Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
It won't be Lauren. In the long promo they show her saying "We all think you need to lose weight."
Bailey is so cute- I like her and Rhiannon.
She'd be cool, if she was just chill.
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/08
Noooooo ewwww noooooo booooooooo.
I was mortified too.
To answer your question, Emma was a bitch the whole 45 minutes.
Cassie is the worst one. Ridiculous.
I feel the only reason Lauren was brought down so they could give her notes. I really doubt she's going home. They just want to talk to her on a more intimate level.
I hope I'm not wrong
I have a feeling Emma is safe. I think Celina is going.
Harsh cause Emma's a effin b*tch!
Oh, I love Emma. But, I think that she might stay.
LOL, the freeze frame on the bitch faces when Cassie came in.
I don't think MTV will fix the show to get on Jerry Zaks good side; he's beneath their radar. But it might affect the comments of the judges.
Lauren should relax more. She always looks so worried like she is going to have a breake down.
Emma should be gone...the only reason she's still there is cause of her daddy.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
Bye Lindsey!
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/08
Damn it's not Celina. It's Lindsey. She's gone.
I was wrong...
Lindsey is going home.
And it's Lindsay
This show is NO FAIR!!!
I like how we were all prepared with the results!
But of course musicaltheatrefan3 loves friggen Emma.
Understudy Joined: 6/6/06
Now that Cassie O. is gone, who do you think the "We all think you need to lose weight" was referring to?
The two people who should have left were already on broadway anyways!
you have got to be kidding me.
i agree about emma dad.
lets say it again.....becky gulsvig should have replaced laura.