Tiny, Thats a great idea about cocktails. I will be back Memorail Day weekend. And I will be seeing PS, Saturday Night. So I guess anytime that weekend. And I would also love a picture with the Scaryotypes. joe
So, now that only Stew has been considered a Lead Actor for Passing Strange, I think it's quite possible that Daniel Breaker could be nominated for Best Featured Actor. And maybe win it too.
Some imp. info on designing and manufacturing T-shirts. Araca Group has rights on the items sold at the theatre, as well as copyrights. All images, etc. are protected, soooooo, one can contact them re: new designs, but they're not going to pay you royalties, so don't give away your design for FREE. I would assume it doesn't matter much , if it's just a small group of us wearing specialized T-Shirts, however, I wouldn't mess with anything that can be considered copyright infringement. If you have a lawyer and can make a deal, go for it. Maybe if one contacts the producers of PS first? P.S. I like SCARYOTYPES (without the hyphen). I believe it's supposed to sound like "Stereotypes" (play on words?)
Updated On: 4/10/08 at 10:04 PM
Speaking of the Tony Awards (weren't we?), I *really* hope they do Amsterdam, or at least part of it, and get the whole damn crowd at Radio City singin' that it's all right.
Is it just me, WALT, or does Colman Domingos' characters just blow you away in PS? I say, definite Tony nom. It's not the amt. of lines that counts, but the *creation*!
The portrayal of a black middle class person who is REAL with philosophical/existential concerns.
Black persons who are not maids/hos/servants being portrayed on the stage.
The fact that the gay choir director is not a child molester but rather encourages the main character to pursue his dreams. Gay person being a POSITIVE NURTURING force.
Dealing with the relationship between a man and his mother in all of its contradictions/push pull and ultimately power.
Extremely witty lyrics that work on many levels and reiterate themselves throughout the show in leitmotifs.
A story of the JOY of discovering yourself amid the pressures to conform to stereotypes and other people's expectations.
The great energy, vitality and life force emanating from the cast and the wonderful band and the score.