Pictures from the Contra Costa Times! These weren't in the online edition.
(I'm at my parents' house this weekend and they saved this page for
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Those are some nice pictures. I wish they posted them in the online version of the article.
MelissaM...can you review the show that night and tell us what you think of the show overall :P
Lizzie...thanks for sharing those pictures. Have your parents seen the show? You should bring them :)
The first time I saw the show (back in January) was with my parents, actually. They REALLY enjoyed it, which is funny, because they never liked the Four Seasons (and were the reason I'd only heard like half the score before I saw the show).
Check out this pdf file I found on the Ahmanson Theater's website!
It is called Discovery Guide and it is geared towards younger audiences and filled with fun facts and trivia plus several colored pictures of the Sherry Company.
See the link at the bottom.
Jersey Boys Discovery Guide PDF
Updated On: 5/13/07 at 06:14 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/06
Anyone else subscribe to Taylor Sternberg's phone alerts as to when he's going on, despite the fact you'll be nowhere near the place when he does? Eh, what's a thousand miles between fans...
Going back today. Freakishly excited.
I'm obsessed with this cast's Cry for Me: it tells such a story! Seriously, if you can peel your eyes off Drew, just watch Jeremy at the beginning. So amazing.
Also, everyone should go ask the merchandise booth if they carry Jeremy Kushnier's cds - a friend asked last week, and they said "Who?" Uncool. Hopefully we can pressure them into it.
Tay Phone! :)
And, cool article:,0,1602873.story?coll=hce-headlines-entertain-top
That'd be awesome if they could sell Jeremy's CDs. No shipping! :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Also, everyone should go ask the merchandise booth if they carry Jeremy Kushnier's cds - a friend asked last week, and they said "Who?" Uncool.
Well, sounds like some of the merch folks are clueless about the cast. But it would be great if they carried his CD's,I was listening to some clips on itunes and his music is great. If they don't looks like I'll have to head to Amoeba when I'm back in the city. It would be nice if he did a show in SF so we can hear his stuff live.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/06
I'm not sure if you can get his CDs anywhere but iTunes and CDBaby which is why it would be awesome for them to sell them at the Curran. Jeremy says they're 'hesitant' about it right now, so we have to show that there's demand!
But yeah, his music is beautiful. I'm obsessed with the four songs on his MySpace.
But if Eric Gutman were still working the table, he'd know!
Ignorance aside, I think it depends on the venue and legalities and such. I seem to remember when Phantom came back and played at the Orpheum, they sold Brad Little's CDs at a separate table from the rest of the souveniers for some reason.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Any money made throught Jeremy's CDs would be going to him and not the show. That's probably why their hesitant to do it.
You are exactly right about the money thing.
I've listened to a couple of his songs through his MySpace page, and I liked them very much...I may buy his album on iTunes later today.
Very off topic, but I just had to post this.
My cat just brought this in the house. ofcouse when the cat brought it in it got away and my sister and I have spent the lasy hour trying to find it. we did and we have just let it back out side.
That's a chipmunk.
Incident at today's performance:
John Michael Dias (u/s) went on as Frankie Valli.
His pants zipper was undone for half of Act 2.
Apparently it was distracting enough for one female audience member to shout-out (during the "dead daughter monologue" no less): "ZIP YOUR FLY!"
Understudy Joined: 12/19/05
is that a squirrel? good thing your cat didn't mangle it :P You should have named it!
I had named it sherry, but then my sister had to go off and let it out side.
I do believe that that theatre is under a spell. what is that, three people who have had their fly's unzipped?
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/06
Oh my god! I was at both shows yesterday (yeah, I KNOW), but I didn't hear what she actually said, that's hilarious.
John Michael Dias is, by the way, amazing.
Yeah. Love it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
John Michael Dias (u/s) went on as Frankie Valli.
His pants zipper was undone for half of Act 2.
Apparently it was distracting enough for one female audience member to shout-out (during the "dead daughter monologue" no less): "ZIP YOUR FLY!"
There was a women a few seats behind me on the phone during one of the songs in the first act, as soon as it was done she said, "The song is over I have to go" and hung up...ridiculous
If I was at the performace, I would have been pissed. It was unnecessary for that lady to point out that Jophn's fly was down, but to do it during that scene would ruin that moment for me. And people on their phones during a performance is just one of my pet peeves.
The show has not lost a beat with the new Chicago company. (that's what the producers are calling it) Jarrod's "Frankie" to me is the epitomy of what the role calls for. So young and naive early in the first act maturing and getting wiser as the act progresses. So believable. He just takes over in the second act and melts everybody's heart. His take on the "Francine" death scene is as heartfelt as it can get. I see people all around me with tissues wiping their eyes. Jeremy, Drew and Steve are equal to the task as were Devon, Erich and Michael. The girls are amazing. I truly think the transition from the Sherry co. to the Chicago co. has been flawless. I hope Jarrod doesn't get called to NY too soon. I love seeing him with this cast.