Joined: 12/31/69
Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
Holy crap. Was he effing amazing?
When I found out Anthony was a Hedwig I like...died three deaths in a row. Thats just like "hey how about we take the greatest, cutest singer/actor that you love and take one of the most amazing shows out there....and PUT THEM TOGETHER."
And on the subject of Markscarves. I wanted one so bad for Hanukkah. All my friends got iPods, and all I wanted was a scarf. No one understood. But my mom claims they were out of stock when she went to order it.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
Well, my favorite part about Anthony as Hedwig is that he performed the part in Pittsburgh (where I'm from)... well, too bad that was a horrible summer (2003)and NO, I was not lucky enough to see Anthony perform Hedwig live.
I figured out that I could've seen in him live in Pittsburgh and about freaked out... ah, well. Maybe he'll come back and perform in Pittsburgh in the future. *hopes*
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
feel like watching rent? and cant go to the theatre ok this is my friends myspace I think its wrong that she has this but I hope she dosnt get caught
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
Okay let's see if I can remember all the things I wanted to say.
1. I am glad I can bring the glory of Hedwig into new lives.
2. Cheez, the av you posted ROX MY SOX. OMG I love it I wish I had something I could use it on...
3. I would die die die to see Anthony do Hedwig. He should do it again. In Chicago. Though if he couldn't... I would get to wherever he was. *die*
4.Logainne, I 100% agree with you: "hey how about we take the greatest, cutest singer/actor that you love and take one of the most amazing shows out there....and PUT THEM TOGETHER."
5. Thank you all for making me feel better about not getting into Cats.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Wow. That's so illegal! Ilove you guys. Gertrudejessalynn, what's yours of? It won't load for me?
Anyway, I babysit for this kid (this is not a threadjack. There's a point) and his dad's this film critic, so he has all these dvd's of movies that are not out on dvd yet- even ones that are still in theaters. Not bootlegs- the real deal. And there's a Rent fingers are itching, but obviously I can't look at it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
God, I'm so pathetic. I'm just sitting here, my eyes glued to the screen, watching it sparodically. I say sparodically because it stops every other 8 seconds to buffer. So I'm watching Seasons of Love (it still hasn't gotten past that song, by the way), and I really could just tune out until it gets past this, at least, because the Seasons of Love clip, at least, is all over the place. But I'm just that desperate for Rent before February.
P.S. Whoot! Anthony's on. "From here on, I shoot without a script..." I somehow never noticed just how self-depricating he sounded. Hmmm. I knew I had something constructive to say when I started this postscript, but I got distracted by the opening chords of Rent. Oh, well.