I love her so much that I changed my avatar to her.
Of course, but on a lighter note Richard will be on next week.
I was just thinking that wicked_beast
who did Seth say "none of the judges wanted you to come back this week" to? Richard next week, yay!
edit - Yankee, Becky gets to be Elle Woods for hundreds of people across the country- that's not to shabby.
Updated On: 6/16/08 at 11:02 PM
They're keeping Cassie around so they have some conflict in the house...makes for better TV.
Can someone tell me why Celina was not sent home tonight? Or Emma?
Next week is "the most shocking elimination yet."....I think that means more than one person is going home!
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/08
Hooray. In the preview, Cassie got was coming to her and Emma was crying and complaining. Again.
I hope Autumn is okay.
Understudy Joined: 6/6/06
Now that Cassie O. is gone, who do you think the "We all think you need to lose weight" was referring to?
"Now that Cassie O. is gone, who do you think the "We all think you need to lose weight" was referring to?"
Personally, I don't think any of them need to lose weight but I'd probably be considered "fat" if I were in the business. But I'm going to GUESS that it's Bailey. This is a total hypothesis based on the little knowledge I have on how southern eating habits differ from northern eating habits.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/16/07
I sorely hope that Emma does not win this competition. She's got to be one of the worse performers in the house. Even Cassie S. is better than her.
Understudy Joined: 6/6/06
Full performances are up! Autumn = LOVE.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Yay Lauren! I also love Autumn. Bailey and Natalie are good as well, though I have to hear more of Bailey's singing. She sounds awfully shout-y to me.
Emma's way too up tight.
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/08
Well, at least we're guaranteed entertainment for three more weeks. The Bitchy Trio: Emma, Celina, and Cassie are still in it.
Lindsey was bad, but I'm sad to see her go because she was one of the nice ones.
Really, does anyone think Rihonnon look some what like Kerry Butler?
Understudy Joined: 6/6/06
1) Yes, she somewhat looks like Kerry... I think it's the teeth.
2) Cassie S. (aka My FAVE beeotch) turned it out tonight and was great, IMO...
3) Natalie is effin hilarious.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/06
I can't find Seth's recap...is it not up yet or am I just missing it?
Leading Actor Joined: 11/14/07
The red head should have gone tonight!
Does anyone like her voice - not Elle!
yeah not too shabby to play elle on tour but still feel bad for her.
i hope richard is his normal jerk warner hunington III.
bitchy trio love it!!! can not wait to watch the full auditions but rhiannon does look a little bit like kerry butler.
do you think asmeret and tracy will be there for awhile which i mean another 6 months or maybe 3 months?.
at least annaleigh is still glinda and so happy for her.
kate rockwell will def do so much better as elle when she covers.
ashley spencer would have been a good choice as elle woods.
also i feel the current cast has to say its good about reality show for the next elle woods.
You know I didn't see any stand outs. Autumn was great as usual. Lauren is still my favorite and i **** my pants when she was in the bottom two. I really don't like Emmas voice and she is wayyy to confident. So what if you were already in the business, so have Celina, Cassie and Autumn. get over it. your not the best in the house. on a lighter note, i enjoyed having seth rudetsky back.
You know I didn't see any stand outs. Autumn was great as usual. Lauren is still my favorite and i **** my pants when she was in the bottom two. I really don't like Emmas voice and she is wayyy to confident. So what if you were already in the business, so have Celina, Cassie and Autumn. get over it. your not the best in the house. on a lighter note, i enjoyed having seth rudetsky back.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I wish Rhiannon sang like Kerry Butler, too!
Ooh, full performances are up! Time to watch and get back to you guys with who I thought was the best. Even though I should be studying for the GRE.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/29/06
I LOVE Natalie. She is definitely my favorite in the competition. She's not a bitch, she has a great voice and acts the part of Elle perfectly, and isn't an airhead. I like Autumn too, but I don't really see her as Elle, but she is a great performer. I'm still not a huge fan of Bailey, and I'm liking Cassie S. less and less.
Understudy Joined: 6/6/06
I can't help but love Cassie S. I love bitches. She's just so quirky and fun. I don't think she should be Elle, but she doesn't bother me like Emma does.
MerMaggie I absolutely love Natalie her and Autumn are my favorites. Also does anyone think that Rhiannon looks like a blonde Leslie Kritzer?