I caught this on Wednesday night and had a great time, overall.
The show works best when it is leaning both into while sort of mocking the bio-musical tropes and the Cher brand/persona. It falters when it does those tropes earnestly (the constant reminders of Cher's shyness, for instance, or Cher's romances that aren't Sonny).
The first act is really lacking in major wow-factor production numbers; aside from the Mackie number, most feel truncated. However, the second act more than makes up for it with the fabulous "Dark Lady," the economical storytelling and 60s pastiche of "The Beat Goes On," and more powerhouse vocals from Stephanie J. Block than you thought possible.
Although the framing device of a variety show is no longer explicitly in the show, it's still very much there. There's no fourth wall; notable characters are introduced to and acknowledge the audience when they appear as if they were guests; etc. It really leans into the idea of a show about Cher, hosted by Cher(s).
Stephanie J. Block is giving a tremendous performance, nailing the impersonation while bringing a great deal of emotional depth. This is no caricature.
Micaela Diamond is making quite the debut, too, and I'm glad they showcase her in "The Beat Goes On."
Teal Wicks has the most thankless of the three Chers- she's a transitional figure, really, between the young, naïve, and spunky Babe and the "goddess warrior" and icon Star. Lady is too much of both to be distinct from them and not enough of either to be as compelling. They don't find a way in that really works- this isn't Fun Home, where the three age periods are necessary and very distinct as life phases.
Jarred Spector is great as (a distractingly jacked) Sonny Bono, and got quite the audience response when he started singing.
Emily Skinner really makes the most of her two roles, and you constantly look forward to seeing her.
The ensemble is incredibly hard-working and hard-bodied (Charlie Williams, woof).
Overall, this won't change your life. It doesn't want or try to. But it's damn good entertainment, anchored by some fantastic women, and it tweaks the nose of the concept of the jukebox bio-musical enough that it breathes life into an increasingly craven-looking genre.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
The show opens in 3 days, right?
Hope the critics enjoy and give the show the praise it deserves
On Broadway.com, there is an amazing interview with Micaela Diamond. This girl will be a HUGE star! For someone her to have the opportunities that she has had already ("Jesus Christ Superstar LIVE!" and "The Cher Show", she will be gracing the Broadway stages for some time!...
Finally caught this one and I have to chime in with the praise on this thread. By far, one of the better jukebox musicals Broadway has seen. It’s not quite Jersey Boys (will anything ever be?), but The Cher Show is a hell of a lot better than the other jukebox schlock we’ve been given over the last decade.
I most appreciated that the show doesn’t try to make a profound statement or fabricate any “shocking” details. It really is, as the title says, The Cher Show, and you pretty much know the general plotline of this pop icon's life. So just have some fun and stroll down memory lane!
The book is remarkably adept, even if there are a few moments of dullness here and there (but I mean it when I say few—and they’re mostly in Act I). Again, Act II is superior to Act I. I loved that Cher relied on herself in past and future to make decisions and to tell her story. I kept thinking about Summer and how poorly they used three Donnas to tell Summer’s story; clearly, The Cher Show took notes!
As for performances, this cast is a delight. Block—who herself is a “goddess rockstar warrior”—nails it and is a very, very strong Tony contender. One of those blissful Broadway performances where you feel everything firing on all cylinders. I was pleased that Block's Cher comprises most of Act II. She's fantastic in Act I but gets to show her stuff after intermission.
Diamond is a delight as well. Wicks was okay, but definitely the weakest of the three. It doesn’t help that there is literally no aspect of her face that resembles Cher. I would say that Jerrod Spector, who does justice to Sonny, is a Tony nominee contender as well. I appreciated that no one felt schticky or performative.
The #1 best part of this show, though? Bob. Mackie’s. Costumes. Holy F. Utterly fantastic. The production design works altogether, but those costumes are in a league of their own.
Very happy to say that I can recommend this one.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/5/04
There will be many nominations for this. It is a glitzy splashy musical that is constantly in motion for 2 1/2 hours. The cast, lighting, costumes all superb. To me the book was the weakest link. Some touching scenes but a lot of the humor didn’t land. Unless you like laughing at perjoritives. It will be a hit despite some critics out to get it Gatelli’s choreography will get praised and knocked (dirivitive)and the Beat Goes On number fits but it is all Fosse. I hope Baresse is recognized along with Spector for a nomination. And it is Block’s Tony to lose. She is a hurricane. All the showstoppers are in the second act.... the biggest applause was for the Tango number and The Way Of Love.
The #1 best part of this show, though? Bob. Mackey’s. Costumes. Holy F. Utterly fantastic. The production design works altogether, but those costumes are in a league of their own.
Please. This man and his genius work has been around for over 50 years. It’s BOB MACKIE.
This is more of a gripe than a spoiler, but...
Does anyone else find it annoying that both the Today Show segment and the just-released promo video contain audio of the final moment in the show? SJB's "You haven't seen the last of me" to blackout is an amazing ending, so why ruin it?
Does anyone know if there are any plans for the "Chers" to appear on the Kennedy Center Honors for Cher's segment. I know that the show is the day before opening night, so I don't know if legistically would be possible. I think that it would be a great attention gabber for the show...
BrodyFosse123 said: "Please. This man and hisgenius work has been around for over 50 years. It’s BOB MACKIE."
Oops. That's what I get for posting a review at 2 AM!
I can say the Kennedy Center/CBS have hired more hair, wig, make-up people than usual for the KCH.
I'd expect a long shoot today but with the "Hamilton" gang and Cher...my hair guy is thrilled anyway!!
( I feel sorry for Glass..)
It should be a great show.
Understudy Joined: 7/22/18
This makes me soooo excited!!!