Why would he criticize us for liking the show? He likes it too. It is in his avatar.
i don't think he's really criticizing us. just showing us what else was going on during that time. we look at the show and see peace and love and happy go lucky, but there was another side to the counterculture.
Yes I know. But when he says "look at Crissy's desperation during Aquarius", what is she desperate for. I know the song is about being excited about a new generation, I am just confused how Charles Mansons violence plays in with the desperation.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
And it's subtly included in the show. Very consciously. Which is why this production has not been dismissed as "a period piece" hopelessly out of date. Sure, it's great for the recoupment and all that that most people who are obsessive fans of the show just want to go on and on and on about audience interaction and seeing it again and again. It's just a shame that people overlook a really important aspect of what makes this production exceptional.
"Criticizing" was the wrong word. Until this last post, his other messages were kinda vague and seemed like he was mocking the show/us fans. However, this post showed me what he was talking about. The example of Crissy's actions during "Aquarius" reallly made the connection for me lol and I now see what his point of view is.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
And to be fair, I was aware of Crissy's thing BECAUSE of what Brantley had written in his review. I might not have been conscious of it immediately if he hadn't pointed it out.
I too noticed Chrissy's foot stomping desperate anger because of Brantley's review. That caused me to watch carefully each of the Tribe members actions. I began to realize I had known those people once in real life. Some survived that turbulent era, some did not.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
I had come across a few songs from HAIR 3 years ago (Aquarius, Sodomy, and Hashish). At the time, I found HAIR to be extremely disrespectful and disgusting. I was not interested in a show about a bunch of lazy hippies who only wanted to sit around and do drugs and have sex. When the central park production came around, I learned a little more about HAIR and I became familiar with the songs I Got Life, Easy to be Hard, and Let the Sunshine in. It was at that point that I started to learn that this piece was about more than just sitting around and refusing to be responsible, but I still wasn't all ga-ga over it. I felt that even though they tried to do a couple of good things, they were still a bunch of dirty hippies. The Broadway production came about and when I saw how people were responding to this show, I knew there was something that I didn't see...something special. For some strange reason, I decided to buy the cast recording.
I listened to it from start to finish, Aquarius to Let The Sunshine in. I finally realized what the hype was all about. In this score, I saw a group of people who were willing to fight for what the believed in at all costs. I STILL knew that many things were going too far, and many of the things they were promoting were not right. This show taught me to respect a group of people that attempted to do very serious things in a naive way. Even if it was naive at points...they tried, and maybe we should learn a thing or two from them. People are well aware that not ALL hippies are as glamorous as the ones shown in HAIR, and if you don't know that going in...that is not the creative team's problem.
Back to the meaning of Three-five-Zero-Zero for a minute. I always thought it referred to the number of Marines who arrived in Vietnam in March 1965, ready to fight...and signaling America's hands-on involvement.
I understand the anger. But some people in Aquarius are smiling the whole time.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
It's not about whether or not something lives up to "what the hype is all about."
I think the most important thing anybody could possibly take away from any piece of art, and I include this production of HAIR under that umbrella, is that life is made up of many apparently contradictory things all happening at the same time and very often within the same human being. This production EXISTS in that tension. Which is why Crissy is there next to Dionne in Aquarius.
I think it does a disservice to this production, which works very subtly to include the peace signs AND the clenched fists, to only focus on whether or not a specific actor will be in the show when you see it, or if there's audience interaction in your specific seat, or how if you repeat the same three catch phrases over and over again you're a member of the tribe.
The show IS about "about a bunch of lazy hippies who only want to sit around and do drugs and have sex." Which is FINE, but those same characters have a whole lot more going on inside them and around them, and the show is about so much more than that too. It's about the life or death emotions of adolescence and the life or death circumstances of living in the real world. AND doing drugs and having sex and marching to your own drummer for as long as you can.
"I STILL knew that many things were going too far, and many of the things they were promoting were not right."
Really? No disrespect intended, but that's what you took away from that show? Because, I'm thinking you missed the point.
Namo, will you go to see Hair with me?
In my opinion, you can't judge the people who have only seen the show once. They are taking it in for the first time and may not pick up on every single little detail that went into the production after only seeing it once. Most people aren't going to pick up on the things you are saying. I've seen the show a couple times and I am just learning about all the details in the directing for this revival.
And I don't see the show just for the cast interaction. I see it for the beauty and message that the show portrays. People can be fans of shows and still accept the show for what it is.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/20/03
Aquarius is the ideal. Many were smiling looking at the ideal. Just as many who go to an ashram will smile in the presence of a guru. It does not mean there isn't anger or angst also present.
I found myself feeling quite sad for the Tribe by the end of the show, not solely for Claude's end but for their Naiveté. We know Berger won't stay high his entire life (or maybe he will right up until he OD's). Time marches on and ideals change and tarnish. I felt perhaps in later years Sheila would end up at the Palladium at a carding party or busy investing in real estate. You know at least one of them will wind up working for Halliburton!
Yeah, the show really does show a journey. From the top of the show, they are excited about how they are young and how it is "the best time" to be young. By the end, the real world doesn't respect them and they have a downfall as the kind the people they are.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
Sorry if I confused anyone (I think my post was horrendously written. I struggle to get my point across on this forum sometimes, especially when I'm partaking in a deep conversation such as this one).
The point I was trying to make is that even though I disagree with a lot the things this fictional tribe did, I learned that they tried to do many admirable, beautiful things. Gavin Creel put it in perfect words. He once said that hippies were viewed as being very un-American people, but by seeing this piece...they learn how patriotic they were. That's one of the many things I find so special about this show. Those who go in expecting to be disgusted by a display of laziness and promiscuity end up seeing the big picture. In some ways they were lazy, and they were extremely promiscuous (the era portrayed in HAIR was the cause for many sexually transmitted diseases that we have today)...but they were also trying their best to 'fight for their country' in the naive way that they thought was 'the' way. People only see hippies as dirty, promiscuous, lazy, junkies; but this show teaches them of all the good things that they attempted to do. It's also not fair for me to say 'I know the message of Hair'...because I haven't even seen it. I've listened to the cast recording (countless times) and read the full plot summary on wikipedia. I can't official 'get' it until I see it. My point is, I first saw disgusting hippies...and I now see a group of people who at least TRIED to make a positive impact on their country. Are they still dirty hippies, absolutely...but there's more to them than just that.
I'm so excited - I'm going to back to "Hair" on October 28th, I'm in the front row and I'm going in costume (not that much of a surprise to anyone who knows me) including wig!
^^ loves it.
I think the reason that I really love HAIR is the passion behind the story. I consider myself a very politically active person and I find myself getting worked up over many issues--including social injustice etc (don't even get me started on talking about human rights in Africa...lol).
I really admire it when people can just put their passions out there for everyone to see. When people get so worked up over a social issue that it becomes a part of who they are. You don't see much of it nowadays, which is why I would have loved to live during the 60s and be part of the "hippy" movement. I think, at the very core, hippys just were passionate people and wanted to display their passion. While they were extreme in some of their behaviors... I can't help but admire them.
Can you imagine if we lived in an era where people got really upset about what was going on in the world?! God, I'm disgusted at the fact that more of my peers (I'm in my mid 20's) aren't OUTRAGED at whats going on in the world. We have such the potential to make a real positive change, and it breaks my heart more people don't take advantage of it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I've made fun of this thread previously because of my disappointment that this production hasn't inspired deeper discussions than the norm here.
And Jazz, Im sorry but it really gets me pissed when you toss off words like "promiscuous" as if that's inherently a bad thing. And just so we're clear, the Hair era didn't "cause" sexually transmitted diseases. Viruses and bacteria cause those. Sexually transmitted pathogens have always existed.
Given the incredible baggage you have with so much of the Hair material, maybe it isn't the show for you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
Sex is another discussion, but as for me having incredible baggage with the show...I honestly don't. If I don't agree with Benjamen Barker on chopping off innocent people's heads and turning them into meat pies, does that mean that I can't appreciate Sweeny Todd? IMO, it doesn't...and it's no different with HAIR. On the contrary, I agree with most of the things the tribe is passionate about...but there are certain grey areas.
Sexual freedom is very much a central issue with HAIR. Non judgmental sex, expressing freedom, love and life itself. It was one of the factors that made it so shocking in 1967. Seems, if it is still that shocking today, we haven't come that far.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
I am not 'shocked' by it at all, but sexual freedom isn't something that I, personally, would participate in. That's just my view, and I'm sure the only 'Starshine' that feels that way. I should clarify that I am NOT someone who believes that you should wait until marriage, I just believe that you should be careful and only have sex when it's the right time.