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PalJoey Profile Photo
#150re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/15/09 at 11:28am

Blanche would have loved herself some Puck. She was the original Cougar!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#151re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/15/09 at 12:02pm

I wish we'd had auto tune when I was in glee club!

yeomansden Profile Photo
#152re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/15/09 at 12:05pm

Yes, that would have helped a lot when I was there too...

"Are you calling me a procrastibator?" Hunter, [title of show] "Guess who's gonna get blamed for the war in Europe?" Eugene, Brighton Beach Memoirs

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#153re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/15/09 at 12:08pm

Is each episode its own thing, unrelated to those that came before it? I just felt like the complaint that there were too many show tunes and not enough R&B didn't jibe with the episodes that ran before it.

Maybe they are running them out of order?
Updated On: 10/15/09 at 12:08 PM

yeomansden Profile Photo
#154re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/15/09 at 12:12pm

Well, this one definitely came after last week's, since the whole Sue as co-director happened at the end of the last one. But yeah, I do kinda think that some seem out of order...

"Are you calling me a procrastibator?" Hunter, [title of show] "Guess who's gonna get blamed for the war in Europe?" Eugene, Brighton Beach Memoirs

#155re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/15/09 at 1:34pm

I agree that the episodes don't seem cohesive sometimes. What bothers me is that they never address the subplots they've started, and when they do it just continues them. Will STILL thinks Terri is pregnant, Quinn STILL hasn't told Finn he's not really the baby daddy. Just extending the plots each week with no attempt to resolve them is getting a little boring in my opinion.

That being said, I just love the music numbers, over-produced as the are. I just like watching the group perform. I really liked "Keep Holding On".

#156re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/15/09 at 2:18pm

The auto-tune drives me CRAZY. Why use it? They can all sing well enough without it!

Phyllis, I feel your pain. I am unable to turn off my brain during TV shows. Can you even schedule random ultrasounds when it's not time for one? It's not like the lab has nothing better to do. Why doesn't Terri just pretend that she had a miscarriage? Sure, it's morally reprehensible, but that hasn't stopped her so far in any of her behaviors. And when did Glee Club sing nothing but showtunes, since the only one I've heard from them recently is "Tonight"?

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 10/15/09 at 02:18 PM

yeomansden Profile Photo
#157re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/15/09 at 2:26pm

Okay, maybe the wrong person to answer this, so someone correct me if I'm wrong. But I don't see why you couldn't schedule an ultra-sound whenever you want one, assuming the doctor and the equipment are available. As they showed, ultrasounds are often done in the doctor's office now, and are fairly common these days.

As for the pretending that she had a miscarriage, my thinking is that Terri believes that having a baby will keep Will with her and save her marriage. Having a miscarriage would keep that from happening, and more likely make Will angry with her, and possibly even blame her for losing the "baby".

Can't help you with the showtunes one. Didn't make sense to me either, but I went with it...(loved the fact that it was Kurt who said this...yes, the gay boy complaining about too many showtunes...)

"Are you calling me a procrastibator?" Hunter, [title of show] "Guess who's gonna get blamed for the war in Europe?" Eugene, Brighton Beach Memoirs

#158re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/15/09 at 2:33pm

When I had to schedule my ultrasound (for something else, not pregnancy) they were pretty strict. I think you need to have an actual reason for having one, so they won't just give one to anyone who asks.

Haha, yeah, I laughed at that too.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#159re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/21/09 at 11:01pm

Again, tonight's episode was all over the place. Is it just me or does the "slurpies in the face" gag seem overdone? I mean, it's just not funny anymore. Morrison held his own in his numbers but they're beginning to have a sameness to them from week to week. In addition to them sounding so overproduced, they have a disembodied quality to them. I now just watch this show as Im cleaning the house and bump up the sound for the musical numbers. It seems that's the selling point for this show anyway.

MusicSnob1 Profile Photo
#160re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/21/09 at 11:27pm

It fell pretty flat tonight. Though I did LOVE the "...Could Have Danced..." song/moment. So nice. :)

When I think about you, I touch myself.

#161re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 12:03am

I didn't know Emma could sing. Nice surprise.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#162re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 12:39am

So they were going to Hawaii to get married so no one one would see them, but they needed to have a song and dance and she needed a fancy dress? This show is so in love with its own tweeness that it continues to make less and less sense.

And Emma was all down on that dirty floor and didn't care.

I guess Quinn can start to show now that she'll no longer be wearing the uniform. Does this mean Terri is planning to be pregnant for like eleven months or something? Good thing in this alternate universe men know nothing about pregnancy.

amoni2 Profile Photo
#163re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 12:50am

"Is it just me or does the "slurpies in the face" gag seem overdone? I mean, it's just not funny anymore."

It wasn't supposed to be funny. The first episode it was, but tonight it was supposed to be nothing but humiliating. Did you not hear Puck telling Lea who awful it was to be on the other side or Kurt the gay gay make a sacrifice for a friend? Pay attention, and spit out that gum!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#164re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 12:54am

I like how the teachers are powerless to stop it, but just let the kids now that they can be there for each other when they get hit with a Slurpee.

mariusmyhomeboy Profile Photo
#165re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 1:09am

The Sue plot line did it for me. We're supposed to believe that Sue Sylvester falls in love? You've got to be kidding me. The songs weren't that great. I liked "I Could Have Danced All Night", but everything else gave me second hand embarrassment.

Your latest 7in sounds obscene unless you spin it at a 45.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#166re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 1:14am

Omg, we don't have enough people for sectionals. Yay, we have enough people for sectionals. Rinse and repeat.

Also, how come EVERY time they have a new song, they all immediately know how they are going to harmonize and split up the song, etc?

And why can't they at least add some ambient noise in editing for the songs? During the cringe-worthy "Bust a Move" tonight one of the nondescript cheerleader girls clapped but it didn't make a sound.

#167re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 1:35am

"Also, how come EVERY time they have a new song, they all immediately know how they are going to harmonize and split up the song, etc?"

You're on a Broadway board and asking this question? If your sick of it, don't watch it.

I<3bway Profile Photo
#168re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 2:56am

"You're on a Broadway board and asking this question? If your sick of it, don't watch it."

Ok, so what exactly is your point? So Phyllis Rogers Stone doesn't like the auto tuning of the singing, so what? I myself find it annoying too at times because they are supposed to be making themselves "better" with sectionals, when they end up sounding like they could blow their competition out of the water with every practice!

But as another poster on the other Glee post pointed out, the show is just looking to be kooky and fun. Not so much real as it is fantasy (it is a musical show.) Sort of how Scrubs is compared to ER ( Ok, so maybe not such a good comparison. With ER having the onslaught of helicopter, shoot outs, and weather disasters. But you get my drift.)

And why stop watching? The show could get possibly better for others as it goes on. I myself watched the first season of Arrested Development and actually thought the second season was better than the first season.

Ok, getting WAY off topic here. re: UnGLEEful

amoni2 Profile Photo
#169re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 7:48am

The point is, it's not documentary. It's a musical comedy/drama TV show where people break out into song and your question the realism of it all.

#170re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 7:57am

GLEE is refreshing. If you don't like it....change the channel and leave it to those that do.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#171re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 9:19am

You're. You're.

And thanks amoni, for pointing out that it wasn't a documentary. I must have missed that. I was unaware that only documentaries were expected to follow a train of logic. Clearly, YOU are not in a documentary.

#172re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 9:29am

Of course it's not a documentary but that doesn't mean that they can't at least attempt to make it a good spoof or satire. It isn't even close and it's because it has reached the level of ridiculousness that it has. The writing, other than for Jane Lynch, is really bad. The whole ultrasound scene? Stupid and not at all factual, not even remotely. Why do that? Why not, at minimum, attempt to have a small dose of reality in the show, at least to hold the storylines together? It's quickly reaching the point where not even Jane Lynch or random theatre 'stars' aren't going to be able to save it.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#173re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 9:37am

Will Quinn quit Glee now that she's no longer a Cheerio? Are the Cheerios still spies? That seems to change from episode to episode. I still think that these episodes could be aired in practically any order.

#174re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 10/22/09 at 9:58am

I also thought Glee was "cool" now that the other football players had joined it. But in tonight's ep it wasn't again. Confuuused.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
