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THE BOOK OF MORMON Reviews!- Page 8


lesmis Profile Photo
Posted: 3/28/11 at 12:24pm

Saw it. Loved it!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 3/30/11 at 10:21am

Some people have been saying that Book of Mormon won't be a hit for long because it doesn't appeal to women and people over 60.

Someone forgot to tell my 65 year-old mother because it was her favorite show she saw last weekend. She was rolling with laughter and she doesn't even like South Park. She called it the funniest musical since Urinetown. And I have to agree with her. I could easily see Tonys for Musical, Book, Score, Direction, Josh Gad and Nikki James could pull a Sara Ramirez with that performance. I can't wait to get my hands on the CD. Featured Actress in a musical is going to be a fun race this year. I already predict nominations for James, Benanti, Osnes and Butler with the fifth slot a wild card. Possibly Shindle?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
Posted: 3/30/11 at 10:28am

Mister Matt, that last slot will go to Victoria Clark for SISTER ACT.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 3/30/11 at 11:05am

I don't know about that. I saw Sister Act in London and the role really wasn't memorable at all. Victoria will need to work her ass off to make it nomination-worthy, but perhaps she can do it. Her reputation will certainly carry some favor. Maybe it will be enough.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
Posted: 3/30/11 at 12:46pm

For what it's worth they've adjusted the role to her strengths, and added a new act two solo for her. I've also heard the revised book helps the character.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 3/30/11 at 2:41pm

That's good to hear because I keep forgetting the character is even in the show. In London, she had the pretty tinkly tune at the beginning and did little else. Book revisions were apparent, but I hope they cleaned up a lot of the score. I didn't like any of the songs for the men at all. Lady in the Long Black Dress was absolutely embarrassing to watch and When I Find My Baby was just completely weird and crass (the reprise, not included on the CD, was even worse). I Could Be That Guy was memorable only for the costume changes, but it didn't help that the character's story line was underdeveloped to the point of utter abandon by the end of the show. I wasn't sure why he was necessary to the plot other than to try and balance out the male characters. He sure didn't amount to anything else.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

ReggieonBway Profile Photo
Posted: 3/30/11 at 3:11pm

BOM will win Best Musical, it's inevitable and incredibly well-deserved - but I'll be surprised if it wins Best Score. It has good music, but there's nothing particularly original about it stylistically. Sister Act or Catch Me are the most likely.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
Posted: 3/30/11 at 3:19pm

Nah - MORMON is going to sweep and that includes the score, which is a big, big part of what makes the evening so charming.

Matt, I agree with what you say in terms of the songs for the supporting characters which for me is still the issue here in New York- I enjoyed SISTER ACT a lot, but think the evening would be a lot tighter if they would lose Eddie's Act One Number and at least one of the songs for the three mob men.

Clark is definitely getting a nomination - its a weak catagory this year and even though she's not used here to best advantage, she is still wonderful in it.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 3/30/11 at 4:10pm

I really don't feel like the category is that weak in terms of competition or talent, just in numbers, perhaps. I think it's going to be a fascinating race. Especially if Kerry Butler has improved her diction. Sorry! I do like her, I can never understand a word she's singing. It's like she's allergic to consonants. I've a feeling the peripheral awards could be all over the map. I'd still love Benanti to win as she delivered an unforgettable performance in a show almost completely forgotten, which has a history of rising to the top in this category. Otherwise, I'm rooting for James as she has burst on the scene is such a delightfully unexpected way in Book of Mormon (though I remember her standing out in the hapless All Shook Up, but she is completely transformed here).

As for score, I think Book of Mormon may be the leader with Catch Me and Sister as in close second and third. Like Avenue Q and Urinetown, it's not just the melodies, but the brilliantly surprising lyrics that puts it on top. The score is simply littered with comedic gems from start to finish and the reprise of the opening number was a riot.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
Posted: 3/30/11 at 5:39pm

Hopefully Laura Osnes will get a nomination, which will be the first Tony nomination for the role of Hope correct? Figures, the role is vastly wooden and underwritten.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
Posted: 3/30/11 at 6:56pm

Weak in the sense that I don't think most of the performances in the supporting actress contention are actually worthy of the award.

Don't get me wrong- I enjoyed all of them-
- Osnes was lovely, Daniels was delightful, Clark is stalwart but I can't say I think in any other year any would be a front runner to win the Tony.

The only one I think is actually deserving of winning the award is Laura Benanti for Women on the Verge.

I caveat that by saying I haven't seen Butler

OlBlueEyes Profile Photo
Posted: 3/30/11 at 11:01pm

Frankly, in a such a liberal city as New York, I am a little surprised that there is no one to stand up for the Mormons. Is it all right that the practices and beliefs of a minority and unpopular religious group be ridiculed if the result is a fabulously funny Broadway hit?

How many reviewers have glossed over the clear derision of the Mormons by adding that the show in total was really pretty sweet in the end and was not really anti-Mormon or any other religion? Or rushed to offer an example of this Mormon or that Mormon who wasn't offended by the show.

(Full disclosure: I am not a Mormon nor do I think that I have ever met a Mormon. But, and I hope that I won't be seen as going over the top here, I merely add in passing that I am familiar with a musical called Cabaret and the Weimar Republic and what followed.)

I don't mean to imply in any way that government persecution of the Mormons may follow some day. It won't. I'm only defending a principle; a rule of the proper way for citizens of a democracy to behave.

Would this show be acceptable if the target was the Muslim religion? Of course not. The principals would have all feared for their lives. Orthodox Jews? No. Catholics? Probably, but a fearsome ruckus would have ensued.

Does no one defend the Mormons?

auggie Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/11 at 9:03am

I will say this much about Parker and Stone, they are equal opportunity offenders. On SP everything is fair game including the most sacred cow in entertainment, Scientology.

Maybe their next show will expand on this episode???? What is the closest theater to the Scientology Center just off Times Square? Maybe they open Xenu the Musical there :)

jakebloke Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/11 at 10:59am

I saw the show last night and loved it. Having been raised Mormon, and actually going on a mission to Australia, I could relate in ways most of you probably couldn't. I have to say, they did they're research, or must have had a mormon consultant when it came to the missionaries and their rules etc. Just to clarify, I'm not an active Mormon nor attend any kind of religous worship, but it certainly was a part of my upbringing.

In response to OlBlueEyes, I completely get where you're coming from. I think a show that blatantly mocked the beliefs/practices of Judaism or other non-Christian religions may not go over so well. It could be considered distasteful or anti-whatever. However, we now live in a country where it's ok to be anti-christian. If you believe in Jesus, it's sort of acceptable to be mocked. I guess we should ask ourselves, why is that?

Having said that, I really don't think the show is anti-Mormon at all. They mock some of the beliefs, some of the history, but big deal. In the show, you don't hate these guys. They aren't portrayed as awful human beings. You actually end up really liking them. There's something very endearing about them. In an interview with Parker and Stone when asked "why Mormons" they basically said because they're so happy. It works for a musical.

I think the open-minded Mormons that don't cringe at the raunchiness, will actually quite enjoy the show. They're able to laugh at themselves.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 3/31/11 at 11:04am

The only one I think is actually deserving of winning the award is Laura Benanti for Women on the Verge.

I love you for saying that. I just hope she won't be forgotten. I walked out of that show immediately thinking Benanti = Tony. Regardless the divided opinions about the rest of the show, Featured Actress almost always goes to the most memorable performance of the year and she was unforgettable. Probably my favorite featured performance since Anika in Caroline, or Change who stole the entire show for me with I Hate the Bus. My favorite performance of any song in any musical I've ever seen. I still get tears every time I listen to it.

I caveat that by saying I haven't seen Butler

I think Butler will be nominated by default. She has the only real standout female character in a male dominated show and she's given probably the best solo written by a high profile team she's worked with before. And she delivers the goods. But I don't think this will be an award-winning role for her. Now, if we can just get her to ENUNCIATE...

Is it all right that the practices and beliefs of a minority and unpopular religious group be ridiculed if the result is a fabulously funny Broadway hit?

Absolutely. They aren't the first religion to be openly mocked on stage (or on screen, for that matter...Mel Brooks?) and nothing in Book of Mormon gets as close to the edge as Jerry Springer: The Opera.

Would this show be acceptable if the target was the Muslim religion? Of course not. The principals would have all feared for their lives. Orthodox Jews? No. Catholics? Probably, but a fearsome ruckus would have ensued.

Or not. Those are assumptions being made without reviewing any potential material. Mormonism is an AMERICAN religion, which was the point. They were not stepping on the toes of religions that are rooted in other cultures or history. If you want to make a valid comparison, then you should address Scientology, Branch Davidians or Heaven's Gate. The message of the show is about how religions originate and develop momentum. It is about exploring the question of the universal human need for faith and religion. Mormonism is the vehicle because they are admitting it is a uniquely American product.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

americanboy99 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/11 at 11:05am

Though I'd love to see Benanti win, I'm thinking it'll be a Butler vs. James battle.

I'd probably give it to Butler. She was phenomenal.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/11 at 1:33pm

I HIGHLY doubt Butler will win the Tony. In fact, I wouldn't be too surprised if she got shut out from the nominations altogether.

ACL2006 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/11 at 1:53pm

I have to wonder with ticket demand apparently so high if the producers wished they had a bigger theater(i.e. St. James)??

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

Posted: 3/31/11 at 2:42pm

"As for score, I think Book of Mormon may be the leader with Catch Me and Sister as in close second and third. Like Avenue Q and Urinetown, it's not just the melodies, but the brilliantly surprising lyrics that puts it on top. The score is simply littered with comedic gems from start to finish and the reprise of the opening number was a riot."

Oh, please, I've heard better songs in collegiate revues than the simplistic treacle in Mormon. Nearly every song is a one-joke jingle that goes nowhere and overstays its welcome. If this is your standard of 'brilliant' lyric writing, you really need to expand your horizons.

And frankly, if any group should be offended by TBOM, it's African-Americans. The portrayal of blacks as naive simpletons is really unsavory---thank God John Lahr called the authors on it in his review!

If the writers were REALLY clever and daring, they would have invented a fictional tribal culture of their own---the Unwangalayma tribe in southernmost Chengbosporukhanistan, for example---which not only could have resonated with contemporary global issues, but been an opportunity for wordplay, inventive cultural practices, superstitions, fetishes, etc rather than resorting to the lame Hollywood crutches of profanity and bodily functions. A missed opportunity all around.

Updated On: 3/31/11 at 02:42 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 3/31/11 at 3:54pm

If this is your standard of 'brilliant' lyric writing, you really need to expand your horizons.

My horizons are extremely broad. Sorry you didn't like it, but that has nothing to do with me or my horizons. I said the lyrics were brilliantly surprising. But while I return your words to you from my mouth, feel free to read my post correctly, if you wish. Feel free to disagree with me, but maybe without the attitude and personal attacks.

And frankly, if any group should be offended by TBOM, it's African-Americans. The portrayal of blacks as naive simpletons is really unsavory---thank God John Lahr called the authors on it in his review!

They were actually more specific. They were in Uganda. And they certainly weren't African-Americans, so I'm not sure why they would have to be offended when they aren't being portrayed. But how were the blacks portrayed so differently from the whites? It's not like the whites were models of intelligent thought or reasoning in the show. They were all pretty much on an even playing field with regards to intelligence. The divisions between them had to do with culture, environment and access to technology. It wasn't intelligence. Perhaps that needs to be clarified? I certainly never thought the Ugandans appeared more stupid. They simply didn't have the same resources available to them.

If the writers were REALLY clever and daring, they would have invented a fictional tribal culture of their own---the Unwangalayma tribe in southernmost Bosporuskhanistan---which not only could have resonated with contemporary global issues, but been an opportunity for wordplay, inventive cultural practices, superstitions, fetishes, etc rather than resorting to lame Hollywood crutches of profanity and bodily functions. A missed opportunity all around.

Not really. They start in a real country were Mormonism exists. Going to another real country and addressing the issues of that country has far more impact than sloughing it off as a silly fake country that has similar issues. They were really specific about Uganda rather than any other country in Africa because if its current social and political relevance. Fictionalizing it would only water down the the literal connections to the plight of Ugandans. I think audiences will get that the message broadens to other parts of Africa as well as any country suffering similar atrocities. A fictional tribal culture would only suffer the attacks of stereotyping this culture or that country or these people and the focus gets muddied in all the non-specific references. They wanted to be specific and they wanted to be responsible and own up to their specifics rather than cop out and sidestep responsibility. I think it was a gutsy move that paid off rather well. Much more daring than a fictional tribal village with a silly-sounding name.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
