Blaxx, That sounds great to me, medium PLEASE!
something like this? any sugggestions?
Updated On: 4/9/08 at 03:06 PM
Jay, I want that so bad!
I prefer a guitar?
I think it looks cool with no image.
how about this?
That's cool J. Updated On: 4/9/08 at 03:15 PM
That's really cute, but what about making it look like a real bad's t-shirt? With fake tour dates?
like this? any suggestions?
Updated On: 4/9/08 at 03:22 PM
I liked it with the hat instead of the headphones.
What about a picture of Stew's glasses?
I think a guitar works as well.
I want that shirt!!!
Like seriously, if someone could make that, I would totally but it!!
And, I'm sad that I can't go to the recording session this Monday. Damn school.
I love the tour one.
How about one of these but with Stew's head?
verynewyorkcurious, do you have Stew's CD's? he has a very funny Che joke about that very picture on "Naked Dutch Painter"
No I don't Walt, but I'm going to download it right now
I love that idea too! Stew on Broadway = Che Guevarra.
Okay guys based on verynewyorkcurious' idea of Stew being the Che Guevarra of Broadway....
Here's what I came up... I am still perfecting it, okay?
Photoshop'ed photo in t-shirt:
That's Awesome.
There's this line from PS that I can't remember, and it's really annoying me. It's during the "Must've Been High" scene in Act 1, when someone says something that has the word "knee" in it, and Daniel Breaker grabs Rebeca Naomi Jones' knee, as a joke.
What was the word that someone says?
Love you guys...soooo creative.
Let's get the T-Shirts made.
By the Co. that sells them. Get a cut of the $$$$, perhaps for design, etc??
I'll get the name and address tomorrow from the chick who sells them at the theater.
(Cast members from Spring Awakening were at the mat. today...small audiences this wk. most everywhere), but "Welcome to Amsterdam" was the MOST kick-ass ever! Lots of improv and Looong!
Nice full page color photo in the NY Post today w/Stew and Heidi (on the street in Times Square!) Scanner's not working..
Updated On: 4/9/08 at 06:27 PM
Sometime after the noms, I would like to invite every fan here (who's in NY, that is), for a cocktail, at SAJU, a very nice French Restaurant/Bar across the street from the Belasco, where the cast usually hangs out from time to time. I'm thinking of asking the bartender to create a special PS cocktail. Thoughts?
Sounds good to me. A post-show night cap would be fun.
BenKaye - it's Negroes - knee grows.
Hahahahaha. Yes, that was it. Thanks Walt.
Inspired by Jaystarr's..
Updated On: 8/9/08 at 02:11 AM
did anyone get the info about the recording Monday? I thought I was on the newsletter list and tried signing up again but didn't get anything, Any help would be greatly appreciated.