Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
I'm in a cyber argument right now and I just want to know if I am compleatly insane or not.
Would Anthony make a good Leo Frank in Parade?
And Oprah read my email!
Understudy Joined: 12/14/05
One of them better put him on their show. If they don't they'll be missing out on A LOT.
ok it def isnt just you. I think Athony would make an AMAZING Leo Frank in Parade...
just 3.5 hour to go till 2006
I can't wait for Anthony's book. I really really want to read it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Oprah read my email, too! Whoot!
I'm really bored and I want to see a movie. I was thinking The Producers, but I know that I'm going to end up getting angry, because it's not going to be good as Rent. So I'll be muttering things like "Golden Globes suck" or "Good movies are just wasted on some people" until whoever I end up going with kills me.
Is it any good?
Broadway Star Joined: 9/4/05
The Producers was good, not great. It was no where near as good as RENT, but defintely worth seeing.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
definatly worth seeing. (Matthew Brodrick is the 2nd hottest person ever) its really very funny.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
The Producers it is then. I'll just appease myself by imagining Anthony Rapp playing Leo Bloom. Do you see, Golden Globes? My imagination will have its revenge!
Oh, and IsolatingAge, now I really want to see Anthony play Leo Frank.
i love the icon ^
makes me want to give him a hug :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
All icons of him make me want to give him a hug. Well, some make me want to do various things that I'm not really comfortable posting on a public message board, but that's besides the point.
And it's SNOOOWING! Yea! Of course, in New York it doesn't really amount to much, but still, pretty!
Hm I want do see the Producers too but Im in the mood for fun with dick and Jane
If I ever meet anthony I'll prolly run up and give him a hug lol
It's snowing here, too, Dramatic_Irony! It tends to snow a pretty good amount up here in Massachusetts, but we're only s'posed to get an inch of snow.
When it started I couldn't help but sing "It's beginning to snow!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Snow rocks. And catharsis, love the icon. Know what they're looking at?
Thanks, Dramatic!
(That's me in the pic, looking like hell, but whatever)
Okay, so I went there and since my father works for the Boston Globe (newspaper) as a photographer, they asked him to cover the lecture at Bridgewater State College. Anthony, I guess, was used to my dad being there all night taking pictures. When I finally got the chance to take a picture with him, he didn't know where the camera was! He then said "where is the camera?" and I pointed and said "there!" He just said "ohhhh...that's your dad?" and smiled. That picture was taken in the middle of the surprised "ohh!" Wow. So that's my story.
Thanks! We kind of did. Most of the pictures, though, we're looking opposite directions (my dad kept saying "look over HERE" and I refused to, so I guess it's my fault). I'd have to rummage through my hard drive to know if there are any happy look-in-the-same-direction pics!
Edit: nope. not quite. Oh well, I tried.
Updated On: 12/31/05 at 04:50 PM
Leading Actor Joined: 12/31/69
very interesting story, and the picture is very funny I like the Oh look he has. Why hasn't Oprah read my email!
aww a very cute avatar. anthony makes me smile so
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Haha, that's a very amusing story, catharsis!
Grrr, what is my mom trying to *do* to me? She's decided to... *construct* something involving deafening power tools, which is annoying by itself, but when I'm trying to fricking listen to "Look Around" for the first time, and all I get is the opening chords of 'Living Alive' and then- BZZZZZZZZZ!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
I'm headed out so I wanted to stop in and wish everyone a Happy New Year...
Understudy Joined: 8/25/05
Did anyone watch The Out 100 special on Logo that was on just now? Anthony was hosting! Twas totally aweosme, *if* I do say so myself.
Understudy Joined: 12/31/69
what I just missed something that had Anthony on it ugh grrrrrrrr.....not fair oh well I'll survive somehow. i guess.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I missed it, too
Can someone upload it, maybe?
I hate missing things with anthony in them...This sucks!!!!