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The Jersey Boys Tour Thread

Shawk Profile Photo
#850LA Times Review
Posted: 6/5/07 at 2:09pm

The critics are there to evaluate what they see on stage, and that realistically can't (and shouldn't) include anything about the actors' personalities off-stage. (Although I'd love to see some more fluff stories about the cast, who are lovely people.)

Of course, some theatre critics have more experience in the field than others, and everyone has personal biases, no matter how much they may try to keep them off the written page. It's just unfortunate in some cases that reviews can have a whole lot of power.

I mean, I think the review of the female cast is way off-base, but oh, well. Hopefully they and the audiences won't dwell on it too long, because I'm sure JB is going to be just fine.

'"Contrairiwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."' ~Lewis Carroll

MelissaM Profile Photo
#851LA Times Review
Posted: 6/5/07 at 2:40pm

I couldn't agree with you more Mike. I just think that a review can be given without the mean criticism. It just isn't necessary.

Shawk Profile Photo
#852LA Times Review
Posted: 6/5/07 at 3:08pm

That just isn't a critic's job, though. To be a critic is to, in theory, critique. I mean, if critics had only said non-critical things about Lestat, for example, what would they have said? Nice things about the cast and then...? And this is coming from someone who really liked Lennon pre-Broadway, and watched it get slaughtered in reviews.

Some critics do become catty at times and that is really unfortunate, but I don't think it will be changing any time soon. I wish the critics had been kinder to Jones (I personally prefer a strong actor who can sing over someone who is a singer first and actor second), and I disagree with some of the reviews, but I think LA theatre audiences will probably go and make up their own minds in the end.

'"Contrairiwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."' ~Lewis Carroll

#853LA Times Review
Posted: 6/5/07 at 3:43pm

The reviews of the show down in LA overall have been positive so far. The critics may pick out on negative thing they see and maybe put to much focus in on it in some cases but I don't think people will not see the show because of one detail. And besides the reviews for Chris have been mixed, some critics love him others don't.

antonijan Profile Photo
#854LA Times Review
Posted: 6/5/07 at 4:02pm

Mike careful what you say on this thread because like the critics...they are like SHARKS IN THE WATER!

JB Fan
#855LA Times Review
Posted: 6/5/07 at 4:24pm

about John Lloyd Young's performance from the LATimes:

"When "Jersey Boys" opened on Broadway, it was a somewhat subtler experience, thanks to the emotionally naked performance of John Lloyd Young, who won a Tony for capturing not just the inimitable sound of Valli but also his easily bruised Italian American soul."

Does that sound like Charles McNulty was only comparing JLY's vocals? Later ithe review ne points out that Bergen's star presence makes up for Jones' lack of it...sounds to me like this critic found Jones to be lacking in vocals AND star quality.

Updated On: 6/5/07 at 04:24 PM

MikeMagbaleta Profile Photo
#856LA Times Review
Posted: 6/5/07 at 5:08pm

Absolutely! I probably had a flashback to when everything was "no holds barred" reporting and no one ever thought about the public's feelings towards their favorite athlete, actor or singer. I agree that they are doing their jobs and seeing it from their own point of view. I apologize to the critics and reporters for being too extra passionate about my favorite play and their reviews.

#857Taylor's Pics From Opening Night
Posted: 6/5/07 at 5:54pm

Well it says it in the subject heading. Here's the link
Taylor's Flickr Site

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#858Taylor's Pics From Opening Night
Posted: 6/5/07 at 5:56pm

I love those! Thanks for posting; I forgot to check his flickr.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#859Melissa Strom Blog Update
Posted: 6/5/07 at 9:43pm

Melissa has updated her blog with her account of opening night.
Melissa Strom Blog

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#860Jersey Boys LA Video
Posted: 6/6/07 at 3:48pm

Here is a video from opening night. I love it when Deven interviews people!

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."

antonijan Profile Photo
#861Jersey Boys LA Video
Posted: 6/6/07 at 4:04pm


Thanks for sharing that and also thanks for the tons of stuff in the mail...still waiting tho :P


Jersey Boys LA Video Updated On: 6/6/07 at 04:04 PM

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#862Jersey Boys LA Video
Posted: 6/6/07 at 4:12pm

I have started a Jersey Boys News Letter.
It should be up and going by the end of next week since that is when the first interview will be ready.

Do any of you want to be in involed in it? I need some fact finers, people to let me know when blogs have been updated since I dont have the time to go and check all of them. and I need someone in NYC to do interviews everyonce in a while.

Also if any one has a video camera that lives in San Fran, LA or NYC and would like to do fan interviews we will talk more about that. if you want to be involed e-mail me at and we will talk more about it.


Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#863LA Daily News
Posted: 6/6/07 at 4:17pm

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

antonijan Profile Photo
#864LA Daily News
Posted: 6/6/07 at 4:20pm

I would volunteer but I have a whiny voice and not suitable for video :P

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#865LA Daily News
Posted: 6/6/07 at 4:24pm

antonijan, not all of it has to be done with video.

LizzieCurry, Thanks for that link!

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."

antonijan Profile Photo
#866LA Daily News
Posted: 6/6/07 at 4:51pm


but mll85 and LizzieCurry our 2nd and 3rd best JB fans are already doing the blog, fact and link checking for us :P

of are the #1 Certified Best JB fan of all time :P with all those 15 plus sites that you are running :)

Updated On: 6/6/07 at 04:51 PM

#867JB cast member's blogs
Posted: 6/6/07 at 4:53pm

Jerseyboyslover, with most of the cast member's blogs you can suscribe to through feeds and then you just get notified when they're updated and you don't have to check them everyday. That's how I'm always on top of their blogs.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#868JB cast member's blogs
Posted: 6/6/07 at 4:56pm

If anyone's looking for hi-res pix of the Sherry cast:

(No new photos since SF.)

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#869JB cast member's blogs
Posted: 6/6/07 at 9:58pm


but mll85 and LizzieCurry our 2nd and 3rd best JB fans are already doing the blog, fact and link checking for us :P

of are the #1 Certified Best JB fan of all time :P with all those 15 plus sites that you are running :)

And that is why I posted it on here in stead of posting it on the fan sites. To let you all know about and be first at helping out if you wanted to.

Well Thank You! It is 17 sites now, I will have nothing left to do if Jersey Boys closes!

Thanks for the link!!

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#870JB cast member's blogs
Posted: 6/7/07 at 12:46am

More news for you. Evident in the URL... JB cast member's blogs

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Super Sue Profile Photo
Super Sue
#871Backstage Pass at Ahmanson?
Posted: 6/7/07 at 2:01am

Hi, please redirect me to the correct message board because I have no idea where to ask this question:

Is Jersey Boys in LA offering backstage passes? I remember Erich Bergen posted about backstage passes in SF, but that was sometime ago...But I am hoping he'll sell backstage passes for LA, also :)

Gah, can't wait 'til Sweeney Todd at Ahmanson and Phantom of the Opera at OCPAC...!!

#872Backstage Pass at Ahmanson?
Posted: 6/7/07 at 2:07am

They weren't selling backstage passes in SF. They were doing backstge tours lead by one of the cast members. The reason they were doing them in SF was because they were collecting donations for the BC/EFA Easter Bonnet competition, which they collected the most money for by the way. So for 50 dollars a pair they would take you backstage after the show was over and show you the inner workings of the show. I don't think they'll be doing them in LA unless there is another colletion drive fo BC/EFA starting up soon but then that's a maybe.
Updated On: 6/7/07 at 02:07 AM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#873LA Curtain Up review
Posted: 6/7/07 at 2:02pm

Also, BC/EFA time is always March and April, so there won't be any special stuff like that until then (wherever they are at the time).

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

MikeMagbaleta Profile Photo
#874LA Curtain Up review
Posted: 6/7/07 at 3:36pm

For the BC/EFA benefit, when the 1st Tour cast was still at the Curran, they also had full cast signed playbills and full cast signed lobby cards given to patrons that donated to the charity. Out of five evening 1st tour shows at the Curran I've attended, they never mentioned backstage tours in exchange for BC/EFA donations. Maybe during weekday matinees when the crowds are not SRO.

I'm not sure if this is just an idea or rumor, but when I listened to the XM "Broadway" station on satellite radio, the host mentioned that there may be a drive for donations to benefit the elimination of strife and poverty in Darfur, Sudan. Maybe the Jersey Boys will do the same thing at the Curran, August Wilson and Ahmanson. Give incentives such as the signed lobby cards, playbills and tours of the backstage/basement area in exchange for donations.
