Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
Heh, that does sound like something a mother would say.
Say, if it paid, that would be a wonderful career.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/05
My mom personally adores RENT. Granted, she's had plenty of time to get used to it, since I jumped on board the RENT train back when it first hit Broadway (I was 13 at that time). She did really enjoy the movie.
She's seen the stage show with me 5 times now (Twice on Broadway, three times on tour, in two weeks we'll be seeing it on Broadway for the third time). I also got her out to see the movie in theaters twice.
Now keep in mind, my mother is extremely conservative. Ex-military, republican, and slightly homophobic. Yet, somehow she's been able to get past all that and embrace the message and music.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
RENT does seem to get to people like that. :)
See, I'm almost thirteen now, so when it first came out, I was too young to see it.
I think that my mother, much as she says things like "I'm quite liberal, you know!" (in response to my telling her Brokeback Mountain wasn't likely her thing), is a cynic. She's too much of a cynic, I think, to ever take Rent as anything other than perhaps slightly fantastical -- she takes everything too much at face value. I think that's why she thought it was campy. I mean, she said things like "Mimi just almost DIED, and now she's okay to sing?" My mom's too disbelieving to tap into the notion of SUSPENSION OF disbelief.
Cheez Whiz, you're not even thirteen yet? WOW. I'd never have guessed.
Cheez Wiz, you're such a youngin. If only more people were as mature as you seem to be.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
She just needs to learn to just tap into the magic of RENT, and forget all the technicalities. My brother is the exact same way. Good thing he didn't go to see the movie. :)
I tend to be slightly more mature online then in actuality. Trying to have a good reputation, I suppose? I don't know.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
I don't think I've ever been referred to as a youngin before. It amused me.
Well, we just need to snap those other youngins into shape. Johnny, get me my whip!
Wow, you're impressively mature. And quite well-spoken!
I finally just finished reading 30 or so pages. I have no idea what I wanted to say. I'm glad that the regulars came back toward the end of the pages. I didn't know who anyone was!
I have no idea what todays date is. I had a snow day today, which is good. I was in Florida from 12/23 to 1/1. Then I came back to the freezing cold. I mean, I was in flip-flops walking on the beach!! And in a tank top or tee shirt each day! And then I come back to snow. -_-. But, I could never live down there permanently. I love living near NYC. I got to rest yesterday, there was a already no school. We were supposed to get back today. And I have a project due tomorrow. I haven't even looked at it. I've been reading on here and watching ER on my tivo.
/randomness and ranting.
My grandmother (who was one of the relatives I was visiting) randomly said to me: "You can be a preformer as long as have another major that is stable and you know you can fall back on." It's really random considering I never talked to her about it, but, I'm glad for the support if I decided that's what I want to do, which I think it is...but I have only done one show and that was this year..though maybe Mock Trail can count in some way. I was a witness, meaning I had to memorize a multiple page affidavit (not word for word) and answer question I knew how to answer and then answer on how my character would from questions from people who I have never met. It's quite exciting. ANYWAY, people here probably don't know what that is.
/more randomness
Welcome back. Today's 1/3.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
Another trait I must've adopted on the internet.
Hmm, nice to meet you xoxRogue. :)
Today's the third, and I have a snow day too, something I am extremely thankful of.
Yeah, my father says, "EDUCATION IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING." My father and brother have this thing between them because my brother desires a career in music, while my dad is like, "NO, EDUCATION!" So I'm supposing he'll be the same way with me. Though I plan to fall back on the sciences, having a love for marine life.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
I get a hug for not being silly? =-O
My one weakness is Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Sadly, I can probably recite and reenact the whole movie. :)
Thanks for the date!
And nice to meet you Cheez! And I love you weakness! Wait...I love the movie...not the fact that you have a weakness...O_o
And marine sciences rock. For half the day I actually go to a vocational school for aquaculture. It's for my science and it's focused on marine life. I love it. Though, I'm in chemistry and soon Chem. 2 now. I get to go out on the schools boat for some classes. Rock on.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
Haha, plan to take advantage of my weakness, eh Rogue?
I've been a lover of marine life ever since I had to do a report on seals in 1st grade.
ok i think im gonna join, just finished watching dazed and confused. preety funny movie
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
I still need to see Dazed and Confused. Maybe next weekend. :)
now im watching road trip
I could watch your weakness. :)
I used to watch the "Spin" videos. Anyone remember those? I loved them. I mean, a talking globe? How can that get any better!
Dazed and Confused is on my tivo. I can watch it now, but I have alot of ER episodes to watch, even though I've seen them already. Tehe
wow. if you don't sit at the computer nonstop, there's a lot to catch up on when you come back. this thread is so all over the place... lol.
i love my new avatar and not having school!
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
Wow, Anthony Marathon, opiv?
Rogue: I have my weakness on special edition DVD.
The spin videos?
Dazed and Confused is quite a funny movie. I saw it back in December for the first time (before Anthony came out to talk to us about independent films).
I have yet to see Road Trip, though. I'm going to probably rent movies on Saturday with a friend, I wonder if she'll notice if they all end up being Anthony movies!
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
RENTingFAME: Yeah, I've been here so long I think my butt's become permanently attatched to the seat.
yup ant movie marathon indeed
i want an anthony movie marathon!!!
going to see RENT again today... woo! 45 minutes from now.