Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/13/05
does anyone else have any good anthony clips or videos??
Yea, does anyone Id like to hear some good clips of him other then rent
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I'd also like to see some non Rent-related stuff...unless, of course, anyone has clips from him as Mark when he originated the role. And then I will love you for life.
I agree
That video of the party was so cute!
The Out 100 show with Anthony hosting is on right now, and, yes, I am taping it. Whether or not I can actually get it from the DVD to the computer to you guys is going to be interesting. The show seems interesting, but I only saw the first 3 minutes, then I went off to make sushi!
Mauriposa, your dress is just gorgeous!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I really hope you'll be able to upload it, catharsis. See, *this* is what happens when my mom decides we rely too much on the tv for entertainment and decides not to get cable!
Random question: what's your favorite "Look Around" song?
I put the DVD in my computer, and it started making some very not nice noises! It won't read it from the drive (says "not accessible"). I'll google around a bit and see if I can fix it (it'd be sure nice to know the NEXT time I want to record something). My DVD Decrypter program claims the disc is empty.
If it still doesn't work, I'll take my digital camera, which can record video in 90 second intervals, and record as much as I can, and splice it together in Windows Movie Maker.
And now I am ashamed, I do not actually own "Look Around", and I have no idea why I haven't gotten it all this time. I did, however, order it on Amazon yesterday and I should have it next week.
Edit: There is NO way my computer is going to do this tonight. It says the drive is empty, and I haven't heard of anything that can fix my current state. So I'll go with Plan B. It'll be late when I can get it up, since first I'll watch it, then worry about recording it later.(I won't be able to get whole show, but I'll get all the Anthony-on-screen moments for y'all) Oy vey. I really should invest in a capture card.
Updated On: 1/1/06 at 07:32 PM
right now im addicted to "always". i love that song. and human tornado, those are my favorites
I <33 out out damn spot and now I know but most of all always god that song is amazing
wait what station is that thing anthony is hosting on?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/13/05
i like the songs goodbye, and then again, and out out damn spot, and always
i just love em all
Yea ok I like them all I cant decide which I like more
i'm really upset because when i turned on logo, the awards (or whatever it is) wasn't even on.
i guess i have to find my anthony fix some place elseee ;]
^i take it your new, welcome!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/13/05
i hope that works
i just watched it...he's so adorable
*edit* btw, it's him talking about rent but mostly open house
Updated On: 1/1/06 at 08:53 PM
I don't have Logo. I am downloading the dvd party right now though!
I'm having a serious issue with my avatar. I want to use a pic I took at a Rent screening with Anthony, but I think it's too big. How do I make it smaller or something? Help!
hahahah i wanted to say that i was new but then i just figured that i shoulg get down to the point ;]
i've been lurking around for a while but never posted anything ;x
Anthony looks so cute in the Open House video! I almost didn't recognize him for a split second without his glasses.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
I was thinking that too. He looks so suave in a suit.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Um, just realized I forgot to say *my* favorite "Look Around" songs. I guess it'd have to be 'Always' and 'Out Out Damn Spot'. Oh, God, and 'Visits to You.' So beautiful.
Welcome, whyhelloheart! And, RENTingFAME, I'm pretty sure that when you upload a large picture, it makes it smaller for you. That's what it did for me. Or you can just change the size on Paint.
RachLaura, thanks so much for the link!
Anyway, just got back from the movies. I was going to see 'The Producers', but all of my friends wanted to see 'Fun With Dick and Jane,' so we...did. And it was surprisingly *really* good. I'm not a fan if Jim Carrey (except in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), because he's always too over the top. And he *was* over the top in this, but in a good way, if that makes any sense.
I just had a very random thought:
I'm listening to "What You Own," and these lyrics confuse me:
"The filmmaker cannot see (Roger)
And the songwriter cannot hear (Mark)
Yet I see Mimi everywhere (Roger)
Angel's voice is in my ear" (Mark)
Is it just me, or shouldn't it be the other way around:
"The filmmaker cannot hear
And the songwriter cannot see"
I feel like I'm missing something, and it's bugging me like crazy. Another sleepless night over Rent...
i told dan to tell anthony that were going crazy over here, and we hope that ant will come back someday. he told me he's gonna see him in a couple weeks, and will tell him
alright, am i the only one who doesn't really think that "look around" is that great?
when i first heard it, i was really upset with it. i definitely thought it was going to be this amazing cd that i wouldn't be able to stop singing and all of that.
today i finally sat down and listened to some tracks and i think it grows on you. i'm actually going to listen to it right now ;x
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Opiv, that's great news!
Guitargeek, I've heard that before, and thought that I understood it, but now I can't find a way to explain it, so maybe I don't understand it as well as I thought I did. Sorry. I'll think on it and try to get back to you.