they are right!! the Boston cast is sooo awesome and their run keeps extending, it's so great!!! hopefully in and around the Boston area gets a chance to see it. I'm really hoping to go back to the show before it leaves town.
When does the Boston Bee end? I should go back and see it again!
Chorus Member Joined: 4/14/06
Out of curiosity...
anyone dressing up for halloween as one of our beloved characters?
i'm doing Logainne. i'm excited.
Stand-by Joined: 8/28/05
I don't think she starts in Philly until after the Bee is gone...
And I love the story of her engagement from the Bee!! So happy for her and so sad I wasn't there!!
So who is seeing the Bee in Philly this week and can share the Bee love?
And anyone planning on seeing Lucia as Rona this weekend?
anyone dressing up for halloween as one of our beloved characters?
I don't know who or what Broadway relatedness I'm going to be for Halloween yet, but I am wearing my hair like Logianne's for crazy hair day tomorrow.
EDIT:// Q&A video interview with Dan Fogler.
Updated On: 10/18/06 at 05:05 PM
I wish I could go see Lisa Howard with the Philly Pops- anyone going?
I will be at Josh's show at ArsNova on Monday, and then at Don't Quit Your Night Job on Thursday. I love seeing broadway people perform in things other than their shows.
I really wish I could go to Don't Quit on Thursday. Lots of Bee people in the cast plus Stephen Lynch. Damn you having to wake up early for school the next day.
I can't wait to see Jesse! It's been ages! And Deborah was so funny when she performed in August! I am excited about Stephen Lynch too!
I'm thinking of going as a Bee character, probably Olive, but I can't fine overalls that are pink in my size. =[
liotte I want to see Bee in Boston again too! Where do you go to college? I might go in a couple of weeks with someone, maybe we could meet up.
I <3 Bee! Go see it!
So though it was posted as another thread, be sure to check out Dan Fogler's Ask a Star Answers on it is hilarious!
Yeah!! Peanut butter cookies!
He handed it to me in the spot light.
Wow, they don't give out cookies anywhere else I have seen it! You are lucky! Can't wait to see it on Sunday!
Row A center for the matinee, Row B center for the night show.
Does anyone know if they talked about extending the Boston engagement? I understand it was advertised as an open run, but I heard they were only selling tickets until mid-November.
And liotte where do you get all the $$ to see the shows? Lol.