Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
This is the only Little Shop of Horrors pic with Anthony I could find. If anyone does have any other pics, and, dare I say, clips, *please* post them!
whyhelloheart, I sincerely doubt that's true. Not a tour with the OBC (just the 10th anniversary, that I know of) and I'm pretty sure everyone would have heard if it was closing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Nope. I'm not exactly in touch with the news, but there would be about 50 threads started about the topic if Rent was going off Broadway.
Plue, it doesn't logically make sense. It's been doing even better since the movie came out.
hahahah thank goodness
now i can like shove it in this girls face that she was wrong
even though i was calmly telling her that she wasn't correct she kept shutting me down saying "NO NO NO IT'S GOING OFF BROADWAY! AND I'M GETTING TICKETS" blah blah blah
bite me
Haha I picture so many girls from my school when people type like that. Some are making fun of others and some are actually serious with their caps and insane misspellings and "abbreviations" that are actually longer than the original word but have a "z" so are therefore cooler. Yea, laugh at her tomorrow, and yay for you not responding to her in kind with "OOOOMMMIIIGOOODDD NO ITZ NOT!!!1111!!" It's hard to type like that...
Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
Psssshaw, some people just don't know what they're talking about - you should just be like, "Well, who's the Renthead now, bitcccccccch?"
Ahhh, I love typing in fangirl. It's all over my AIM profile in relation to Phantom - it's like, "YOU'RE GOING DOWN, CATS. *omgwtfbbq catzfanz r slutfacewhorebags lolz!!111!!!eleventyone!!*"
Updated On: 1/9/06 at 10:35 PM
No no, you would have to say "biotch" in that case, elphatine. Works better, don't you think? So hell week begins for the show I'm working on. Rehearsals every night for like 3 hours. Last night we added lights and music, though, which was great because the soundtrack rocks so the minute the actors got off stage we would just start rockin out. Hehe.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Wow, that icon rocks my socks. Elphatine, somehow that movie comes up in a conversation almost every day with me. *wants to go watch it for the 100000th time*
Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
Ferris Buelleur is the freaking stuff of life.
Matthew, WHAT HAPPENED? He did not age well, IMO...
I will watch 6DOS on Thursday. I'm seeing Phantom tomorrow night for the second time... hope they mention the festivities or at least say something... well, anyway, tomorrow is going to be tres busy for me, so I'll talk to you guys in a couple days. *waves*
Yes, every time I look at him I think how adorable he used to be. I agree that time has not done good things for that man's looks. I probably won't be on for a few days, either. Adios!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
That third on in the first post is not Charlie Brown, it's from a production of one of Adam Rapp's (his brother) plays that Anthony did. It was a one man show, now only if I could remember the title. Hmm...
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
I'll take your word on it opiv, I'm not gonna go looking tonight. Heh, Roger Bart as Snoopy always makes me giggle. I *love* the cast of YAGMCB! (Yes, the whole cast... even if the one woman is really annoying in it)
And re: that third picture... Um, that play in basically ANTI-Charlie Brown in its themes. Woah.
Stand-by Joined: 5/20/05
Thanks for clarifying... I'm really hyper even though I woke up way to early this morning and have philosophy homework to do. I have to do logic problems... I'm just going to assume not understanding a damn thing the professor said last week is a very bad thing. (Well, it could be a good thing... we shall see.)