Stand-by Joined: 4/15/12
Is it really worth 300+ dollars to sit in the orchestra for the show it seems all the tickets that are 150 or less are all in the very rear upper mezz
I’m having a hard time justifying the pricing, just need some general feedback
The irony is I noticing it’s on TKTS a lot as well so is it better just to go there
Swing Joined: 11/18/24
I paid $139 for third row mezz I think? It was very good. The only part I wish I'd see was Joe entering the left from the left. But I wouldn't pay an extra couple hundred for that.
If being ripped off impacts your enjoyment of the show, no, it’s not worth it. Keep your dignity.
If $300 is small change to you, pocket money, then go for it.
Featured Actor Joined: 3/8/22
I think front mezzanine is ideal for this show.
I found being close to be well worth the money. Orchestra Row D was exhilarating!
Jay Lerner-Z said: "If being ripped off impacts your enjoyment of the show, no, it’s not worth it. Keep your dignity.
If $300 is small change to you, pocket money, then go for it."
I know I usually support you on the off-topic board, but I have to ask: Do you generally, in the present tense, support Broadway? Do you think Broadway shows are generally worth what we pay to see them? (I do.)
Theatre is priceless magic. Everybody should experience it. Regularly. Prices have become prohibitive for too many. I’ve stopped differentiating between ”Broadway”, “Off Broadway”, ”Regional” etc. Even “professional” and “non-professional”. It’s possible to be inspired, moved, entertained, WITHOUT bankrupting yourself.
I sat center row K mezzanine & the view was fine. The leg room was terrible.
I had an aisle seat. I was able to stick my kegs out into the aisle, but sitting at a weird angle put my back out for a couple days and was hobbling around Friday & Saturday. Sunday I woke up & suddenly somehow everything was back in place.
The rest of my aisle were a group of young clones. (I felt like I had stepped back into 1975) Onlyfans sitting next to me was over 6 feet & hella built. He was also in pain throughout. Since I had my kegs in the aisle he stuck one leg over under me & we sat sort of like a jigsaw puzzle.
I really don't like the St James theatre, but right now it is the closest thing NYC has to a bath house.
I used the discount codes over Labour Day & got the seat for only about $100.
Go to TKTS. Or if you live close the NY just wait until January. They will need to put out discount codes again to keep filling this theatre until June.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
inception said: "I really don't like the St James theatre, but right now it is the closest thing NYC has to a bath house."
Broadway World Hall of Fame comment nomination.