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#11375Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:49pm

I like that idea, all black with that opening shot from SOL.

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#11376Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:49pm

i dont like how they singled them out. I understand why, but I don't like the DVD cover. I think its too colorful and rainbowy.. I don't think its fitting for RENT, I don't like the colors. And I also don't like how they put the characters together because Mark and Roger dont have the same type of relationship and Tracie and Idina-- haha i mean joanne and maureen, roger and mimi, and collins and angel. So it's kinda weird..I think they could have done a lot better. I thought it should have just been RENT like on the bible, or the poster, or 8 different covers would have been cool like the soundtrack.. i like the idea of the pic from seasons of love. I think they could have picked a powerful scene like that.. I don't like how it almost makes the film look like a happy comedy.

#11377Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:49pm

Though I'm almost ashamed now, thanks to all of the bashing in another thread, I actually like it. While I would have liked to see something like the RENT bible, the colors are somehow familiar, and I guess it's almost comforting, in a way. I just keep looking at it.

By the way, (because I'm horribly lazy) is the SVU episode with Anthony new, or is it the one that was on a few months ago. "Bound," perhaps?

"'But do you really mean, sir,' said Peter, 'that there could be other worlds --all over the place, just round the corner-- like that?'

'Nothing is more probable,' said the Professor..."

-The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#11378Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:51pm

its not new, its the same one

#11379Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:53pm

Aw, darn. Thank you though. I might try to catch it anyway.

"'But do you really mean, sir,' said Peter, 'that there could be other worlds --all over the place, just round the corner-- like that?'

'Nothing is more probable,' said the Professor..."

-The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#11380Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:53pm

Something like this: It'd be better quality, where you could see their faces and the lights. It's all black because I had it the same color. No day but today would be the correct font. I couldn't find a shot of the straight line. I think there's too much space on the left. And, it's not proportioned right to the size of a DVD case, but you get the idea.

Ya think?

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

#11381Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:54pm

It does look like a comedy kind of but if you look at it no ones smiling so it doesn't look all that happy but the colors do seem a bit to happy

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#11382Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:56pm

thats so perfect rogue...

#11383Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:58pm

oh my goodness rogue so much better

guitargeek0624 Profile Photo
#11384Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 6:01pm

Okay, about the artwork:

It looks way too fake to me. I like Rogue's idea, or even just the movie poster. And I don't think anyone should be on the spine in particular, because it's an ensemble thing, but I can understand that they wanted the more well-known actor and actress to be seen.

"A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." - Thomas Jefferson

#11385Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 6:07pm

My opinion: I like Rogue's idea, especially, although in a straight line, so it's equal (okay, I'll admit- I just want a better view of Anthony Rapp). Also, I don't like how everybody's all sectioned off. Even if Benny and Mark were a couple (god forbid), I don't like it when they pair everybody off on dvd covers/posters, etc. It's just annoying. Also, the chosen pictures of the cast aren't the best.

And yeah, nobody should be on the side.

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne

drumtilyoudrop Profile Photo
#11386Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 6:09pm

rogue: I totally had that Wishbone stuffed animal. It came with outfits that you could dress it in, and it had bendy paws and... oh man it rocked. I also LOVE your DVD cover.

Guitargeek: I totally agree. The colors just don't fit the movie. That said, they are nice colors. I just don't think they work. And it annoys me that they have Benny and Mimi on the spine. Benny is the yuppie scum! He shouldn't be on the spine!

"We can't go in the fire swamp! We'll never survive!" " Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."

Measureofawoman Profile Photo
#11387Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 6:10pm

::takes deep breathe::

So, I just read about 80 pages. God, I am a loser. I like Rouge's version of the DVD cover better. The DVD is coming out on Feb 21st correct?? I GOT A MARK SCARF!! I start school back tomorrow. Pretty sure that the myspace with RENT playing on it and the 'everything Anthony Rapp' site (or whatever it's called) are the coolest things I have seen yet. I think that's it for now. Did I miss anything big? I'm gonna try and keep up now. lol. Much love!!

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
#11388Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 6:28pm

omg measure of a woman how long did it take for your mark scarf?

I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

#11389Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 6:35pm

the cover really doesn't matter to me

i just care about what's inside

and now if i go to the store to buy it i won;t have to search far, those colors just scream BUY ME BUY ME

#11390Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 6:37pm

...and also, i have a question about the Rent book, or the ever so popular "Bible"

is it something you can buy at borders or barnes & nobles, or do you have to order it online

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#11391Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 6:37pm

the cover really doesn't matter to me

i just care about what's inside

It's what's on the inside that counts. Ya think?

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

Measureofawoman Profile Photo
#11392Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 6:40pm

WanderingChild, it took about 3 1/2 weeks for the scarf. I found it a long time ago.

drumtilyoudrop Profile Photo
#11393Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 6:56pm

You can buy it Borders. Not sure about Barnes and Noble though. Probably, since it's a larger chain than Borders.

I'm still working on a mark scarf of my very own. I'm half done. woot!

"We can't go in the fire swamp! We'll never survive!" " Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."

drumtilyoudrop Profile Photo
#11394Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 6:58pm

Hey, does anyone know where I can find drums tabs for the songs in Rent? I've found piano, guitar, and vocal selections... It seems drum tabs are less popular...

"We can't go in the fire swamp! We'll never survive!" " Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."

tacos are great
#11395Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 7:00pm

I think the cover was the perfect choice. They want to sell DVDs and that cover will definitely make people stop and look twice. A plain black cover would just get lost in the sea of monotonous DVD covers. This will stand out.

Literal tacos! Sheesh. Y'all are nasty....

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#11396Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 7:08pm

I can definetly see their thoughts while designing it.

Bright. Bold. BAM!

For the general people, it's a good cover to be able to see and take an interest in. They'd walk by, see it, and ask: "What's that?"

The black cover is when fans like me get their say. While it's not the best way to market it, it's just how some of us would have liked it. I mean, we could just print out our own and that would sufice. I would rather have the colored cover to sent Rent out in the world better. I agree that the black cover is not as exciting. The only real thing that pops out is "RENT". But, we can still have our ideas. It'd be a nice alternate for fan to have to put on as the cover if they wanted.

Edit: Just to remind everyone who isn't watching, it's Anthony's Law and Order: SVU episode on USA now. He hasn't been on yet.

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.
Updated On: 1/9/06 at 07:08 PM

#11397Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 7:18pm

Hey you guys I hate to ask you this but I need some help here...okay all I need you to do is PM me some of your fav. band names and possibly how I can contact them..also if they have done benefit concerts or you know they like to do benefit concerts add that in also thanks sooo much you guys are the best

and to make this not so threadjackish....I LOVE ANTHONY RAPP!!!!

okay I'm done!

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#11398Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 7:32pm

hey i just turned to channel 51 (E!) and saw the cast of RENT. apparently it was on E! news for some sort of award show (i dont know the names of them haha), but its going to repeat tomorrow, I caught the end so i dont know how much they talked .. it repeats at 11am tomorrow incase anyone wants to watch.

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#11399Ya think?
Posted: 1/9/06 at 7:33pm

the critic's choice awards?

so who exactly was on and what was said?

I recognize the addiction to being alive.
Updated On: 1/9/06 at 07:33 PM

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