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Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?- Page 6

Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#125re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 10:49am

jagfkb, Ha I'm eighteen. Not in BILLY ELLIOT.

If you all don't believe me about how bad it is, go see it for yourself. Like I said I don't WANT show to fail but when they're as bad as this, they deserve the shortest life possible.

If you think I'm biased or something about another show opening this season, I'm not at all. See THIRTEEN for yourself and then let me know what you thought.

Everyone is entitled to their (unbiased) opinion.

I think THIRTEEN will have way more shillers on here than dissenters so I wouldn't be too worried about my thoughts on it. I went in without a biased preconcieved notion and left really disliking it. Just my opinions.

When the reviews come out and the critics tear the show a new a**hole, I don't think
people are going to be asking them who they play in BILLY ELLIOT...
Updated On: 9/14/08 at 10:49 AM

#126re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 10:55am

Wow, it was a joke, big deal!

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#127re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 10:57am

No I know, I was just saying it's going to get eaten alive by the critics, and my opinions were unbiased.

Sorry if my response was snarky.

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#128re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 11:06am

I feel like some critic is going to be nice and look at the positives because there are kids in it.

Then another is going to rip it apart no matter what.

I thought the show as funny, had its moments, but as a whole just wasn't that good.

#129re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 11:58am

Except for the annoying group around me who didn't pay attention and talked through the whole show, I really liked it.

I thought that the cast was great. Allie Trimm (Patrice) and Elizabeth Egan Gilles (Lucy) really stuck out. They had amazing voices and were the most believable. Aaron Simon Gross (Archie) was a good actor and a good singer, but it was sometimes hard to understand what he was singing, but overall he was good. I disagree with most about Graham Phillips (Evan) I thought he was fine, his voice had a few moments but he acted the part well and his dancing wasn’t too big a problem. Eric Nelson (Brett) was a little off, he was a great dancer, but he was trying too hard to be tough and over-acted some parts, but his singing was okay, except for the movie scene. Al Calderon (Eddie) and Malik Hammond (Malcolm) were so funny and both had great voices. Delaney Moro (Kendra) she was really good, though her dancing was really weak, she was funny and has a good voice. Eamon Foley (Richie) so energetic the ENTIRE show, it was hard to not watch him, he also has a great voice. Caitlin Gann (Molly) and Ariana Grande (Charlotte) both were great singers and the best dancers in the show.

I really liked the music and found most of the songs memorable. The book was pretty weak, but the show was fast paced so it didn’t detract too much. The direction was boring and awkward. The choreography was great, but later in the show got somewhat repetitive. The DDR dance in Act I was pretty cool and fun, however it was completely out of place, and really useless. As for the humor, there was only thing I felt was a bit over the top (in the movie.. lit on fire) otherwise it was nothing I haven’t heard in my school. As said in one of the songs, this is what it is until Disney finds a way to dumb it down. (pr something along those lines).

Overall it was enjoyable and I am going back Sept. 28, and I can’t wait.

For the record, I’m seventeen.

defyinggravity42694 Profile Photo
#130re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 1:19pm

I thought this show was amazing and recommend it to everyone!

I know the people around me loved it. There was also an older BWW photographer by me who laughed, "awed", and clapped/cheered at the right times... he still managed to take pics, the shutter noise made me sure of it.

I believe photographer Joan Marcus was also there and I kept stealing looks at her, she was smiling throughout the show.


philly03 Profile Photo
#131re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 2:10pm

"Except for the annoying group around me who didn't pay attention and talked through the whole show, I really liked it."

Left mezzanine, front row towards the center aisle??

I still have a hard time believing that many of the adult/more mature Broadway audience will appreciate it. It was just one of those bizarre shows, that makes me miss the old JRB!! (Although some of the songs were pretty good.)

#132re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 2:54pm

No, left orch 4th row.

defyinggravity42694 Profile Photo
#133re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 2:57pm

philly03, as ironic as this is, you were by all the Broadway kids.
I was by them while waiting on-line and they were told to sit, front row, centre mezzanine, and I noticed during the show they were sitting there.


DRSisLove Profile Photo
#134re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 3:07pm

"Left mezzanine, front row towards the center aisle?? "

Those people talked the whole damn show! I was in the second row left mezzanine and wanted to tell them to shut up, haha. Then with the combination of the girl across the aisle who kept coming up and down the stairs and crinkling a bag every time she came back it was never quiet up there.

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#135re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 4:38pm

I was from row Center Mezzanine on the aisle towards the left. The kids across were definitely not Broadway people. They weren't rude they just didn't care about it. The people behind me left at the curtain call.

defyinggravity42694 Profile Photo
#136re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 4:48pm

Oh, they maybe there were other kids there as well because I know as a fact, Matthew (former Michael Banks and Chip), (former Young Tarzan), and Zach(former Gavroche and current Michael Banks) were all in the first row mezzanine, center. They were standing in front of me the whole time on line, and Delaney and Caissie kept coming up to them to say hi and thanks for coming. Also, Brian and Trevor (the little mermaid flounders) stopped by twice and I was trying so hard to act normal.

Updated On: 9/14/08 at 04:48 PM

#137re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 4:48pm

some broadway kids were there. I thought that was cool.

philly03 Profile Photo
#138re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 4:53pm

Hi DRSisLove :). That would be me/friends.

We didn't talk the whole show. The whole second act? Yes. Sorry! We kept leaning over the balcony to see if JRB was conducting [& discussing his greatness]!

I swear I'm NEVER like that. It was an "INTERESTING" day!!!!!
Although I didn't talk nearly the most. We didn't even talk nearly the most out of our row! Two people next to us were screeching and what not, as well as legit trying to have a conversation about something NOT about the show. Atleast we were talking about the show :)/:?? !! We actually are "Broadway kids". Two of us anyone, my one friend was a little out of line, but it was a free performance you're bound to get these kinds of people.

Center front row were like two I'd say kids that could be no older than 10 and had their faces painted (although a few other people who were teenagers did too?). So I assumed they had some affliation with it.

And DRSisLove the girl with the bag put me off the top with the noises which is proabbly why we still kept talking [about the show!]. She was sitting right across from you too if I'm correct. Why in the world did she feel the need to not only get up but why did she bring her bags with her EVERYTIME she got up???!!! LOL She looked older too, but I only saw her in the dark.

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#139re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 8:34pm

"Center front row were like two I'd say kids that could be no older than 10 and had their faces painted (although a few other people who were teenagers did too?). So I assumed they had some affliation with it. "

I was sitting next to the kids. I recognized one from Mary Poppins. He had black hair. I don't know his name. But they had friends in the cast and stuff and they were very excited.

#140re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 8:42pm

^ yeah, that was matthew Gumley and Dylan Riley snyder. I was in line with them along with a couple of other broadway kids.

wicked_beast4 Profile Photo
#141re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/14/08 at 8:46pm

I was talking to Dylan before. He was so happy for everyone in the show!!!!!

The front orchestra was surprisingly really well behaved, beside for the girls putting their feet up on the front of the stage.

"He found something that he wanted, had always wanted and always would want— not to be admired, as he had feared; not to be loved, as he had made himself believe; but to be necessary to people, to be indispensable." -F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise

#143re: Teenagers invited to the opening dress of 13?
Posted: 9/15/08 at 1:05am

ugh, missed that by about 5 years!
