Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Yeah- here's my impressions over the year of his voice:
1. (first listening to OBC soundtrack). "Hmm. Well, inteeeeresting.'s good, but, i dunno....different. Not sure if it fits in with the rest of the cast."
2. (listening to the OBC soundtrack later). "Oooh, I love it there. And there, too. In fact, I love it a lot. Will I be forced to become open-minded? 0_o"
3. (listening to soundtrack after seeing the play) "Haha, Matt Caplin's a poooooser! Copying Anthony's voice mannerisms. And not well, either"
4. (listening to movie soundtrack). "He's improved a lot. Some points I think his voice is not as...melodic as in the OBC, but that's probably direction, not 'losing talent' as it were. Beeeeautiful. I want him as mine."
4. (seeing the movie). "Wow. He's...really really good. With the expressions and..the hands, as well as his voice. Hmmm. I shall come them Spaz!Hands and they shall be mine. And they shall be my Spaz!Hands....."
5. (listening to him sing other than in Rent). "If only we could harness his voice for evil...."
And the rest, as they say, is history. His voice is an acquired taste
And, yes, that's actually how my thought process works. Be afraid- be very afraid
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Btw, Rogue, my description of how Spaz!Hands was born was just for you
And, totally not Anthony-related, but I derived great amusement from Johnny Depp's description on how he arrived at the voice for Willy Wonka ("I was playing Barbies with my daughter one day...."). And the revised "Don't'cha" or whatever it's called from the Pussy Cat Dolls.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
Hi my name is Rebecca and I am lazy.
If anyone can send me the Rent movie *cough-bootleg-cough*
I know I saw it here a little while ago, but I can't find it.
I will love you forever.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Hi, my name is Leondra and I'm technologically challenged.
I don't know how to send things through PM's. If you PM me your email I could send it to you, though. I must say, if you have dial-up it's a b***h to watch.
And by the way, I love your screen name. It took me a while to get when I first saw it though. I was like "hmmm, where'd she come up with that?" and then I listened to What You Own...doh!
Featured Actor Joined: 1/14/06
Featured Actor Joined: 12/31/69
Oh My...Dramatic, you are really would fit in perfectly at my school...(just read about Spaz!Hands and Anthony's voice) I love the part where you said----------
4. (seeing the movie). "Wow. He's...really really good. With the expressions and..the hands, as well as his voice. Hmmm. I shall come them Spaz!Hands and they shall be mine. And they shall be my Spaz!Hands....."
I couldn't stop laughing...because finding nemo is one of my fav. movies *hint* (I shall call you squishy...) I love that part!! thanks for the laugh!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Yes, glad you caught the reference I think I actually thought that while seeing the movie, around La Vie Boheme. I have a soft spot for Finding Nemo.
I'm in the mood to discuss parallels between the OBC recording and the soundtrack. Anyone wanna join?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I swear, I will stop the posting madness soon. But why do I not remember this as a scene from the play? I mean, I didn't see it with the OBC cast but why don't I remember this prop?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Hehe, I'm in the same boat, Rogue. *really needs to see the movie*
Anyway, I'm off to bed. I just couldn't resist thinking about the 5th anniversary concert of RENT- anyone see it? Anyone *have* it? *nudge-nudge-wink-wink*
Featured Actor Joined: 1/14/06