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The Jersey Boys Tour Thread

antonijan Profile Photo
#2754/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/29/07 at 4:20am


Good-luck on your mid-terms! What time do they sell rush for the 8 pm show? I am gonna rush on the 3rd (but also getting a back-up reg tix just in case I don't get rush)...

and then I will just give my regular tix away if I get rush :P

#2764/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/29/07 at 4:25am

Daniel Vosovic was there tonight!!! He stood behind me in the will call line.

I love this cast enormously. And I'm super glad Erich's back (if sporadically - I guess he just didn't want to do the double show day), he's beyond amazing, bronchitis & all! - most underrated performers on broadway

antonijan Profile Photo
#2774/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/29/07 at 5:08am

Introducing Jersey Boys Tour Board and Community
Posted On: 4/29/07 at 04:59 AM

Start adding Jersey Boys Tour to your "Favorites" and use/support the new Jersey Boys Tour Board and community!

#2784/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/29/07 at 5:52am

The audience just wouldn't allow them to say their lines after a song finished! That happens a lot though.
This was actually the first performance I saw where the audience didn't allow them to move the story forward. The other 6 times they never had to pause midline after a song that goes straight into lines right after it's over. The audience sensed they were going right into another scene stopped applauding quickly to let them move on.

What time do they sell rush for the 8 pm show?
Tickets for the 8pm show go on sale at 6. But that day rush is probably going to be hectic. All the regulars that were inline today said they were going to their final preformance, and there were a lot of regulars today.

Daniel Vosovic was there tonight!!!
Seriously. I thought he rocked on his season of Project Runway and should have won.

Man I'm totally going to miss this cast. I'm starting to go through Sherry Company withdrawl already. I went out with some friends tonight and had no idea they were staying in a Hotel right across from the Curran. As we were leaving their hotel to go to a bar, JB just let out and I was tempted to stagedoor again and say bye the the cast one last time.

Edit: By the way, anyone going to the last preformance has to post a reveiw. I want to hear how it went or if they did anything special for that night. Updated On: 4/29/07 at 05:52 AM

antonijan Profile Photo
#2794/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/29/07 at 6:07am

"The audience just wouldn't allow them to say their lines after a song finished! That happens a lot though."

just imagine on the final show how the crowd would react!

...imagine what big celebrities, media and big wigs who would be coming to support the cast and

...who would be crying their hearts out?!

I also wonder how early the regulars would be willing to go in line :P

Updated On: 4/29/07 at 06:07 AM

#2804/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/29/07 at 2:58pm

I was reading through this tread and it reminded me that I forgot to mention this one thing in my review of yesterday's matinee, and it's about Taylor and wig. Since he was in Eric's track he has to play Bob Crewe's assistant. The minute he walked out on stage with that wig on I turned to one of the regulars on my right, she turned to me and we both started cracking up. He looked hilarious in it, mainly because it was so obvious it was a wig, and it made it look like his hair line was receeding. Seriously it looked like a bad hairpiece. But what almost had me rolling on the floor was the expression on his face during that whole scene. Oh if I had a camera and could take picture of it I would have.

antonijan Profile Photo
#2814/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/29/07 at 3:17pm

there will be no shame on 5/3 rush ticket line :P

What was the earliest time you guys have been there?

#2824/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/29/07 at 11:24pm

mll85 and kaibranch - It was great meeting you guys yesterday in line! =)

I completely agree about Taylor's wig... it was hilarious!

The lady I was sitting next to kept bouncing every time the guys were singing... and she sang along to almost every song. It took all of my willpower and self-control to keep from slapping her. Haha.

A day I don't dance is a day I don't live.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2834/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/29/07 at 11:43pm

Saw the matinee today. Erich was back and sounded fine, if a bit scratchy (I wouldn't have known he was having problems if I'd never seen him before).

I laughed and laughed at Taylor's wig and his checking out Frankie in Bob Crewe's apt scene. 4/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers) He also sounds uncannily like Eric Gutman as Hank.

There were some different line deliveries that I noticed, too. Erich sounded more offended when he said, "I gotta be romanced a little..." and Chris "Yes, this is her father" sounded more like he was annoyed that some random fan got Frankie Valli's phone # than that he was actually realizing he was getting bad news about his daughter.

The crowd was fantastic. Polite -- no singing along, no talking -- and INCREDIBLY receptive during applause and curtain call. There was at least one person in the front row standing for Chris "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You."

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 4/30/07 at 11:43 PM

#2844/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/30/07 at 12:06am

I laughed and laughed at Taylor's wig and his checking out Frankie in Bob Crewe's apt scene.

It's things like this that make me wish I could rush again. Alas, only once more with this cast, and it's a rear balc seat. 4/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers) - most underrated performers on broadway

#2854/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/30/07 at 12:21am

I'm happy to hear that Erich is back in. Hopefully he's at 100% now or atleast can make it to Thursday.

Lizzie I have to agree with you. Taylor's Hank sounds amazingly similar to Eric's. He really hit that high pitched, nasal sounding "Hey" on his enterance, one of my favorite small moments in the show. I've seen Doug in Eric's track once and he didn't hit it.
Updated On: 4/30/07 at 12:21 AM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2864/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/30/07 at 12:28am

Edited my earlier post to add a little more... 4/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)

I saw Doug Crawford's first time going on in the Hank/Mika track and he was pretty funny, but I agree that his "HEY!" was completely different (but still amusing).

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#2874/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/30/07 at 12:39am

I actually noticed some different line deliveries when I saw the show yesterday too. The one I can actually remember though was during the scene where Loraine and Frankie are breaking up. Heather delivered the lines in a manner where she was more pissed off at Frankie because of the situation. The first time I saw her do it and the other times I saw Sandra do it they made Loraine more heartbroken that it has to be over.
Updated On: 4/30/07 at 12:39 AM

antonijan Profile Photo
#2884/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/30/07 at 4:56am

I saw Brandon at Safeway today :P

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#2894/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/30/07 at 7:47am

Sat. Paper
The Philadelphia Inquirer

4/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)

Jarrod Spector (second from left) rehearses for "Jersey Boys" with (from left) Steve Gouveia, Andrew Gehling, Jeremy Kushnier. (See "Walk Like a Man.")

Walk like a man

Huntingdon Valley's Jarrod Spector is channeling Frankie Valli, as he has the primo role in the national tour of the Broadway hit Jersey Boys, the story of the Four Seasons. Spector, 26, is a Germantown Academy grad who went on to Princeton. "After two years, I realized a degree in economics wasn't going to give me the things in life I wanted," he says. Spector joins the show Friday in San Francisco and then heads to Chicago; no Philly date has been set. Spector says he tries to capture "this raw, powerful, scorching falsetto that no one else has ever had." When he met Valli backstage, he says, "he looked at me in the face and put his hand on my shoulder and said, 'You don't be intimidated. If you need me, you call me on the phone.' "

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#2904/27 Matinee Review (Possibly a few minor spoliers)
Posted: 4/30/07 at 8:57am

aww love the pic! I'd love to see these guys!

#291Picture of the New Jersey Boys
Posted: 4/30/07 at 9:27am

That's a great pic. It's going to take me some time to get used to seeing them in my Playbill for the next 5 months but that's only because I'm used to seeing Deven, Chris, Erich, and Michael in that picture for the last 5. And Jarod and Steve are wearing different shirts, but now I'm just being nit-picky. Can't wait to see the new cast this weekend.

Steam Heat2 Profile Photo
Steam Heat2
#292Picture of the New Jersey Boys
Posted: 4/30/07 at 9:33am

I just found out yesterday that Jersey Boys is coming to my city in Spring of 2008!!!! They look great in that picture and I can't wait to see them in Chicago!!!!

Guess what? I have flaws. What are they? Oh I don't know... I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me. No, don't sue me... that's the opposite of the point I'm trying to make.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#293Picture of the New Jersey Boys
Posted: 4/30/07 at 10:47am

Oh, wow. Thanks for that pic of the super-secret not announced cast. :)

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#294Picture of the New Jersey Boys
Posted: 4/30/07 at 11:01am

The Bob looks adorable, and that's pretty much all I ask for out of life... - most underrated performers on broadway

Shawk Profile Photo
#295Picture of the New Jersey Boys
Posted: 4/30/07 at 11:49am

Andrew Gehling has Connor Trinneer eyebrows. Not that that's a bad thing... Picture of the New Jersey Boys

Steve Gouveia's shirt looks a bit scary in the front.


'"Contrairiwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."' ~Lewis Carroll
Updated On: 4/30/07 at 11:49 AM

jochang621 Profile Photo
#296Picture of the New Jersey Boys
Posted: 4/30/07 at 11:58am

andrew gehling looks awfully familiar... i can't place my finger on it though.

antonijan Profile Photo
#297Picture of the New Jersey Boys
Posted: 4/30/07 at 5:26pm

I can't wait to hear the harmony they make....

#298Picture of the New Jersey Boys
Posted: 4/30/07 at 10:34pm

This tab's been open in my browser forever - I can't remeber why though. Google?

This desire for a good rags-to-riches story may actually hold just as much weight during the audition process as vocal talent. Just ask Jarrod Spector, formerly of the Princeton Class of 2003 and now a student at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, who was at the New York auditions.

Spector made it as far as the third round of auditions, going up in front of Cowell and Abdul. He received a very positive response for his performance, but it was his history that eventually took him out of the running.

Spector, who appeared as Gavroche in Broadway's "Les Miserables" in 1990, was also a contestant on "Star Search" fourteen years ago. Though the official rules state that an Idol contestant cannot have appeared on national television in the past ten years, the judges felt that Spector had too much experience and wouldn't make a good story.

More here!:

The article's from 2002! - most underrated performers on broadway

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#299Picture of the New Jersey Boys
Posted: 5/1/07 at 12:00am

ok, I have been told that they are telling the cast on the 4th, I am guessing some time around noon. I still think it is weird that they have waited soooo long to tell us the cast.

Picture of the New Jersey Boys
Drew Gehling is dreamy!

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."
