It's called constructive critisism b*tch Celina!
And they are blindly in love with horrible Emma!
Celina was annoying, "I can't Belive they are talking to me without sugar coating it."
I really don't like Autumn, I don't think she has talent
"I can never see that subtitle things they say- damn my small T.V."
I lose the end of the sentence behind the "MTV Premiere" box
Yay Autumn and Baily! Go S.C!
I picked up on the "at least one of you" line too. I'm sure will have some double eliminations coming up...there is only so many weeks left of this show, before the new Elle begins performances.
Emma keeps getting a pass because of who her father is. They're so intentionally vague when discussing her.
Bailey knocked it out of the park, and might be quite a good Elle, if she can get rid of the Southern accent. I hope she wins.
Cassie S. needs to go. But, at the same time, why do the judges care what happened at the house? That was so transparent...they need "drama" so they were told to ask about the living situation.
I guess the final girl on the list isn't Lauren, cause they just showed her saying everyone's jaw dropped.
"There's one more name on the list and that's going to be me" Can I slap Emma? Please!?!
Celina said Baily was forgettable
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/08
Baily is in the top half, but I bet her accent is going to keep her from making it to the top.
I like how Natilie has been totally ignored. At least she's not a bitch.
Emma and Cassie S are in the bottom. Hurrah!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I have to see Lauren's full performance. Same with everyone else's, TBH.
"I really don't like Autumn, I don't think she has talent..."
I think I liked her best tonight. I was also happy to see Natalie and Rhiannon were safe. So far, I am happy with who they decided to keep.
Obviously Cassie is the last name on the list. But she needs to go.
Autumn, Bailey, and Rhiannon are the best ones in the house.
Celina really should be keeping her mouth shut about other people's auditions after that nightmare. Hers was unforgettable, but for all the wrong reasons.
I missed the first 45 minutes, how did Emma do? I really want her to stay.
Laura Bell Bundy had a Southern accent once too.
Cassie S. is obnoxious.
And it's...
Cassie S!
Ugh. I don't like Cassie. I hate her attitude.
my top 2 are rhiannon, bailey.
cassie sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she wont sell tickets.
Did you see Emma's face?! She had a look of total disgust when she heard Cassie's name!
I'm surprised Cassie made it though.
Who cares about Emma, she's a bitchy ****.