is, the guy couldn't find his seat and ended up walking up the side aisle and out the auditorium! Jesse Tyler Ferguson was immediately behind him, and I saw him hesitate for JUST a second as the speller left the auditorium, but then he charged ahead, and the rest of the cast followed him out of sight. Hilarious! I wonder if that's ever happened before. I saw the cast outside in the lobby, laugh and regroup, and they all just ran back down the center aisle as Lisa Howard and "Mitch Mahoney" (which I believe was a sub that night, but I wasn't sure b/c there was no insert and I didn't see an announcement) sang the improv section in the last goodbye song.

Such a great show! I loved to see the little differences from the original broadway show ("I made a fart" instead of "I made a part" in "I'm Not That Smart") and it was amazing to see Dan Fogler in action (he even uses his voice and his vibrato for comedy!). Loved it.

Oh, and guess who was in the house? T.R. Knight! (aka George from Gray's Anatomy) He randomly asked me a question, and I was like, "Oh!" He was really nice, he introduced himself and asked me what my name was.

I had a blast. One more week of shows left! Definitely go see it -

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#63re: Spelling Bee LA reviews
Posted: 6/11/07 at 10:43pm

"Mitch Mahoney" (which I believe was a sub that night, but I wasn't sure b/c there was no insert and I didn't see an announcement) sang the improv section in the last goodbye song.

Derrick Baskin has left and Alan H. Green is now playing Mitch in LA.

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