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Welcome, Anthony Rapp!

opiv Profile Photo
#11075Ya think?
Posted: 1/6/06 at 9:35pm

ok it just wasnt working before

"I feel god in this chili's..."

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#11076Ya think?
Posted: 1/6/06 at 9:44pm

I googled the band (with his name) and it came up with some stuff, but none of it was a website for the band...

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

#11077Ya think?
Posted: 1/6/06 at 10:32pm

okay thanks anyway!

#11078Ya think?
Posted: 1/6/06 at 10:40pm

I'm going to talk to my manager tomorrow when I work to see what she says, but this is what I *do* know.

1. For any store anywhere to even consider having Anthony come for a booksigning, they have to be convinced beyond convinced that he'd bring in (attract, whatever) at LEAST 100 people to the event.

2. Having Anthony do a booksigning event is not just beneficial for us. He gets his book sold, the store gets the profits, and the publisher makes money. Plus he gets more publicity after all the people who got his book signed tell all their friends who weren't there, who then tell their friends, etc. etc. conclusion, he's crazy if he doesn't consider coming to Chicago! lol or any other big city for that matter. Plus, even people who have only barely heard of him would probably show up for a booksigning/buy his book. It always boosts sales.

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#11079Ya think?
Posted: 1/6/06 at 10:46pm

Thanks for the info, keep us posted!!! I'm starting to get excited about this really happening!

Do you know anything about divisions and imprints for publishers? I'm trying to figure out how to send a letter to the "Anthony" (really it will go to the publishers) to get him here for a signing.

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

#11080Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 12:30am

Aww man. Now I feel bad that he's comeing to Philly, but that is soon drowned out by excitement.

Do you think if I got there early he'd take a picture with me?

You must think I'm still sixteen. I dropped out of high school for a reason. And I don't care if you're pretty. I'm not admitting you are right. My soul is not a stage. I won't pretend I'm anything I'm not

#11081Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 12:53am

He probably would, as long as you just have it ready if there are a bunch of people there. Because if you're standing there for like 5 minutes trying to get it to work....that's a little obnoxious, to be honest. heh. Ya think?

#11082Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 3:08am

*makes not to read digital camera manual before leaving house*

I'm not going to invite any of my friends to come with me becuase I know they would just embaresses me by being like "omg She luuuuuuuuuuuves you soooo much and has pictures of you in her locker (which i do)" And i am not ashamed to say im going with my mommy. ok its 3 am. i just wrote fanfiction smut. im tired. and rambling...

You must think I'm still sixteen. I dropped out of high school for a reason. And I don't care if you're pretty. I'm not admitting you are right. My soul is not a stage. I won't pretend I'm anything I'm not

drumtilyoudrop Profile Photo
#11083Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 8:43am

I really want him to come to Minneapolis but so far he's not and I'm not sure what to do as far as convincing the Barnes and Noble at the Mall of America. Oh well...

I like the website!

"We can't go in the fire swamp! We'll never survive!" " Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."

Cheez Whiz
#11084Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 11:56am

IsolatingAge: You could always go with your friends and plaster duct tape over their mouths. Although it may not give the greatest impression....Ya think?

#11085Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 12:03pm

I agree with cheez whiz you could just put duct tape over there mouths or give them like shock collars so if they start to say something give them a little jolt, lol, I'm weird

Cheez Whiz
#11086Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 12:06pm

Haha, like that poor dog in Fun with Dick and Jane?
I've never seen the movie, just the commercial. Ya think?
Although if you did that, I think Anthony might just avoid you and call security.

#11087Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 12:34pm

cheez whiz--yeah true, no shock collars then, oh well

Macavity Profile Photo
#11088Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 12:58pm

I'm back from my vacation thing Ya think?
And now i still have to read 40 pages :-P

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm
Audrey Hepburn

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#11089Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 1:14pm

Good luck with that... the best idea is probably just to say "screw it" and keep up from here... unless you want to be a slave to the computer. Though that would be ok. Ya think?

We've been talking for several pages about Anthony book signings... he's going to NY, PA, Dallas, and San Francisco. Several of us are working on getting him to Chicago.

I don't really remember what came before that. But whatever. Welcome back!

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

#11090Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 1:22pm

I love my new pic, but can anyone tell me what Hedwig and the Angry Inch is all about because it looks very interesting

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#11091Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 1:32pm

im going to the book signing with one of my friends.. maybe more if anyone wants to come. She cant go into the city by herself, which is annoying cause it would be so much easier if she was allowed we have to find a parent to come with us.

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#11092Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 1:36pm

Ah, Hedwig. How do I explain how fabulous it is? Well first of all let me say you can google it and find out more than you ever wanted to know. Also, they made a movie version in 2001 that is AWESOME (John Cameron Mitchell plays Hedwig - he was the original/creator/director guy). See it.

I shall do my best to create a SHORT plot summary.

Hedwig was originally Hansel, from Communist East Berlin. He met an American GI named Luther and in order to move to America, got a botched sex change that left her with an "angry inch." In America, Luther leaves Hedwig for some (in the movie) strange guy who looks like a bird. Ya think?
Hedwig meets Tommy, a teenage boy who admires her music and they fall in love and collaborate. When Tommy finds out about Hedwig's angry inch, he runs away. Eventually he ends up stealing Hedwig's music for his own and becomes a big rock star. One night they meet, get drunk while driving, crash into a truck, and get into a big media scandal.
The movie is told while Hedwig is on tour, following Tommy around the country in the thick of her law suit against his plagurism. Don't forget Hedwig's backup singer/lover Yhitzak, who wants to be like Hedwig, and tries out for the part of Angel in Broadway's Polynesian tour of RENT (and gets the part, but is not allowed to go because of Hedwig).
Christened an atomically incorrect rock oddyssey, this show rocks! John Cameron Mitchell is awesome. Anthony played Hedwig in PA in 2003. He says along with Mark and Henry V, Hedwig is one of his favorite parts. (The first quote in my sig is in refrence to Hedwig.) If you've got more questions, you are welcome to ask me. I guess this wasn't the shortest summary, but this is a good show. I watched it because it was mentioned on a "You might be a renthead if..." list. Ya think?


Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

Cheez Whiz
#11093Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 2:41pm

Why thank you RENTingFAME, I feel like I need to see it now. you know if shows are still being put on...or no?

drumtilyoudrop Profile Photo
#11094Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 2:43pm

Ahh, Hedwig is great. I want to see the theater production though; I've only seen the movie. I think it's showing at the Ordway soon though, I do need to check on that...

"We can't go in the fire swamp! We'll never survive!" " Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#11095Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 3:00pm

Yes, you do need to see it! Ya think?

I've only seen the movie as well, actually. I missed the stage production in Chicago this summer. I have asked if further productions are being done and I believe the answer is yes. It's kind of hard to find out where, but I do my best and I'll let you know if anything shows up. Particularly I am of course hoping for something to come to Chicago, though the chances of that are slim since it was just here this summer.

I am glad I was apparently able to capture the essence of the show in so few words. If you think it sounds good, wait till you actually see it. It is truly amazing. Fun fact: John Cameron Mitchell was offered the role of Angel (I think he's too white and would be much better as Mark, but whatever...) and had to turn it down because he was doing Hedwig. (Hedwig was born at a club called Squeezebox in 1994 as a drag show and became an actual show several years later. I don't remember exactly rigt now.)

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

Cheez Whiz
#11096Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 3:16pm

RENTingFAME: Wow, that's ironic. Ya think?

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#11097Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 3:28pm

Isn't it though? Continuing the connection between JCM and Anthony: both were in Destiny of Me and Six Degrees of Separation.


Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

#11098Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 3:30pm

Its ironic to me that Rent is actually mentioned in the show.
*is wierded out*
and thank you for the duct tape idea...i just might do tempting.

You must think I'm still sixteen. I dropped out of high school for a reason. And I don't care if you're pretty. I'm not admitting you are right. My soul is not a stage. I won't pretend I'm anything I'm not

Cheez Whiz
#11099Ya think?
Posted: 1/7/06 at 3:33pm

Oh man, I smell some sort of conspiracy. Ya think?

Duct tape is tempting, but it'll hurt like hell when ripping it off. Maybe just gag them? Ya think?

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