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WICKED Fans unite!

StrStruckDreamr9 Profile Photo
#50re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/12/04 at 11:45pm

Then yay for aspiringguy! That's awesome.

Matt_G Profile Photo
#51re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 2:20pm


"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

#52re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 2:55pm

you talk..


i am slightly worried about how you were flirty like maureen at the age of 13.. well technically earlier. like someone said previously.. go to church or something. Updated On: 9/13/04 at 02:55 PM

#53re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 2:55pm

This thread made my day. It also proves, if you think about it, that we don't hate all Wicked fans. I mean, Galindafied obviously is a Wicked fan and gets along well here because she's not annoying about it. If people don't flame her or this Defying_Gravity person, maybe we can actually all get along. There is hope for this board.

BT Profile Photo
#54re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 3:01pm

My coworkers are all looking at me funny now because I burst out laughing about 10 times while reading this thread. I just hope the Wicked producers read this and understand what a fan they have in this girl! Defying_gravity sounds more like my sister when she was 6 and could talk for at least 15 minutes without taking a breath. I mean, all of that gushing and she hasn't even seen the show yet! He parents should definitely restrict the red bull, though....

I sing for myself. I sing when I want, whenever I want to, just for me. I sing for my own pleasure. Do you understand that?

#55re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 4:24pm

Okay, I am here, and I have a few things to tell you.
First, my friend (who is worse than I am) was there last night typing while I dictated. She did not type what I said, so sorry for that. I didn't mean to say some of those things.
I am NOT like Maureen. I never was. That's ridiculous, for someone my age to be like her. I am like Elphaba though. But only in some ways. But whatever. They're characters.
Second, I don't drink Red Bull. I tried it once, and i hated it. I also hate soda and my parents don't let me drink coffee much, because it stunts your growth and I'm already short.
Third, I am quite a large Wicked fan, but not so large as to believe these characters are real. I'm interested, but not obsessed. I'm not a psycho.. well, not that much of one. Not usually.
Fourth, I do go to church. But thanks for your concern. And as far as the "flirtiness" quality goes, I do not have it. However, being thirteen, it is not impossible for other people to be. I know this because there are people in my grade, and younger, even, that are way too flirty for their own good.
Finally, no, I do not wear thongs. They make me sick.

We can't all come and go by bubble...

#56re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 4:28pm

well that clears everything up..

sorry to be rude before
no hard feelings??

much love,

#57re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 4:30pm

Apology accepted. It's fine, no damage done. I've had much worse. Much, much worse...

We can't all come and go by bubble...

Matt_G Profile Photo
#58re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 4:31pm

care to elaborate?

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

joeyjoe Profile Photo
#59re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 4:31pm

...and it only gets more interesting...

#60re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 4:57pm

"care to elaborate?"
No. I don't.
What I meant was that I've been ridiculed every day of my life, so being flamed at online by a group of people I don't know has no effect on me. I have more important things to deal with than being hurt by people on a message board.

We can't all come and go by bubble...

joeyjoe Profile Photo
#61re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 5:02pm

really? your words...

"First, my friend (who is worse than I am) was there last night typing while I dictated. She did not type what I said, so sorry for that."

some friend... and then...

"I didn't mean to say some of those things."

apparently, you didn't...


#62re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 5:08pm

Okay, first, she didn't type everything I said, and then, she added whatever she felt like. So, therefore, she typed A FEW things that I said, but not many. And most of it wasn't my words. I didn't even know that anyone replied to the post until today, then I saw that she had posted once or twice more.

Second, what I meant by that comment was that I didn't mean for some (really most, since I didn't write them) of those things to end up on this board, especially in my name.

I'm also outraged that she put my e-mail up, she shouldn't have done that. I mean, to put my name was bad enough, which I never do at the end of these posts. If you see one like that again, I didn't write it.

Sorry for that.

We can't all come and go by bubble...

uncageg Profile Photo
#63re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 5:33pm

And the moral of this story is never to let friends type your posts because in one short day they could possibly make you unpopular for good! Luckily this did not happen to you. Welcome to the boards!

Just give the world Love.

#64re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 5:37pm

I agree... I learned my lesson.
Thanks for understanding.

What is your opinion on Kristin Chenoweth?

We can't all come and go by bubble...

uncageg Profile Photo
#65re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 5:47pm

I enjoyed her performance very much. In my opinion, more than Miss Menzels. A lot of people will disagree with me but I did. I really hope you get to see this show. I can remember when I was a kid I was dying to see the WIZ on Broadway and finally got not only the chance to see it but met Stephanie Mills briefly before the show. (At 13, you may have no clue what the WIZ is or who Stephanie Mills is!!) It is great that you are this excited about a show. I would suggest that you go through all of the thread titles before you post so you don't get slammed on here for posting something that is already being discussed elswhere. And read through all of the threads you are posting in. There are some incredibly knowledgeable people that you can learn a lot from on these boards. I do post a lot but I also read a lot. You won't always agree with everthing people say here, and vice versa, but remember everyone is entitled to there own opinion. Have fun!!!

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 9/13/04 at 05:47 PM

#66re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 5:54pm

Yes, I know about The Wiz and Stephanie Mills. I'm not totally clueless. I can also tell you that I enjoyed Kristin's performance very much in You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. That was my first Broadway show. But anyways, yes, she is a great actress. She is a bit annoying at times, but she knows what she's doing. She makes me crack up, because she's really more funny than annoying. But Idina Menzel is excellent too. They have such drastically different styles (and characters) that they compliment each other beautifully. Right now, I'm listening to "Popular" and cracking up, but soon I'll be listening to "I'm Not That Girl" and crying. Well, not really, I won't actually cry, but you get the picture. And they just work so well together I was really bummed that I didn't get to see Wicked before July 15th, when Kristin left. But I still want to see it.

We can't all come and go by bubble...

uncageg Profile Photo
#67re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 5:56pm

Sorry about the WIZ thing. Was not implying that you were clueless. Just thought that since you weren't even born then, you may not know aabout it. My bad.

Just give the world Love.

#68re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 6:01pm

That's okay. But it's a very good musical, plus my school performed it once.

We can't all come and go by bubble...

Marquise Profile Photo
#69re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 6:06pm

i'm jealous. i wish i had a friend that doubled as my personal secretary....some people have all the luck. how much you paying her defying_gravity?

#70re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 6:14pm

Nothing. She loves typing. Besides, I hate it. Anyways, I fired her for saying ridiculous and untrue things about me in my name. Yesterday.

We can't all come and go by bubble...

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#71re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 6:51pm


BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

#72re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 7:08pm


We can't all come and go by bubble...

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#73re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 7:22pm

Or perhaps the moral here is don't lie about your friends typing things that you're later ashamed of.

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

Matt_G Profile Photo
#74re: WICKED Fans unite!
Posted: 9/13/04 at 7:31pm


"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."
