Well yes, Dan created Barfee, so it is harder for someone else to take over the role. I think Josh will grow into it more as time goes on.
Also, with the exception of many of us from the board, most people will only see the show once, and if they see Josh, they will love him and have no basis for comparison.
That's true, of course. Josh does a good job of trying to make the role his own, and I'm sure that anyone who never saw Dan will absolutely love his take on the character. I saw Todd do Barfee once, and actually really enjoyed his performance. But with Josh, it often felt...wrong. I'm SURE he'll only get better, and that I'll grow to love his performance in time. But last night, it was really, really hard to accept that Dan is no longer in the show!
I hear that completely.
And I love seeing Todd as Barfee and Panch. I like his coneybear too, but then I miss Jesse.
Wow, when Jesse leaves the show, I'll TRULY be heartbroken. I've never seen anyone else's Leaf, and I can't even IMAGINE anyone else in the role.
Yeah, I don't want any of the cast to leave!! I'll have to make sure to be at the final shows for all of them!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
Finn called Dan a comedic genius. I think his portrayal and performance as Barfee will not be duplicated.I think Dan will go on to create many beloved memorable stage and film characters--as well as animated ones.
I do think that Liotte is right though, people who haven't seen Dan as Barfee will be able to appreciate what Josh brings to William and get pure enjoyment from his interpretation.
Remember Spelling Bee productions are cropping up all over , so there will be Barfees, galore as well as all the other fabulous roles. I'm sure no one would wish them each more success than Dan. It's like raising a child and then having to let it go out into the world....
I definitely need to go see some of the other Bee productions around the country.
The San Fransico cast that I saw at The Broadway Festival was interesting to say the least. They had their unqiue querkes(sp?) but I did miss Dan's Barfee. His was unique in that his had a lovable quality. This one in the San Fransico cast wasn't as lovable. The rest of the cast was very enjoyable though! Great talent, comic abilities and all!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
Since so many people made reference to Dan's Barfee possessing a loveableness that others don't have--I was just thinking of the arc of the character and his interaction with Olive. When the two first meet--he barks at her, "Excuse me I've marked off this area with invisible tape" I think while hysterical, it is also the key to understanding Barfee. He is afraid of being rejected so he doesn't let anyone get close. Only sweet, neglected Olive understands his pain, and reaches out to him. If one plays Barfee in a way that is unresponsive to her kindness, then it makes it really difficult to root for him. I would think the audience would be very unsatisfied with the outcome.
Instead, in Dan's Barfee, we begin to see what Olive understands about him. ---They both need a friend....
Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/05
At the adult nights, do they actually check to see what age a person is? Could you get a mature sixteen or seventeen year old into the show on an adult night?
When I went we were never carded (I'm 21 but look younger than my 16 year old brother)... however if you look like you're 10 you may need to show some ID. I'm guessing that if you had a HS ID on you you'd be fine.
Swing Joined: 2/6/06
I am a student at Circle in the Square and I work for the theater when I can. I have seen Dan perform and I have now seen Josh's performance 3 times. I have to say that while Dan is the original and an incredibly amazing performer, I understand so much more about the character of Barf through Gadd's journey then I ever did with Dan. For instance, there are far more momments of timidity and vulnerability than I am used to seeing in Fogler's portrayel and I loved the momment where he takes the shoe off and faces the word Corpuscule. I did not get a chance to see the adult show, so I am not sure what he did for that, but I know that the enitire creative team thinks this kid has star potential and they love the fact that he isn't copying Fogler. I was so intrigued to find that people are dissing this guy when night after night the audiences seem to love him.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
I don't think posters have been "dissing" Josh. I think whenever an actor replaces a performer who is so strongly associated with a role, comparisons are inevitable.
I also think what probably attracted the casting director to Josh was that he had his own interpretation of Barfee. It will take time for those who have seen Dan's performance and have a strong emotional attachment, to become comfortable with the change.
I think what you are witnessing in audience response are people who are seeing ths show for the first time and just appreciating Josh's wonderful contribution. I have no doubt that he is very talented and will develop as a real asset.
I think as another poster said, they will have initial resistance to whoever replaces the original cast. We have come to love these characters and the actors who play them.
I didn't think anyone was disparaging Josh.
And For God's sake--it's C-r-e-p-u-s-c-u-le--not corposcule
Swing Joined: 2/6/06
Wow. Chill. you make it sound like a killed a child by my spelling of that word. I agree with you. Dan Fogler invented the role, didn't he? Of course it is hard for people who are fans to see him go. I was very hesitant too when I found out that he was leaving. All's I am saying is that I think the new guy has great presence up there and I am enjoying seeing this character reborn through another performer's eyes. To me that is the magic of theater. I am excited that we got Dan's Barf and now we get another version. but, I also agree that some people will have a heard time with that.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
That's Spelling Bee humor- "For God's sake'-- watch the show a few more times--and then you will understand that my comment has nothing to do with having to chill...but rather a deep appreciation for Barfee dialogue--and since that was the original name of show that morphed into Spelling Bee--it does deserve to be spelled correctly...
Apparently--you just joined today--so welcome...
Swing Joined: 2/6/06
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
I KNOW!!!!
It takes those of us in the Bee Hive to appreciate the nuances....
And Lasso, I have not said one bad thing about Josh, only good stuff. I've seen him a couple times now, and will most likely see him again this week, and I have enjoyed his performance as Barfee. It just takes some time to get used to the change.
And in the adult version, he also took off his shoe and threw it on the ground. Which startled the crap out of me when I saw him do it the first time earlier in the week.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
The shoe toss might be rough going for me---Thanks for the warning...
No prob. It definitely shocked me when he did that. I'll let you see the rest for yourself. :)
hey yall remember that there will be TWO More NEW Barfee's...so don't start arguing just yet!
Just saw the show tonight. There was a new word, which was fun to hear. Also, they kept the adult version of Mexican in the show (definition and sentence).
Josh gets better each time I see him. No shoe throwing tonight (still took it off), but when he said "Rabbit stew, my old friend", he stroked his rabbit's foot and looked all wistful. Oy!
Also, programs are supposed to be out tomorrow!
Out of curiosity, liotte, how many times have you seen it now?