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Welcome, Anthony Rapp!

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#11900Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 12:07pm

Haha, let's do it. I mean, I'm sure Brokeback Mountain is good and I want to see it, but Rent deserves something!

How about this category, best character names in a movie/musical goes to...Rent!

No day but today.

#11901Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 12:11pm

Yay! Okay... we can call them the... uh... "RENTISAMAZING" awards... *shrugs* Or not.
It's sad when people go along with my ideas. But it was a good

I haven't gotten to see Brokeback Mountain *yet*, I figure I'll end up renting it.

Backbeat the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#11902Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 12:21pm

I think it's a great idea...we could call it..."Rentastic"!? lol...

No day but today.

#11903Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 2:43pm

Ooh, I like.
We are so fantabulous. I can not believe I just used the word fantabulous.

Backbeat the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out

#11904Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 3:30pm

speaking of Brokeback Mountain, I can't wait to see it. It FINALLY opens this Friday and I'm seeing on Sunday. I live in the Bible Belt and I can't believe they're actually playing it here! (Don't get me wrong, I'm a Christian and am proud to live here... but it does suck that the area tries to 'shelter' you)

I saw Rosario and Jesse on the Globes... notice no mention of Rent during the introductions.

... and back on topic, LOVING the pictures of Anthony!

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#11905Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 3:32pm

Haha, I'm always looking for ways to use fantabulous, and know, trying to improve my vocabulary.

I also noticed there was no mention of Rent during the's a shame.

No day but today.

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#11906Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 3:41pm

Rent was mentioned in both interviews in the arrivals.

Though, I'm not sure how many people watch those besides me. Ya think?

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#11907Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 3:46pm

Well, I didn't watch the arrivals...but I usually do.

No day but today.

guitargeek0624 Profile Photo
#11908Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 4:56pm

I'm a geek, so I was busy flipping between E!, TV Guide (ew, Joan and Melissa Rivers), and NBC. I *did* catch a cute interview with Rosario on NBC, but they only mentioned that she was in Rent and then went straight to talking about her next movie. *shrug*

"A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." - Thomas Jefferson

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#11909Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 5:00pm

A mention is better than nothing! They just mentioned it with Jesse too. Melissa was talking with his costar and date for the night, S. Epatha Merkerson (who won a Golden Globe for her staring role in a movie Ya think?). It wasn't bad of course. She's terrific. Ya think?

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#11910Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 5:04pm

A mention is always better than nothing. And did anyone notice today is three weeks until Anthony's book comes out? That's fantabulous.

No day but today.

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#11911Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 5:55pm

A mention is always better than nothing. And did anyone notice today is three weeks until Anthony's book comes out? That's fantabulous.

And tomorrow it's 20 days! Hurray for math!

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

#11912Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 5:59pm

Oh god, I say hurray for Anthony, not hurray for math *blech*

Heh. I'm not bitter; I just had my algebra midterm today. As well as the listening section of Spanish, which was *supossed* to be on Friday.

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne

guitargeek0624 Profile Photo
#11913Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 6:03pm

I'm completely flipping out about midterms, which start next Tuesday for me. I have the oral part of my French exam tomorrow, and in addition to preparing for that, I have to study for a math quiz (which covers topics that aren't even going to be on the midterm!) and a gigantimo bio test. Garrrrr!!

"A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." - Thomas Jefferson

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#11914Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 6:11pm

Oh wow I feel old...I just had my second day of college classes for this semester today.

Anyway, hooray for Anthony!

No day but today.

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#11915Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 6:37pm

Hooray for Anthony!

I got Look Around today! I love it!!! Happiness.

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#11916Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 6:46pm

I'm soo jealous! I ordered my Look Around when I ordered his book, so they're not coming until February. Ya think?

No day but today.

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
#11917Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 6:59pm

I got his cd on itunes same with adams hmm 20 more days to daydream in class about anthonys book lol

I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

drumtilyoudrop Profile Photo
#11918Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 7:10pm

Ooh I love Look Around! Just Some Guy is the most effing romantic song I have ever heard... Yay! Only 20 days. This is an improvement, because I thought it was coming out on the thirteenth... joy! 8 days sooner! after reading the excerpt I CANNOT wait to read it.

"We can't go in the fire swamp! We'll never survive!" " Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#11919Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 7:10pm

I had Spanish 4 and A.P. English today. Both went very well. Tomorrow is A.P. U.S. History. Oh joy, oh rapture. Can't you feel my excitement?

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#11920Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 7:15pm

I can't wait for the CD...Just Some Guy is *amazing*, and the book too...February is going to be soo excellent!

No day but today.

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#11921Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 7:31pm

Excellent. Very excellent. Ya think?

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

#11922Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 7:32pm

Heh. I have nothing tomorrow; Spanish multiple choice and Biology *and* gym (don't ask) on Thursday, and Music, Global, and English Friday. Monday is just Technology; I can go home after that; and then four days of bliss while the juniors have Regents.

Do you see what the mid-terms have done to me? I have almost no desire to discuss Anthony Rapp, although I am listening to "Tune Up # 1" compulsively, and I keep thinking my username is spelled wrong. Also, I have the sudden inexplicable urge to throw my guitar across the room, even though a) I love guitars, and b) I don't own a guitar.

Don't mind me; I'm just really really tired. Ya think?

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne
Updated On: 1/17/06 at 07:32 PM

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#11923Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 7:51pm

Heh. I have nothing tomorrow; Spanish multiple choice and Biology *and* gym (don't ask) on Thursday, and Music, Global, and English Friday. Monday is just Technology; I can go home after that; and then four days of bliss while the juniors have Regents.

I had 109 multiple choice plus a bunch of fill in's, questions and two essays for Spanish.

I only have 5 classes. I had my chemistry final--yes, final. (It's a half year course. I still have 5 more days of classes, even though I took the final. My school was the only one to have a different midterm week...with only my school, there will be 5 people in the class...Oh, and 2nd half I have Chem. II.) on...the 12th and 13th. Today was Spanish IV and A.P. English. Tomorrow morning A.P. U.S. History and Thursday, late morning (10:05) I have PreCalculus.

Not that anyone cares, I just had the need to tell others. Ya think?

Hmm, study, read excerpt again, get green chai tea or vanilla chai, or get food. Or soda. What shall I do...Ya think?

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#11924Ya think?
Posted: 1/17/06 at 7:55pm

Vanilla chai is soo good! lol

No day but today.

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