Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Well we no longer have to search Getty because those pics were posted on the LA page.
Photo Coverage: 'Jersey Boys' Opens in L.A.
And no watermarks! Nice!
I agree with about 90% of Variety's review, but feel I must hate it ALL on principal because of what he said about the Jersey Girls.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Oh, I disagre with what the reviewer is saying about the ensemble, but that line about the girls was harsh. After seeing them multiple times over a period of 6 months I don't think they deserved that.
Did Variety do a review of their SF run, if they did I wonder how they compare?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Well it says it in the subject line. And we can expect pictures from her later.
Jackie's Blog
yeah, I really feel like the Jersey girls don't get a chance to shine in this musical. And My Boyfriend's Back is often quoted as the "least favorite" song in this entire musical, so that seems a bit unfair.
eek, the reviewer dared to compare Chris Jones to John Lloyd Young...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
eek, the reviewer dared to compare Chris Jones to John Lloyd Young...
Oh no, it might trigger a whole East Coast vs West Coast Jersey Boys thing.
Updated On: 6/4/07 at 06:21 PM
If ANYBODY must wank about that, at least resurrect the Tonight Show thread and contain it there so we can stay safe in here.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
If ANYBODY must wank about that, at least resurrect the Tonight Show thread and contain it there so we can stay safe in here.
My thoughts exactly Lizzie. Let's try to keep this tread positive, because no matter who's playing what role on what coast, we can all agree that the show is great.
What play have these critics watched? I've watched B'way's cast, as well as both Nat'l. Tour casts many times and have not seen anything wrong with any of them. I think that the Jersey Girls are extremely talented with their quick changes that involve many dresses, articles of clothing, wigs and props. They also have to change their personalities with all the parts they play.
JLY, Chris Jones, Rick Faugno, Jarrod Spector, John Michael Dias, and the other "Frankies" are all excellent singers and actors as well. The supporting cast members and ensemble are true professionals as well as the hardest workers on and off Broadway! How many people can endure working in that many shows in a week!
I'd like to see that reporter try acting, singing and quick changing their costumes, just to see if they can..... I'm sure they are not talented enough to carry the Jersey Boys' and cast members luggage.
Stand-by Joined: 9/19/06
You are a FAN of the show, not a critic. Critics are specifically chosen to review productions from a working knowledge of acting, singing and dancing. They have studied these things, and should have formed more than just an opinion, but be able to express why they feel the way they feel, and why they choose to reccomend the show or not.
You may love everyone you have seen onstage. That is your opinion. A critic is required to point out any strength or weakness of any given show. If he loves someone, he should say so, if he prefers another actor, he can do that as's a valid opinion.
Why one person loves JERSEY BOYS is different than another.
And as for the West Coast/East Coast casts, expect the comparisons to keep being made, and that they are valid comparisons. It's hard to read when it is your favorite player being slammed, but it is a reality.
I'd like to see that reporter try acting, singing and quick changing their costumes, just to see if they can..... I'm sure they are not talented enough to carry the Jersey Boys' and cast members luggage.
Sorry, I have to pipe up here -- that's a crappy response to a review. And it happens far too often.
So what if I can't do a root canal? That doesn't mean I can't tell my dentist he screwed up mine. So what if I don't know how to run a public transportation service? Doesn't mean I can't say something about my train being late.
Obviously, I didn't agree with the critic either, but he's not required to do a performer's job in order to write about it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
JB Fan brings up a valid point, critics are supposed to evaluate a show based on their knowledge of theater. Now it's up to you as a theater patron to decide if you want to follow their reccomendation or not. The reviewer does give the show a positive review and I don't see his comparisons are slamming one actor over another, just pointing out their different take on the roles they play. Now obviously, from my earlier post I don't agree with what he has to say about the ensemble, but I'm sure he has his reasons.
Now, all the casts are going to be compared to each other either by fans of the show or reviewers. The SF/Chicago company was compared to the Sherry Co. in their reviews. I know I made comparison between the two when I first saw the current SF cast. And I'm sure the Vegas cast will be compared to the others when they're up and running. The same will probably go for the Toronto and London productions. Although I think it's still unclear if Toronto will get a new cast or not.
Man, if Toronto and London do materialize, there are going to be six productions going on. Jersey Boys sure is expanding fast.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
I have to agree with the OC Register's review of the show, which I think comes off as fairly positive, only beause I have seen a performance or two where Chris did struggle with his falsetto a bit. But when he's on it, he's on it. However, I feel that the reviewer focuses on just that one aspect of his performance, he doesn't really address Chris' acting of the role.
And thanks Lizzie for finding their SoCal reviews.
Updated On: 6/4/07 at 11:08 PM
Yeah, I adored Chris' Frankie, but if he ever had a problem, it was with the falsetto -- which I guess is not so favorable when you're Frankie Valli. He was always such a strong actor that it didn't really bother me, though. (And it's not like it happened that often.)
Edit: Hollywood Reporter
It's interesting to see how one review will tap him for an effortless falsetto and another ding him for not measuring up vocally. Eh, that's the world of critics, I guess.
Like Lizzie, there were times I saw Chris Jones where he was struggling a bit vocally, but it is a demanding role and I really liked his acting, so it was ok by me.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/10/07
I think Chris has great singing voice but couldn't do the falsettos in a few parts. The rest of his performance made up for that, in my opinion.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Unfortunately Chris gets an ok review. But they rest of the guys get great ones. And from reading the other reviews, Erich and Deven seem to be getting raves for their performances.
Edit: I love how LA gets their reviews out fast. You have to wait a week for reviews to come out in the bay area.
'Jersey Boys' rocks the Ahmanson
Updated On: 6/5/07 at 01:11 AM
I like how flattering that top photo is. And by "like," I mean "AUGH!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
I didn't notice the picture when I first read that review because I thought it was the shot of the guys doing the back up secession that most other papers use. But Chris' face in that picture is funny, looks like he's, well let just say he should be getting more fiber in his diet.
Updated On: 6/5/07 at 01:40 AM
Featured Actor Joined: 2/20/06
Wow, there's so many reviews it's hard for me to keep track of them all! Chris' face does look funny in that picture - it makes me smile. Haha.
I guess I was too critical in my review of the critic. Maybe it's just human nature..... It happens in Sports, TV, Stage, and anywhere we have media putting their two cents in.
Probably it's just because I've met so many of the Jersey Boys cast members personally, discussed with them their climb up the ladder into lead roles and saw how much blood, sweat and tears they shed when performing their jobs. There are minor flubs and hiccups on stage sometimes, but it's mostly beyond their control, as I found out from Rick Faugno and Jennifer Evans when speaking to them in SF.
I'll be much "nicer" when the critics slam or say unpleasant things about our favorite actors..... They're just doing their jobs.....