Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
The publishing company wrote me back already:
"Dear LinZ,
There are no author appearances scheduled for Chicago as of yet. If you'd like to request one, you may write to Mr. Rapp in the care of Simon and Schuster:
Write to:
(Author's Name)
c/o (Imprint or Division*) Publicity Department
Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
The imprint may be found on the spine or copyright page
For more information about imprints and divisions go to:"
So now I must write my letter!
Oy, I hope he comes to DC. Seems reasonable for him to come here.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I hope everyone has luck with the booksigning locations! This whole thing is making me very excited and childish! Not to mention that I just ordered David Searching from the nearby store (they didn't have it in stock but said they'd order it and it'd be there before the end of the month).
And you should definitely see Avenue Q. It's a great show, and I'm pretty sure it's closing soon.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/6/05
Big pimpin'...
Enjoy and sign the guestbook!
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
Hmm, you guys have chatted a bit since I last checked...and I'm too lazy to go back and read what you read, so along the way people can fill me on tidbits I don't get.
And hey, do you know if there are any biographies on Jonathan Larson?
catharsis: I completely agree. Boston is pretty big so I'd expect him to come up here.
Updated On: 1/6/06 at 03:40 PM
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
A few pages ago someone asked about out-of-state fees... I spoke to the agent @ greater talent and apparently it's $7500 to book Anthony Rapp out of state plus additional travel costs (and lodging, etc). I wonder what the fee will be for book signings that are out of New York... I know actors get paid + travel fees, so I feel like Barnes & Nobles stores that are not located near areas with tons and tons of Rentheads won't be so apt to having him come for a booksigning. Though Chicago would strike me as a place that such an event would go over well.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/6/05
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
I guess there must have been a typo or something when I posted it, cause when I clicked on it directly from my email it worked... Hope this one does.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
yeah I have no clue what division or imprint to use. Does anyone know anything about this??? renthead414 any ideas??? we're counting on you to be our book buff.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/6/05